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Comments on SaberThrow, Suggestions, Counters


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Some people find SaberThrow lame. I don't really think the move in itself is lame, just the way some people use it.


In duels, some just wait you out and every time you move/attack, they walk/roll backwards and throw. :mad: This makes red stance almost completely useless, since any red stance swing renders you helpless against saber throw long enough to inflict damage upon you. In this situation the most succesful counter against saber throw "standing still" doesn't apply. So you can only dodge, which is rather difficult when going into a red stance swing and trying to get to your opponent. (Ok, I am whining. Sue me. Or...no, wait... anyone has a good counter against the above mentioned "tactic"? :cool: )


Apart from that I don't really see the neccessity of such a move. The way it is implemented in the game, it doesn't feel starwars-ish anymore. The only situation in the movies where I can recall a saber throw is Darth Vader in ROTJ when fighting Luke. Other than that, Jedi VERY RARELY give the lightsaber away. Remember Obi Wan in EpII criticizing Anakin for not taking care about his saber. "This weapon is your life!" It doesn't make sense to throw it all over the place.


What I also absolutely can't understand is:


- why is it not more likely to lose the saber on throw? When it hits or is blocked, why can't it fall down? :confused:


- why, oh why can't you push a thrown saber like any other projectile. Heh, you CAN push a rocket, but not a thrown saber?! :confused:




- If a thrown saber is auto-blocked, make it at some likeliness fall to the floor so that it has to be retrieved by pressing primary attack.


- Instead of facing the saber standing still, make it so you can swing at the thrown saber. With the right timing (and at the risk of getting hit by it when in the middle of a swing just like it is now) you can hit it and make it a 100% chance of falling to the floor or even bat it farther away, making it more difficult to retrieve it. Heh, imagine lightsaber baseball :)


- Make a thrown saber affectable by pull/push so you can either push it back or stop it cold and make it fall to the floor or maybe jump and push it through under you.


- It should be possible to completely lose your saber. When it falls into an abyss, it's gone. Period. You'll get a new one when you respawn or when you take a saber from a killed opponent (like when you are left saber-less and then kick your opponent to death, you can take his saber.)


Additional suggestions (nice, but unlikely to be realized):


- Make it so you can collect the saber of your opponent and fight with two sabers like Anakin did in EpII against Count Dooku :D


- In team games like CTF or Team FFA, your team mates can collect your lost saber and give it back to you.


I'd like to hear your comments...

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saber throw is dangerous. whenever I'm sniping I see people running around with their sabers out then throwing them into groups of people. I shoot them when they saber throw. they never know what hit'em.
Heheh... Sounds good. It's still annoying in Saber only games...

sabers can't be dropped due to some odd code decisions in the MP game.


it's technically possible but someone's gonna have to do some major coding effort.

Ah well... :( I am no programmer so I can't comment on this. They got it wrong in the first place, then... :D But doesn't i happen in Single Player all the time? Hmmm, probably still a coding issue.


Still like to hear comments.... :)

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Not bad idea's but that sucks about the programming issue. How about if saber throw was blockable during a swing unless your doing the headless chicken dance or from behind or if your not facing the direction that the saber comes from. Maybe this is possible?

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Why may you ask the saber cannot be dropped, its not flying in the air because it has its own means of self propellment, the user/jedi is throwing the saber using the force, thierfore he keeps it up and when "he sees it may fall"(when it collides/hits) he brings it back.

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IM thinking of putting this is a bug report, but ive lost my saber permenanlty in MP. I think I threw it off the map on FFA_Bespin, but it was in teh middle of a duel so i wasnt watching it too closely. I threw it near the wall in the middle section, and the single player throbing hand came up. It never came back.

It was, btw a pure server.

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Originally posted by ATStriker

IM thinking of putting this is a bug report, but ive lost my saber permenanlty in MP. I think I threw it off the map on FFA_Bespin, but it was in teh middle of a duel so i wasnt watching it too closely. I threw it near the wall in the middle section, and the single player throbing hand came up. It never came back.

It was, btw a pure server.


i've had this happen to me also on ffa_yavin and it used up all my force power too...but never came back to me, so i typed kill in the console and died...then i came back to life:eek: and it came back to me:)

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My saber got stuck in a bush on ffa_jungle: just stood there held by a branch. Someone walked through it but took no damage. Every time I loose my saber I go around trying to kick people to death until someone finally puts me out of my misery.

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