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RGB sabers beta !


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I also noticed that the bots double sabers dont work when the map switches after a vote or a reached limit. :confused:


As you did such a fine job with this mod i was wondering if you could answer a question of mine. At the moment it is not possible to have different saber models running in the same game however would it be possible to create an in game menu (simmilar to the one for your mod) which would allow you to select your model out of ones you have in a "saber model" folder, then have your selected model pk3 file moved into the "base" folder? Next time you select a different model the mod will remove your previous saber pk3 file from the base folder, put it back in the "saber model" folder and replace it with your new choice.


I think this would be a great mod and it seems like quite a simple idea but i dont have a clue about how to go about making it. I dont spose you could tell me how or better still make it yourself and incorporate it into your next version of your mod. :)

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I'm positive about the map change:


just tried ffa on bespinstreets (doublesabersok) and then voted to change the map to the death star and after the change desann had decided not no utilise the full power of his dual lightsaber :)


About the mod idea I was thinking more of a file moving system for people who play offline against bots or maybe those who play on a LAN with people who have access to the same files rather than a mod to send the models to a server. Is this possible? :)

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someone else has started making a hilt mod to let you choose your hilt, but it will be allot slower cause there isn't already a selection, saber colors were easier, cause there was the ability to cange them already. just have some patience

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Originally posted by delquar

someone else has started making a hilt mod to let you choose your hilt, but it will be allot slower cause there isn't already a selection, saber colors were easier, cause there was the ability to cange them already. just have some patience


you musn't know really well the code (nor programmation) to say that !


(no offense)


the selection of the saber or the hilt is done in the user interface and the menu are very easy to create you can really easily create a hilt selector ! (the menus are done with scripting open a .menu file for example...not with the code)


the problem is not here at all !


the problem is deeper in the code , being able to select wich saber is being drawn for each clients!


you must comunicate the hilt model between the server and the client .

you must check if the client has the model and if not change it to the default one .....


etc there are many things to change !


btw can you give me the mail adress or the nick name of that guy trying to make a hilt mod ! thx

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Originally posted by Tchouky

the selection of the saber or the hilt is done in the user interface and the menu are very easy to create you can really easily create a hilt selector ! (the menus are done with scripting open a .menu file for example...not with the code)


So how would i go about making one of these menus?


I only want to make an offline model selecter to avoid the "server/client communication problems"


So how would i make a in game menu which can move files between the base folder and another folder?


are there any programs or anything which can help make menus?


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I was on my server with the mod on and i was fighting some bots and when i tryed to spin when i did backslash i couldnt !!! now before i thought this was only in some saber mods because the creator thought that the move was cheap so he stoped it but now i realize its not some mods its all of em !!! now if its just me and no one else plz stop me from going on.....but if it isnt then plz make the mod without this "problem", other than that i LOVE your mod. I think its the best saber mod out there :D

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new version here


Nothing really new :


bug correction : bots have their double saber after a map change or in duel after the first round ....


addition : New extendable blade like corran horn's or gantorris' ones.


new cvar : g_enableextended 1 or 0 .


if you want an extended blade then bind a key to tck_dualphase like this :


bind h tck_dualphase


by default it s bound to k.


dezip it in the gamedata folder as usual.


i ll update the source code tomorrow ....


have fun!


btw if you have the new maul model you might want to download this and extract it in your tck directory.

Darth Maul Bot with Double Bladed Saber

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the guy who is working on it mentioned it earlier in this, page 1, i forget the name right now. and it is a bit more complicated than the saber blades cause the game was setup already to handle different ones of them, the hilts were in the code as all the same file. i just wored it wrong, what i ment is it would be a bit harder for the guy

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Tchouky, you are a genious.

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, look at this:


The expandable blade is superb. I wrote a script that changes the white blade to purple when the second phase is activated. Like Corran's saber.

But I need the source code, so I can add my white saber or add your work to my small mod. Hope you still make this open source.

Thanx for this amazing mod. :)

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Originally posted by Tchouky

new version here


Nothing really new :


bug correction : bots have their double saber after a map change or in duel after the first round ....


addition : New extendable blade like corran horn's or gantorris' ones.


new cvar : g_enableextended 1 or 0 .


if you want an extended blade then bind a key to tck_dualphase like this :


bind h tck_dualphase


by default it s bound to k.


dezip it in the gamedata folder as usual.


i ll update the source code tomorrow ....


have fun!


btw if you have the new maul model you might want to download this and extract it in your tck directory.

Darth Maul Bot with Double Bladed Saber


hey you passing this code on to FAN MOD?

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that s done . you only need to redownload the game.zip and the cgame.zip

cause the ui didn't change.

i ll add the extended button in the menu next time for all of you who can't bind a key :)


i ll check for the jedi vers mercs bug.

and i l create a small file with the console commands and cvar.

here it is :


tck_saberred x

tck_sabergreen x

tck_saberblue x


rgb values of you saber. (you can use the menu).


tck_dualphase is a command to toggle your extended blade.

so you must bind it to a key.

like this

bind g tck_dualphase


tck_saber 1 or 0 controls if you want or no to display the custom sabers.


and server variables


g_enableextended 1 or 0 => enables extended sabers.

g_enabledoublesaber 1 or 0 => enables the double bladed sabers to clients.

g_botdoublesaber 1 or 0 => double saber for the bots.






if you do it will just change the color in the menu and will not be updated until you gi inside the menu.


tck_extended is used by the game and automatically set by the tck_dualphase command.

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wel you can edit the bots.txt or the


can't you ??

you can add tck_doublesaber 1 or tck_extended 1 in the bot definition.


what you want is a cvar like bot_spawns_with_db_saber 1 or 0 ?

so the next bot will automaticaly have a double bladed saber ?


well that's really easy to do....

i ll probably do it tomorow.

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Originally posted by Tchouky

wel you can edit the bots.txt or the


can't you ??

you can add tck_doublesaber 1 or tck_extended 1 in the bot definition.


what you want is a cvar like bot_spawns_with_db_saber 1 or 0 ?

so the next bot will automaticaly have a double bladed saber ?


well that's really easy to do....

i ll probably do it tomorow.


didnt know those were commands. but ya like that

but unless you on working for on the fly options, that would be cool too

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I ve created cvar, and communication between server and clients to add a second color.

So now you can have a double bladed saber with diferent color blades :D


and it s also the color of your extended saber (there is a fading effect....)

ie if your saber n°1 color is blue and the second is red

when you extended the blade of your saber,when the saber is growing it will be blue->blue purle-> purple->red purlpe -> red ..

it s quite cool actually..

(you don't need any script now Garik :) )


i have some more things to code but everything is working i ll maybe post screenshots...


and i still have to create a menu..

EDIT : screnshot :


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Why he can do such things and I can't??? :D

Hey, I love all the changes you do. And that you mod is open source is the best about it. Y'know I am still learning this, and your code is a good point to start. ;)

Hope you have the time to help me when I don't get something to work (you got my e-mail :p ?!).


I can only tell this again: Modeling and skinning is cool. Coding is even cooler. and you are the coding god.

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i m still learning too.

I started coding like 2 years ago.

But i really want to do these changes so i try, i miss, and try again!

and in the end you have something cool.


I m far from being a coding god !

but thx ! :D


and for the e-mail i got the one with the sabers.

they are great but not perfect :) !

just a little short but i can manage this...


i think you will like the new fading effect when you extend your blade i worked hard on it. (it match exactly the blade's expansion time)

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