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Calling all finnish people here!


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Yes Shock you can use them ;)


I'm finnish, but I do think the dismember is bit too much. If I remember correctly it can crash server or at least make it more unstable. Besides all those chunks flying off will cause lag and eat the much needed FPS, they are only eye candy you know.


Anyhow the fairlpay server uses two of those optins, guess which ones.

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Shock - It's not like I invented it or something...


Etz - I like eye candy :(. Well, go tell 'em to use the two first things then, if you already haven't. Nice to hear that about Fairplay... Maybe I won't be seen so often in Peeloportti, anymore.

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Originally posted by Telcar

:( The fairplay server has guns & force allowed... Guess I'll have to face the evil of Peliportti...


It has, but try it before you go back to Peliportti. For one thing they have cut the force regeneration to half and some of the powers are disabled. For another the only guns enabled are the blaster, E-11 and the wookie bow. You can block all those with saber.

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Originally posted by icefox98

Im in the USA, but I am 3/4 finnish about =P


Your last name Maki by chance? heh. not mine but a LOT of finnish people that i know have that as a last name.


I don't know about other people here, but my last name is "Hurme". It literally means "blood on the battle field" among other things. Really anything to do with blood and combat :D.

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Go Finland GO!! :D :D


Umm...yeah, the settings at both Peliportti and Fairplay should be altered a bit IMHO.


At fairplay we have guns which is not a problem *if* the spammers stay away. The force is more of a problem. I don't know if you have noticed, but since only "low force" is enabled, the Fairplay-server is a pull-backstabber paradise. (Luckily I've only met one.) Since there is no absorb, a pull-sweep whore can spam all he wants, really.


Peeloportti seems kinda sad nowadays. I've been on a few times, and the buttfighting has evolved to yet another level. I'd love to have saber throw or...uh nevermind, it really doesn't make any difference, kiling a lamer is just as boring as fighting a lamer. There's no way around it, is there?


Let's just crowd the servers and act anti-lame, shall we? :D Let's decapitate (seta g_dismember 300 ) our opponents face to face! Fight me with your buttocks and thou shall die a horrible, yet entertaining death! Ph34r My Wrath! :rolleyes:


Oh..that reminds me..kick would be nice too...

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Pell gives me a good ping...since I'm in Sweden and all. But for duels, there are too many people so the line is big, and they are talking in finnish/german so I feel stupid not understanding them...


It's not that you can't understand, it's because you are swedish :)


Ok, bad joke :D


Anyway I know the guy who is admins the fairplay server so if you want to give suggestions I can forward them to him.

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Etz, please make force pull go away already!


It's just too easy to rack up kills with it (spam the pull-sweep/backstab) since absorb is out. And the only way fight it is to use all your points in force pull and that is...boring.


Okay, I guess I'll get back to Peliportti now and laugh at people who run backwards swinging their saber into the ground non-stop... it is somewhat entertaining. :D

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Actually I'd rather not disable pull... If possible I'll try to get them to compile the source and use that, it makes knocking ppl down a lot harder so that might fix it. If not we'll disable it.


And as I said pretty much allt he weapons on fairplay can be blocked with saber, so not much use to spam them.

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You're probably right about the gun-spammers, Etz. It's not so much of a threat as it is irritating.


A shooter who takes his shot, runs immediately away to get more ammo and moves on to look for the next group of saber fighters to take down from a distance is...well not the biggest problem in this game by a long shot.


This kind of problems can only be avoided by restricting the server to bots only. :rolleyes:

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Well, the guns aren't a problem, it's just that I dislike guns very much. It's much more rewarding to use saber in combat, IMO.


Anyone else think that JK2 maps give far too much hp/armor bonuses?

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