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Moving in space ships (vehicles)


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yes yes,



I know the space expansion is far away but I was wondering if we could move around in space ships such as freighters...



I mean, coding this is near impossible.


If u have 5 people on a ship all with different latency's and the ship is making manouveres etc.



But let's move on to ground vehicles



What about big cargo vehicles?


I read somewhere the only vehicles we're able to ride are the swoop and the ehh car-like-speeder.




Ow well, my point being:



Are we going to be able to drive in big vehicles and move around freely in it?



Does anyone have any ideas ?



















What is a "Wampa" ?

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In the FAQ they said that rides from planet to panet via cargo ship/public transport will take 1 to 3 minutes and you can play mini games in between, so most likely you can move around. I don't think latency is a problem in this case.


And you will(should) be able to drive pretty much any vehicle (land) seen in the movies, I also believe you can build your own.

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Thanks Mike !






Well, let's hope we get to ride more then a swoop and a speeder, cause if we can only drive those 2 then people with huge cargo will have to find some alternate ways to move their cargo around?



Ow well, guess we can always get some rope and tie the cargo together and then drag it to their destination with a fast speeder :)









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Well, the fact that these are the only ones available at the release is pretty far from meaning that these will be the only ones available forever. Expect them to introduce new rides every now and then, depending on how much time other development duties takes.

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Originally posted by setsuko

Well, the fact that these are the only ones available at the release is pretty far from meaning that these will be the only ones available forever. Expect them to introduce new rides every now and then, depending on how much time other development duties takes.






I want to own a Skyhopper :)

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Well think of this. I dont want 2 buy a Millennium Falcon and not be able 2 play the checker-like-thing chewie and :c3po: were doing. I want 2 be able 2 walk arround and view my ship i built. But thats the space expantion.



In the one thats coming out in december well I think that there is no need to go inside a vecile there. U can see it anyways. And cargo ships, who needs to see the insides? Oh and the rope and hook thing, just get a snow-speeder and use the tow rope. It was like used in the books for that reason. Sandcrawlers, thats the only thing id like 2 go inside, just for kicks. Thats my thoughts and im sticking 2 um.

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There are only 2 vehicles when the game releases...it's a bit meager..but it'll do, I guess. Remember that there is a huge variaty of speeders and speeder-bikes, most of the civilian vehicles fit in those category's.


But Some other vehicles would be sweet; like a sandcrawler, or other tracked vehicles.

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Tanks? wow, kinda getting ahead of ourselves arnt we?


I think Andrew is planning some major offensive already :p He'll be dubbed Emperor by the time I get the game no doubt.


As for moving around inside... well I guess if the ship itself is moving it would be pretty bloody hard...


But once it had entered hyperspace it just goes in straight line doesnt it? I mean you wouldnt want to walk around the ship any other time. Hopefully you would be at the controls, flyin the damn thing :)

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Hey I'm glad somebody is thinking of buying Never Winter Nights as well. Just hope it has a well established online community.


Apparently I can use my old Baldurs Gate 2 Character...


Anyway, Galaxies...6 months.....harsh man. Plus if it does not work on my 56k my life will no longer be worth living.


Got 1.5Ghz processor, and GeForce 3 card, so my specs should be alright.... I hope...

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