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Originally posted by Ascari

Doesnt CounterStrike have something like this in their game?


Well, communication applications like Roger Wilco supports a lot of games, though MMORPGs are often not very cooperative with other programs, to the length of not allowing Alt-Tabbing. This is partly to stop cheating with macros and such evil things.

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Originally posted by setsuko


Well, communication applications like Roger Wilco supports a lot of games, though MMORPGs are often not very cooperative with other programs, to the length of not allowing Alt-Tabbing. This is partly to stop cheating with macros and such evil things.



I didnt mean Roger Wilco,



But I believe that in CounterStrike u see people blapping around, and my brother who doesnt have a communication program could hear it. It's suppose to be pretty annoying hearing 11 year olds screaming but hell....






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