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WIP: Boushh/Leia

oddjob: A-Team

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Great Job!

The sounds work fine for me.


Anyone notice that a couple of pages of this thread are missing? :rolleyes:


I was thrown off when I first heard the taunt, but I think it's cool...and actually clever. Nice work.


You could add ROTJ mp3's for other sounds, like anger, pain, hatred, and such. I know that DarkDNA's Emperor (only a skin) talks A LOT. Sometimes, it seems like he doesn't shut up, which I think is great... especially for him.

I would like to find a complete list of all the sittuations that mp3's are assignable to.


Anyway, Thanks for the nice work! I look forward to the final release.





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Ok, I am all finished with the LOD's and am pretty much ready to release this puppy. But I STILL can't get the Boushh sounds to work on my comp. This bothers me to the point that I almost don't want to release it until I figure out what's wrong.


ANY help, tips, suggestions etc would be greatly appreciated concerning the boushh sounds. The leia ones work fine.

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Hmmm... thats weird. the sounds dont work on the creators comp,but does on everyone elses?? weird.


the only problems I can think of are


1. sound drivers aren't up to date? (probably not the problem)

2. you have EAX enabled in your sound settings. (maybe)

3. an unknown problem to me (quite possibly the right answer)



I wouldn't stop the release if it works on everyone elses comps though. im sure its not a problem with the model and possibly something on your comp.

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Ok, I released it. I sent it to Polycount and JKII.net. It should be up soon. In the mean time, here's the included screenshot:'




And for those that just can't wait, and for Bestie to get for his site, here's the finished file:





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Very cool Oddjob. I haven't checked out the final version , though I just DLed it, but I was meaning to ask you somehting and I kept forgetting.


THe Leigh bot keeps causing me an error, from the prevacation erra, and would sometimes crash me out. Any Idea?


Either way, great model!

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Excellent work, Oddjob!


Now that I've had a chance to examine it close up, I've got a couple comments that might be useful if you ever do a 2.0 version.


The first one is that she seems to have too much skin between her index finger and her thumb. It almost looks like she has webbed hands :)


The other comment is more of a personal wish.. The chestplate can be turned off, but there doesn't seem to be an augment for underneath it (unless I'm just missing it.) If it would be at all possible to set it up so you can turn off the chestplate (with the back canister dowacky), the bandolier, and the knuckle spikes, that would be awesome. I was just looking at the shape of her clothes and thinking they would make some really nice prequel-era Jedi-style clothing with a reskin :)


Anywho... Very nice job on this model! Can't wait to see what you'll try next! :)

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