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Its OFFICIAL, >NO< Patch - E-mail enclosed


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We also run into the problem that the 1.0.3a code unbalances the CTF/FFA (weapons+saber games) even further than it is now. I was against the changes in the 1.0.3 from the start yet I adapted to them over time and while the game isnt anywhere near as enjoyable as 1.0.2 was I still find a good fight on occasion. However I've tried the 1.0.3a both compiling it and testing locally with a few friends and on a couple of the servers running it with other people. I personally dont like it nor do I like the fact that it has 17 compile time warnings (not errors, the warnings arent anything that breaks the code but mostly small glitches and misplaced information) But it does show that very little effort was put into making the source release worthy. The 1.0.3a does introduce a few new bugs and fixes none of the old ones. If someone is willing to rewrite it to make for a more all around balanced game (and not JUST for the saberists but more balanced for everyone) then I'd be willing to give it another shot. I'am not saying we should forget the people who are strictly duelers or the people who are strictly saber only, in fact we shouldnt forget them. On that same note though we need to take into account the people like myself that love the challenge and the competition of weapons+saber matches in a CTF/FFA/TFFA/CTY environment.

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We'll this is supposed to be an unoffical 'Patch', right? So it is client-dependant, and I won't be able to run a server without my clients having this patch too. Ok.

When i got this pak installed and running, I won't be able to join 1.03 servers as well?


Will the 1.03a Server i run be a pure server? (Sorry my knowledges on quake3 is lacking here)


As i have forgotten what *excatly* the 1.03a Source *did* changes I wonder what might be more balanced;


1. "1.03 with sabertrace off, ghoul2 on, dismemberment on"


2. 1.03a


3. "1.03a with sabertrace off, ghoul2 on, dismemberment on"

Any opinions on that?


I'm starting my server this afternoon, but don't have much time to test it out.. so I'd be happy to have some reasonable opinions on that :)

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Bleh. Scroll up for god sakes. I'd would be nice if people would actually read the thread before posting. I hate repeating myself.


*Copy + Paste*


We've been running 1.03a as a server side mod on our server and nobody needs to download anything.


As long as you have the 1.03 patch installed you can join a server running 1.03a. if you don't believe me.

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For servers that use mods:


If the mod is server-side (which the compiled source code is) there is NO DOWNLOAD REQUIRED! All you need is the 1.02->1.03 game patch. If people couldn't join the server due to unpure-ness, I have a list of things to do:


1. Make sure you have upgraded from 1.02 to 1.03.

2. Get completely out of JK2 and restart it. Attempt to join.

3. If that doesn't work, reboot.

4. If all else fails, there is something on your machine that the server believes is not pure. Turn on auto-download and see what you need to download.


Our server is running in pure mode. Currently, it's full, and it is usually full in gaming times. If all these people are not having problems joining a pure server, and someone is, then that one person needs to find whatever is keeping him from being pure. It could be anything from an edited .pk3 to missing an assestsX.pk3 (where X = 0 - 3).

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Well here's my recommendation: disable pull in full force FFAs, and watch the backstabbing dwindle. Watch how guns become more useful full stop, and watch the balance of the game improve. I've been totally astonished by the fabulous effect that disabling pull has on games. "g_ForcePowerDisable 16" has been a godsend.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Well here's my recommendation: disable pull in full force FFAs, and watch the backstabbing dwindle. Watch how guns become more useful full stop, and watch the balance of the game improve. I've been totally astonished by the fabulous effect that disabling pull has on games. "g_ForcePowerDisable 16" has been a godsend.


One thing about the 1.03a, AL, is that only about 99% of pull attempts fail. About the only way to pull someone and knock them down is if the two do not have equal amounts of push/push. When Torm and I were testing this source code, we could never knock each other down (we both had push/pull maxed out). Plus, backstab has been dropped to need at least 2 backstabs to make a kill (at least 3 if just spawned).


As for using 1.03a in tournaments, I think it should be made to. Yes, it has bugs, but the game play is much better than in 1.03. I can deal with bugs as long as the game is semi-fun.

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Holy crap, I read the first post and laughed my ass off. First off, I question the ligitimacy of that email and for one main reason.

RAVEN makes the patches NOT Lucasarts.


The master servers for JK2 mp are OWNED and OPERATED by RAVEN ONLY. Raven is who has made the FIRST patch. That and I also sent an email to Raven technical support when the mp master servers went down not long ago.


I phoned LUCASARTS technical support first and they told me that Raven makes all the patches and handles the ENTIRE mp side of the game.


Anyway, in my email I obviously asked what the problem was with the master servers and I got an answer. I also asked as a side question if another patch is coming out. The Administrator Kenn who replied to my email told me that Raven IS releasing another patch and I assume its coming soon or he may not have mentioned it at all.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt Could you please post that email including all headers? Otherwise I can't believe you.

