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Guest Garindan

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Guest Garindan

I just put some Force Comander music into a mysteries of the sith level and it sounds about 100000000000000000000 times better than the music they want you to listen to in the game! Only thing though, is if i include the music with the level pack...the download time will be longer....but i'd say it's worth it. I could include a level pack with the music, and one without it.




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Guest Boba Rhett

From what i've seen, people don't usually like levels with new music in them. They don't wanna spend two to three times longer dl just for the music.

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Guest Garindan

so i'll include the same level, just different versions, one with the music, and one without it. smile.gif


Oh, rhett, if you want, you could just extract the music off your force commander disk, and convert it to wav, that way you wouldn't need to dload it.

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Guest Garindan

It's Imperial March Rage, sounds like remix though, i'm going to have a poll to see if people would be willing to download levels that are up to 10 megs. The music sounds so awesome in the level! It makes it more intense. I only got about 40 megs left on my website, so i think i'll only be able to include one level with the cool imperial rage. I could always just get a few more accounts on angelfire and upload the levels there and link the pages...



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Guest oninosensi

Bad music can ruin a good level, but good music won't help a bad one.


I have read all the hype about your level(s) (Don't ask me why), and am ready for you to put your money where your mouth is.



"I see", said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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Guest Garindan

what levels? Me and Boba Rhett are preparing everything for the levels, we haven't even begun yet! I just am telling you what the levels are going to be like, and i think i'm saying the truth too, these levels are going to be awesome!

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Guest oninosensi

You have not begun? confused.gif


Then why? You hype it with 5,756,736,926,846 posts about it, then inform every one you have not started. You realize if this level sucks, your going to be flamed harder than anyone has ever been flamed before. And not by me either.


And worst of all, you and your buddies will have a reputation as being unable to delever. No one will ever download one of your levels again.


Don't think I am getting down on you to be a bastard. I just want you to know what will happen if the level is bad.


Don't get me wrong, your base ideas sound good. I am interested in trying it out, but it has been my experience that the more the hype, the worst the end result. (Remember the American try at GODZILLA?)





"I see", said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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Y'know, when I saw this thread's title, my first thought was "Oh no! he's turning evil again!" wink.gif


Originally posted by oninosensi:

it has been my experience that the more the hype, the worst the end result. (Remember the American try at GODZILLA?)


Oooh. Just for that:


*tail-whacks onionsensi into a wall*



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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While I will admit right here and now that nobody likes to wait for downloads and many folks are still on slow modems or stuck with crappy connections because of their geographic location...


If you just want to post big downloads, many folks won't care. 40, 100 meg demos and trailers get downloaded and those things are abosolutely huge.


The advent of faster internet connections and of download managers like go!zilla and getright have made it far easier than it was in the past to download larger files.


Of course if it's a small level that is just big because of music, I can see some folks not considering it worth the effort.


Some of us have soundcards that let us listen to MP3's while playing a level, so it's not a big deal to us.


The other thing to consider is the looping effect.. eventually the music could become repetative. Of course if it's long and looped well, it wouldn't be as bad.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 20, 2001).]

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*Grabs a lightsaber and hacks of the beasts tail* HA, that'll teach ya! Hurting fellow Knight Watch members. ... Ouch! *Sailor Meike walks in and screams "you should have become an Super Saiyan instead of grabbing a crappy lightsaber!!!!" OOPS, Meike's hair is becoming all blond and spiky like* biggrin.gif




I am your father.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Oni, it's only because he's learning how to do something new to him and he's really excited about it. now lets change the subject and all wish Garindan a happy birthday. "i'm prettty sure his birthday is today, not sure"

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Guest Garindan

it was today, anyone want cake?


Oni, the reason the level hasn't really started yet is 'cause i really wanted to make it as close to the rogue squadron levels as possible, so i got ROGUE SQUADRON 3D!!!! Now i can take some pictures, deliver them to rhett, and he can make the 3dos, and get the canyon part of the level done perfectly.


On friday (or was it thursday) i figured out how to turn a bad guy into a good guy successfully without anything messing up and making the game look dumb.


I have decided to abort the music. I don't want to accidentally put anything illegal (if you'd call putting lucasarts music from a lucasarts game into a different lucasarts game illegal), and i realized i only have about 40 megs left to spare on my site, and i don't want the site to run as slow as jabba on a swoop, so i decided to keep downloads down to a minimum size.


I'm going to start putting quality pictures on my website from the game and the parts of the level that are in development, maybe like a "What this picture looks like in Rogue Squadron" and "What this picture looks like in Mysteries of the Sith" thing.


I also have the Rogue Squadron Player's guide (found it for $5 the other day), and that should help too.


Actually we have been from a certain point of view working on the level, 'cause we're working on making the 3dos, and i've been learning how to mess around with making new templates, and making new "enemies" which act differently than they do in the normal game...


When the level actually begins, everybody will know.






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Good idea Boba Rhett... Might I recommend not making a new topic but always posting in the same one? Make a topic called 'Garinda & Boba Rhett's Level Update' and keep posting anything there. We'll know when it up there you got something new on it!


May the Force be with you on your level making wink.gif



You can do it your own way

Just as long as it's done just how I say...

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Guest oninosensi

I agree, one thread, one posting a week, and to prove that your level is worth something, post some screen shots.



"I see", said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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