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Server requirements


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I've been wanting to set up my own dedicated server for quite some time. But I'd like to know what sort of system requirements I'd need to have a good one without much lag. I've tried running a server on the same machine I use to play all my games and surf the internet, etc. But the lag is just horrid whenever I open up the game to play on it. I'm currently running 700mghz processor. Not the fastest out there but it's still good. My ram is maxed out at 511 megs. Do you think I should invest in a faster processor, or should I invest in getting another machine to network up and share my cable connection? And if getting a new machine is the case, I'd like to go as cheap as I can so what kind of system requirements would it need?

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well i host a server on my XP1600 (1400mhz) with 256MB ram and it's fine when i join it aswell from the same machine. So personally i would get a new CPU but i'd of thought it'd of been ok with 700mhz, or is it not an AMD CPU? Try overclocking it, see if that helps.

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I run my server on an Athlon 900 with 898mb of ram (was 512mb for a long time) and it typically hits 20% cpu utilization with a full 16 players. I've also simultaneously run an RtCW server instance on the same box at the same time and never passed 50% utilization. I'd expect your box to do just fine unless you'll be running more than 2 instances.

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Nah, it's AMD. Its an AMD Duron. Maybe my resources were just a bit low that day or something. I'll try again with things the way they are now, and go with the processor idea later on. Been planning to up the processing speed to a ghz processor anyhow when I get the cash. Unfortunately, unless I invested in a new motherboard, 511 is the highest my ram can be pushed to. I'd wanted to have my ram be double that when I'd pushed it up to 511, it was a good thing I checked my motherboard manual first or I'd have been pissed.

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Been planning to up the processing speed to a ghz processor anyhow when I get the cash.


To be honest i don't think it's worth only upgrading to 1ghz from 700mhz. Being a Duron you could overclock it to 900mhz with no probs i would say.

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Hmm...so I could get away with buying something cheap to host it then?


Overclocking...I might could try that. I'm not too fond of overclocking though, I've heard it burns your machine out a bit faster.

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i'm currently running my server on win2k pro, a p3-550E, an i810 motherboard, and 512 mb of RAM - seems to run fine.


typically you don't want to overclock any computer where it's critical that it stays up 24/7 (like a server). overclocking doesn't necessarily damage parts (unless you tweak your system to use more voltage, use very fast RAM settings, etc etc), but it introduces a possibility that the system can become unstable.

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