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CTF...what's wrong with these people!!!


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I play nothing but CTF lately, and WOW can it be just plain annoying sometimes.


First of all, there are a lot of idiots I think don't know how to play this game! The object of this multiplayer game is for your team to capture the flag more than the other team. It's that simple! BUT NOOO, we've got people who stand around and do nothing, people that fight every damned person on the map (sometimes even people on their own team!!!:confused: ), and people that do so many other stupid things.


Here's a list of "To Do's, and Not To Do's" for this type of game. For anyone confused about how to play (or why people keep calling you a "moron" on the server) Read Carefully.



For those whom are carrying the flag


To Do: Capture the flag and go back to your base. If your flag is not there, find a good hiding spot, or hang out with a mass of your team mates so that they may protect you. If your flag IS there, immediately take the enemy flag back to where your flag is. Your team will get a point.


Not To Do: Capture the flag and hang around the enemy's base.


Not To Do: Capture the flag, go back to your base, and start chatting or scripting. You are leaving yourself open for attack.


Not To Do: Capture the flag, and then go after the other team's flag carrier. If you die...they're right next to their base, and WILL SCORE.


Not To Do: Capture the flag, run around for a while, and then disconnect, or join the spectators. Thanks a lot for your useless attempt at helping our team.


Not To Do: Capture the flag on Yavin, and climb to the top of the invisible column in the middle courtyard. Yes this is a great place to hide, and it's a great stategy if your team is ahead in the last few minutes of the game. BUT NEVER GO THERE WHEN THE SCORE IS 0 to 0 or your team is behind. This game is not titled "Who can hold on to the flag the longest"!! When your team returns the flag, GEE, you sure have a long way back to your base!:confused: !!


Not To Do: Capture the flag, and then fight every damned enemy on the way back to your base. Again YOU MIGHT DIE, and there's just one more point for the other team.


Flag Carriers, if you need help, ASK. We will assist you.



For those whom are not carrying the flag.


To Do: Assist your team in anyway. Either protect your flag base, your flag carrier; or go after the other teams flag. Remember, this is a TEAM GAME.


Not To Do: Fight any enemy you run into. If the other team has your flag, getting it back is a priority. THIS IS NOT FFA SERVER, individual kills mean absolutely nothing, no matter how many points you get. Your team loses if they don't have more flags captured than the opposing team!


Not To Do: Join a game, and then not play while its in progress. If you need to use the bathroom, and will be quick, GREAT. If you need to be gone for more than a few minutes...GET OUT OF THE GAME!!!! Somebody else can join the game, and actually contribute to their teams efforts.


Not To Do: Standing around doing nothing but the "all impressive" Saber Spin around your head. Again, if you are not going to contribute to your teams efforts...GET OUT OF THE GAME. If you wanna do that stupid pointless crap, do it on you own server.


Not To Do: Stop attacking your own team mates!!! If you wanna be stupid like that, start your own server, turn on "Friendly Fire" and have fun! If you are wearing red, you are on the red team. The people you attack are the one's wearing blue. Simple to understand, huh?


Not To Do: Don't block the path of your flag carrier, when he/she is being chased by the other team. Dodge them, jump over them...do something, JUST DON'T RUN INTO THEM. The other team will catch up and kill him.


If you are not carrying the flag, you have a few responsiblities to choose from. Like any team sport, there are positions you can play. One: DEFENSE---If your flag is still at your base, defend it by attacking any enemy that gets near it. If it is not at your base, and your team has the enemy flag, defend the person carrying it. Do whatever's in your power to make sure he/she does not get killed. Two: OFFENSE---"seek and destroy". Find the enemy carrying your teams flag, and hack him down. Your team cannot score unless you flag is at your base! Ignore other enemy (unless you can't), and find the other teams flag carrier. Go After just him, if you get killed by someone else...OH WELL! Killing anyone else will only cause them to respawn feet away from you. Then you still have to deal with them.


