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"Tavion" - Outstanding new SP level


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1) By the switches with the disfunctional switches, go inside the room and push all the buttons. One of them will make the switches work outside. The button is hard to find, just push them all.


2) The Rodian Jedi is not invincible, just really tough. I fought a 5 minute battle with him and finally killed him by cutting off his head. hehe

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Originally posted by Trahern Valley

I followed the instructions in the README file and it loaded up without any problems. Given the state of my computer, I must conclude that if anyone is having problems, it's their own fault.



thank you for your very helpful and--- what do you think i am a moron? I know how to read a README file, and did what it said. if you had READ my post I said it came up in the wrong EXE(it would only show up in jkiimp.exe) I asked why this was. I found a workaround, but all I wanted to know is why it woun'ent work right.





in other news, about the jedi theres a bug. in SP the crosshair seems to tell the game what saber moves you can do. all non standard saber moves need the CH to be red, however the jedi pop up as green.

thats why they are so hard to kill.


is there anyway to tag them as baddys?


ohwell something for version 2:D

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1. Make sure you have version 1.03 installed.


2. Unzip the file to your Jedi Outcast\GameData folder, DO NOT MAKE A FOLDER FOR THE MOD, IT WILL DO IT AUTOMATICALLY!


3. Load it up in the SP mod menu, and select new game.

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Originally posted by Emon



1. Make sure you have version 1.03 installed.


2. Unzip the file to your Jedi Outcast\GameData folder, DO NOT MAKE A FOLDER FOR THE MOD, IT WILL DO IT AUTOMATICALLY!


3. Load it up in the SP mod menu, and select new game.


your not understanding, I KNOW what the readme says, I KNOW where it is intended to go, I KNOW it doesnt work.


not flaming you, but am frustrated that you are missing the point. will edit in a link to a SS of the dir tree so you beleave me.


the game can see it, it will show in the MP mod menu, but NOT the SP mod menu, and its driving me nuts:explode:


anyway, i am not flaming/yelling at any one person but at the thing for not working right.


ok heres the SS http://www.stl-logicalsolutions.com/spy/IT DOESENT WORK!.jpg(jpg about 100K)


edit: fixed link

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I kinda briefly read what was goin' on up there. I'm stuck though. I beat the part after the club place and I'm in the room where there is 3 mark's that come out and there are the gun things to the back right and back left. I beat the mark's but then I can't do anything else. I'm stuck in that room. I can't proceed forward and I can't go back the way I came. Can anyone help me?

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Originally posted by Emon

Actually, the more I play this level, the more I realize how:


1. It's puzzels suck.


2. It's linear design.


3. It's 500 graphical errors the author didn't even ATTEMPT to fix.


Welcome to 99.9% of all FPS's. :p

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Originally posted by GE Predator

How do ya make it load up? Like what do I gotta type in the shortcut to get it to load?


my workaround was: make a shortcut to the jk2sp.exe file, rightclick goto propertys, at the end of the path line, add after the quotes +set fs_game tavion


say ok, dbl click on your new shortcut and pick newgame on jedi, and enjoy!

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u know when u reach the place where u tried to press the button and it says 'currently not operational(or watever)'.... turn to your right/light (depending on where u standing) and u see those two doors there? even though it has orange lights on it which is supposed to symbolised that it is locked, just walk there and it will open up...~ kill those guys in there and keep pressing 'E' (or which ever Use button u bind to) on the computers there until your screen start blinking with " New Objectives".....

ok, now, go back out , press the 2 buttons and go find those prisoners and talk to them....~




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the tavion folder goes in the gamedata folder, not the base folder.

READ ME. This mod rocks! WTF is with people complaining it sucks? Stop whining, it's free! You want your download back? The jedi were kinda tough, but i finished it in one sitting, np. Patch, thank you for your time, man! I cant wait for the rest of the series!

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ermmm... i dont recall people whining that it suck.

i think u mistaken those who said that they couldnt find it in the mods section in setup with people who said it suck who doesnt exsit yet (pls dun flame me if i missed out some post!!)

anyway, i think the reason why some people cant find it in the mods section of setup is because the file was designed for v1.03 and therefore has some bugs when it comes to playing with v1.02...:p

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the mod selection thingo in the unpatched version doesnt function properly


you need to put the pk3 in the base folder and type "map tavion" in the console and u will have to change the saber color maunally with cheats


if u use the mod after already playing an unmodded game without restarting jk2 the kyle/tavion model will get messed up becasue it wont know which model.glm to use (their all called model.glm)


theres supposed to be 4 marks in that room i dunno why only three sometimes spawn, never happened to me


oh and to this guy..


Actually, the more I play this level, the more I realize how:


1. It's puzzels suck.


2. It's linear design.


3. It's 500 graphical errors the author didn't even ATTEMPT to fix.


bite me


its my first level with jk2 and my second ever..want ur money back?




and for everyone who liked it, thanks heaps, the next bit should be about three weeks



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hey patchx, really liked it.. glad to hear part2 is on the way...:)


the mod selection thingo in the unpatched version doesnt function properly


this i understand, but whats your answer if we have 1.03? (like me...) not puting you down or anything, its just strange that it shows up in the MP mod menu, but not SP...




sith happens:D


I just made a new shortcut and went from there...



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i haven't played this level for that long, but i have to say that it is very nice so far. that rodian jedi was really getting on my nerves using every stance and such, which made it all the more satisfying when i finally cut him down with a saber throw while he was laying on the ground. i am looking forward to fighting plo koon. it feels kind of bizarre to be slaughtering those rebel guys and not fail the mission for it. all in all though i think this map is great, the only thing i'll change after i beat it will be to go back and play it with full lightning.

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I had the problem with the mod not showing up as well. To fix this all I did was copy the 3 files in the Tavion folder to the gamedata folder.


However, only two of the files seem to be showing up there and they are

Tavion.pk3 and



I hope this fixes your problem.

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