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Experience and Veteran Units?

Guest T.I.E

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Is there going to be unit experience and kill status in the game? I think it would be great if units could move up ranks like in some other games I have played and received some more HP or better firepower. And I would like to see Jedis go up in rank like...Apprentice...Jedi Knight......Jedi Master and get better and better. Of course the evil guys have it too. The bounty hunters could get more skilled as they complete thier missions.


I just just dont want it to be a "RUSH" game where he who has the most wins.....Imagine an Elite AT-AT stomping towards your base.......CRAP!!!!

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I liked multiplayer games that went on for hours....

real value for money !


Anyway, the 'veteran' units-thing worked in Red Alert 2 because of the engine... there really weren't THAT many units receiving upgrades if you think about it.. and GB will be fast in play, so you won't really benefit from an experienced unit being blasted to bits seconds after he upgraded.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

there really weren't THAT many units receiving upgrades if you think about it..


If that's what you think then you have a chat with my Elite GIs. Anyone who plays alot of RA2 will tell you that experience played a mjor role. If you could get spies into war factories and barracks then you have a MAJOR advantage. I sometimes sent in harriers to destroy the dos just so i could get a spy through. Sure, the upgrades may not seem that noticable, as they don't change the look, but here are some of the things that they do change, ill use GIs a an example:


Self-Healing Elite units slowly heal themselves. This is the single most valuable thing that elites get, and it is a huge advantage. I once took out 2 seperate enemy bases with a single tesla tank. I did it by attacking, then going to heal, and then attacking again. It didn't take that long either, longer than usuall, butnot too long.

range: the elite GI has a much greater range. As an elite i believe it has equal if not greater range than a rhino tank. This way, they can kill conscripts easily before they even get into range. A group can even kill tanks before they get off a shot.

Firepower as if the range wasn't enough, elites have and increase in firepower, making them much more deadly and in turn they can kill before the enemy can destroy them.

bonus ok, GI don't really get a bonus, but a good example are the prism tanks and telsa tanks. They each have weapons that when they hit ealite, they spread out and hit surrounding units causing damage.

kill ratio: usually a GI could kill 2 soviet conscripts and survive, barely. With all the abilities, i would not be suprised if an elite GI could kill at 4-6 conscripts without dieing, and then he would heal himself back to perfect HP.


as you can now see, the experience upgrades mean alot more than you previously thought. I think it would be a very good idea to add these to the game, it would add a whole new aspect to the game.

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I am beginning to get a sinking feeling about this game. I really hope they do somthing different with it than AOK. Right now I am playing the random maps in conquerors thinking about BG. In AOK it was hand to hand so the experience modifier would not apply really. Most units you sent in and clicked "attack" and let them burn and pillage. But in BG your gonna have Jedi that can crushwave after wave of troops and AT-AT, and Tanks, and airpower. I think it might turn away from the "balanced" game and become a "whos got the biggest gun" and not "whos got the best gun and the best strategy"

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