I hope that this clears up any confusion people may have about Capture the Flag. It is quite a fun game to play, if everyone is putting in a good effort. Most of the time everyone plays well, but there have been a lot of people doing the "Not To Do's" lately. I just wanted to get the aggrevation out of my head. I play on MatrixCPA's Capture the Flag server, if anyone wants to check it out. Just come to play seriously.:)

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can i add this to the strategies section on my site (giving you full credit of course):D

Here's a link to the site i'd add it to




I thought it was an EXCELLENT article....also annoying is when there is like 10 people on one team and like 2 on the other but you can't do anything about that


Not to do: don't leave your team to join the team that's winning, it won't be fun to play against one person when you have ten people on your own team:rolleyes:

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Here's another tip for the team-impaired: Stop being selfish and put some points into team heal! A really good idea is to enable that team overlay option that tells you your teammates' health, armor, and weapon. You can keep an eye on that overlay and search out those who need health. It's amazing, though, that most people don't notice when you have just improved their HP from 2 to 100. :rolleyess



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I think i was playing some CTF with you EARLY this morning at about 3am PST, Intoxictd, if that wasn't you my apologies.


I hate it when you play CTF and even when the flag isn't in their base, they just continue to defend. Its like.. why stand around while the rest of your team is getting killed getting your flag back?


I've played CTF on many different games and this probably annoyed me the most everytime.

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intoxictd: welcome to the CTF community. :) Public servers have been like this since threewave for Quake (The First CTF mod... sorta.) and I don't think they're gonna go away anytime soon. A couple of comments, though:

To Do: Capture the flag and go back to your base. If your flag is not there, find a good hiding spot, or hang out with a mass of your team mates so that they may protect you. If your flag IS there, immediately take the enemy flag back to where your flag is. Your team will get a point.

I'm not sure what you mean by hiding, but I want to make it clear that doesn't mean hiding in the back room in bespin or the spawn rooms on Yavin. You have a very distinctive glow (especially in CTY) so enemies will locate you eventually. Those rooms are nice spots to take a second to regen your force pool or use bacta or heal or whatever, but don't stay there for more than a minute. The enemies will find you and fill that room with explosions.

Not To Do: Stop attacking your own team mates!!! If you wanna be stupid like that, start your own server, turn on "Friendly Fire" and have fun! If you are wearing red, you are on the red team. The people you attack are the one's wearing blue. Simple to understand, huh?

Bored defenders usually hit each other with sabers while waiting for the enemy. I personally dont have any problem with this if team damage is off. People need to goof off when nothings happening, or else they'll get bored and not defend. If they're using grenades to knock people off ledges, that's not cool, but practicing your backstab, I don't see a problem with that. Plus, sometimes it's funny. :)


Two: OFFENSE---"seek and destroy". Find the enemy carrying your teams flag, and hack him down. Your team cannot score unless you flag is at your base! Ignore other enemy (unless you can't), and find the other teams flag carrier. Go After just him, if you get killed by someone else...OH WELL! Killing anyone else will only cause them to respawn feet away from you. Then you still have to deal with them.

Offense should act like an attack unit when they need to get the flag. Going in as a team is hard to coordinate on pubs, but usually you can get one person to help you out. Two people going in have double the chance of getting the flag out, and one can cover the other, etc.


Otherwise you're pretty much on target. I don't think this forum post is going to change the way pubs operate, though. :) I'm gonna try out that server today dude. See ya there.

A really good idea is to enable that team overlay option that tells you your teammates' health, armor, and weapon

I've tried to do this, but I've had no luck. What do you gotta do to get this on?

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I hate it when you play CTF and even when the flag isn't in their base, they just continue to defend. Its like.. why stand around while the rest of your team is getting killed getting your flag back?
What happens when your flag is returned, but there's no one there to defend it? And what happens if you return the flag - but you've lost your base? While most of the defense should pursue, one or two people should keep the base secure.



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Originally posted by Kerbit

What happens when your flag is returned, but there's no one there to defend it? And what happens if you return the flag - but you've lost your base? While most of the defense should pursue, one or two people should keep the base secure.



I understand what you're saying but i should've made myself a lil clearer sorry.. Im saying, your flag is gone, you have like 10 people defending your base and 2 people chasing the flag.. I meant to point out the ratio rather than the practice my bad.

