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Poll: What exactly are the Sith?

So, what exactly are the Sith  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. So, what exactly are the Sith

    • A race of Jedi-ish people from inside/outside the galaxy w/ strange teachings?
    • A split faction of Jedi who made the stuff up?
    • A race of monks, like the Jedi, who just discovered things differently and used the dark side?

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Ok, I've been wondering about how this whole poll thing works, and I've been wondering about what people think the Sith are, so I figured I'll just combine them and see what I come up with. Don't get mad at me if I don't do well, this is just my first poll.

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None of the above.

The Sith were originally a race of shamistic people on a planet, who didn't know WHAT the Force was, but they could use it to nifty stuff. Stuff Jedi normally wouldn't be able to do.


Now, before any of the Star Wars movies, a buncha Jedi came togeather under the idea that the Dark Side should be embraced, and used to do questionable stuff. They were explled form the Jedi Order, and exiled. Now, these Dark Jedi (Jedi who know nothing of the Sith teachings, but use the Dark Side) stumbled upon this race of Sith, and they traded information. Then the Dark Jedi, who now got what they needed, the super cool Sith Power Enhancing magics and stuff, enslaved these people, and started running amok in the galaxy, converting a CRAP LOAD OF JEDI. So begins the Great Sith War.

Problem. All Dark Jedi are naturally power hungery monsters, so, the Sith order ate itself away, except for one. Darth Bane. He realized thier folly, and survived teh final Sith defeat. he went to hiding, and made the rule only two. A master, and an apprentice. no more, no less. and this went for thousands of years. Now we get to Eps. I.

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Cmdr cracken has the right idea, but Jedi are the "good Jedi" we know, dark Jedi are Jedi who have gone bad.


It is better to use Force users.


Back several thousand years before the Rebbelion before there was a Republic, and back when Hyperspace travel was a dangerous thing to do. There were the Sith


The Sith were a race far out in the unknown regions of the time. Their leaders were aliens who used thier Force powers to gain power, subjigate the Sith, and dominate. After many years of this the Leaders started breeding with the Sith. and after a while, it was realized only one could lead. The Dark lords were exterminated by thier own kind, unitl only one remained victorious. he then called him self "Dark Lord of the SIth" and started training an apprentice in the dark arts of the foce to replace him after he died. thus the line coudl remain.


Read the graphic novel "GOlden age of the sith" which explain a lot.


Sith: Alien race who were first subjicated and then became a pweor in thier own right using the dark side of the force.


Jedi: a "Good" force user which are portectors of the Republic


Dark Jedi: as above, but a vigilante who has fallen to the dark side


Sith are NOT jedi and the only thing in common that sith have with Jedi is they use the force

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Wow, a GFFA question that I didn't have to answer. You guys are learning. ;)


That's the origin of the Sith, but the Sith that we see in the movies are something different.


(note, for clarity: sith = species, Sith = Force-using Order)


Y'see, initially the Dark Jedi enslaved the sith, but their wars eventually wiped out the slave race in (arguably) unintentional genocide. That's why the modern Sith aren't actually aliens (well, some of them are, of course, but not an entire species-worth).


Then the (predominantly human) Sith proceeded to wipe themselves out, suffering their final battle at Ruusan (i.e., the Valley of the Jedi planet, as seen in Dark Horse Comics' very unsettling Jedi vs. Sith series).


Darth Bane was the only survivor, and he started the whole "only two" rule.

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