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I agree as I usually only play CTF I find that any more all people are doing is screwing around on yavin walking on the sky or on Nar Shadda trying to jump to the top of the level above there teams logo in the middle of the map, that bugs the hell out of me but as long as there not in my way then I just usually ignore them. HOWEVER the other night I was playing on CTF Narshadda and it was an extremly good game my team was up one with about 10 or so minutes to go when 2 morons on my team decide they want to climb to the sky in the aforementioned place. well so there goes 2 of my team mates to dick around but hey if there out of the way then fine, then it gets worse. one of them decides that he is going to get the flag so that he can stand up there and taunt the other team. well by the time he gets the flag and gets back to the "lamer spot" red manages to score twice to take the lead by 1, (mind you were outnumbered by 2 or 3 people at this point) so he gets up there and red has our flag so neither team can score. we manage to return our teams flag so I tell the guy to cap, well of course fing around must be soooo much more fun because he wont do it. im not kidding you I protected our flag from being captured for 6 or 7 minutes when he could have capped to tie the game but wouldnt. of course I was getting comments like BOO HOO and F you and your a Fa**ot or anyother noob 6 year old quote you can think of, well in all this idiots infinate wisdom he manages to screw up and fall off the sky and into a abyss and die. right about the time red manages to get our flag again, well needless to say red caps again and we end up losing by 2. Voting was not allowed so I couldnt kick him and since Im a reg at that server I dont see why I should have to leave because this moron is ruining my fun.


If the server you mentioned above is a good sever for actual games ill have to check it out, is it 1.02 or 1.03??? I have been playing 1.02 because I dont like the changes in the new one but im just about ready to learn to deal with it as I can only find 2 servers that are saber only CTF in 1.02.

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Bored defenders usually hit each other with sabers while waiting for the enemy. I personally dont have any problem with this if team damage is off. People need to goof off when nothings happening, or else they'll get bored and not defend. If they're using grenades to knock people off ledges, that's not cool, but practicing your backstab, I don't see a problem with that. Plus, sometimes it's funny. :)


I've had two seperate evenings of playing when someone named "Padawan" joined my team and attacked me. I don't think these two were playing around. The first of the two asked me for the code I was using to be invincible. LOL! I was about to explain to him what was going on when the blue team Force Pulled him off the ledge. He typed "I hate Cheaters!" and disconnected after that.


Yes, I know that people do it when they're bored. I have no problem with that. I do it ocassionally, too. I just get pissed when I'm playing a good fun game, and one of my teammates is standing on my head slashing me with his lightsaber while the other team's running by with the flag!


By the way, MatrixCPA is a Force Enabled/Saber Only server. When Joining this server, expect to get thrown of ledges and getting spammed by kicks and force pull/one-hit-kills by many people.

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Yeah if im on the other Team and I see enemies goofing around not playing seriously I purposly hunt them down so I can listen to them call me an ass for bothering there little game.


But I guess in hindsight I guess thats kinda giving in to letting them disrupt the game because im taking myself away from my team goal just to deal with them, I guess Ill just have to get good at smacking them on my way by. heh

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yes, i just played on that server today.....i had a padawan come up to me and slash away at me and i got annoyed and called a vote to kick him after explaining....he got kicked:P


it was a pretty fun game though...except everybody grabbed the flag and was hiding the whole round...got kinda boring so i left:P


BTW: i uploaded this onto my site, go check it out if you want to intoxictd


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It's useful to add binds with team commands. For example, bind f12 "say_team *** NEED HELP AT BASE ***"


Flagger leaving base on the right side exit!


Flagger is in the midfield!


That sort of thing...


Now, you might think this sort of thing would clue people in. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. I've grabbed the flag and fought off pursuers all the way to my base, then kept hitting my ***NEED HELP AT BASE*** button. Funny thing was that there were already about 5 players jumping around my base (Yavin), and were more or less in my way and were somehow clueless to my situation. At this point I was quite hurt and had one pursuer left. After another 30 seconds I died - and didn't receive one ounce of help the whole time. It was like I wasn't there. *shrugs* Time to find a new server...


And not only is team heal helpful, team energize can mean the difference of getting out of a base alive. Yeah, dark side is nerfed but there still seems to be many dark siders playing CTF. So put some stars on energize and help your team out!



Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary for the flagger to go to the enemy base. Sometimes your team just sucks, and well... somebody has to get the flag back. Keep enough force available for a quick dash away, and load up on rockets and repeater ammo for a quick kill. This is most useful for Imperial where a quick getaway is much easier. A last resort, but it's put my team ahead many times. Of course, this is also a sign to switch servers asap.

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Originally posted by Kerbit


I've never seen this move... how do you do it?


Well I usually dont even mess with it as im trying to cap the flag but if you have someone on the glass tunnel in front of it you can jump on them then force jump up onto a invisible platform (similar to yavin) and walk around up there. I dont think you can make it by yourself.


try it out sometime just dont do it on a CTF server im on because I HATE THAT. :D

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