He posted the headers a little farther down. You might read the thread before posting, next time :D

RAVEN makes the patches NOT Lucasarts --Posted by Sith Menace

Raven makes the patches, but you are completely wrong about this: Lucasarts calls the shots. The one patch we got was part of Raven's deal with Lucas. Lucas is 'happy' with the game as it is and has not instructed Raven to make a new patch; therefore, no new patch.

The email that was sent from the first post of this topic was mailed to Raven, not LEC.--Posted by WD_ToRMeNt

Yes, as he original poster said, he mailed it to Mr. Monroe, the lead programmer at Raven on this project.


If you have a doubt about this, do what I did and e-mail him yourself. I think the lead programmer on this project knows a little about the patch status.


His e-mail is: jmonroe@ravensoft.com


He is the lead programmer on JK; you can find his .plan here: http://www.webdog.org/plans/168/


Finally, my friend received the same e-mail from Mr. Monroe when she wrote him, as mentioned here:




The community needs to face it, there will be NO PATCH. We either clean up the mess ourselves or it stays as it is.


This wishful thinking has got to go. Face the facts and deal with reality: Monroe says NO NEW PATCH. Sheesh.

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Originally posted by WD_Rage


One thing about the 1.03a, AL, is that only about 99% of pull attempts fail. About the only way to pull someone and knock them down is if the two do not have equal amounts of push/push. When Torm and I were testing this source code, we could never knock each other down (we both had push/pull maxed out). Plus, backstab has been dropped to need at least 2 backstabs to make a kill (at least 3 if just spawned).

Another nerf, not a fix or balance for the problem. Raven's apparent only solution is if something is unbalanced/bugged either remove it completely or nerf it instead of FIXING it.



As for using 1.03a in tournaments, I think it should be made to. Yes, it has bugs, but the game play is much better than in 1.03. I can deal with bugs as long as the game is semi-fun.


I agree that the SABER ONLY matches are a TINY bit better except that they take forever now between two equally skilled players and with 1.0.3a they take even longer. CTF/CTY/FFA/TFFA with guns though is NOT better. It wasnt better with 1.0.3 and it is absolutely horrible to the point that it isnt playable with 1.0.3a.


I am a gun/saber user however in the "mod" I am working on with the source I am attempting to fix a few of the bugs, balance the game out as much as I possibly can for everyone. I am playing quite a few duel/saber only servers just to see what it's like for them and listening to saber users as they offer suggestions. My primary goal with the mod is a balanced game for everyone involved and not just one side of the community like Raven has done.

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For the life of me I cannot believe how much you people (you know who you are) whine. I am so sick to death of filtering through 50 posts a day saying, "Boo-hoo, my uber-DFA attack doesn't get me instant kills anymore" or "This sucks...change it" or "Why are no more patches being worked on??" before I actually read something constructive.


If there are no plans for another patch, LIVE WITH IT! For chrissakes move on with your lives already!


If you people spent half of the time you spend whining on actually LOOKING at the code to make your own, we could have had 25 patches by now.


PLEASE stop posting these ridiculous threads attempting to verify Raven's "future plans". If Raven in fact had any future plans that they want you to know about, I'm sure they'd tell you.

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd

He posted the headers a little farther down. You might read the thread before posting, next time :D


Haha the stupidiest post I've seen today.. He didn't even post that in this thread lol

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Originally posted by Raze

Haha...He didn't even post that in this thread lol


X-From_: jmonroe@ravensoft.com Thu Jun 06 17:21:47 2002

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From: "Monroe, James" <jmonroe@ravensoft.com>

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Subject: RE: JediKnight 2 - Congrats

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Um, yes HE did: read it yourself from THIS THREAD or read the copy of it I just pasted above from THIS THREAD. You need to specify he next time if you do not mean the original poster. And WD_TorRMeNt, you may have meant Sith, but I was speaking of the original poster as I STATED CLEARLY in my post. Unlike you, dolt :D

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Originally posted by Inviction

Thank you!


Lucas currently does not have any plans to release any more patches. (But we released the source code so users can make the changes themselves.)







ROFL I like how people get suckered to that :rofl:

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Originally posted by WD_Rage

For servers that use mods:


If the mod is server-side (which the compiled source code is) there is NO DOWNLOAD REQUIRED! All you need is the 1.02->1.03 game patch. If people couldn't join the server due to unpure-ness, I have a list of things to do:


1. Make sure you have upgraded from 1.02 to 1.03.

2. Get completely out of JK2 and restart it. Attempt to join.

3. If that doesn't work, reboot.

4. If all else fails, there is something on your machine that the server believes is not pure. Turn on auto-download and see what you need to download.

So, i have tried that and i still get kicked for unpureness. And I AM sure my assets are allright.

So i tried joining your server (which states to be unmodified 1.03a) 2 minutes ago. and it propably worked fine (or ist it for your server might not check for pureness?).

Anyways i can't get my own server to work using the saber103a 'mod'. I *guess* now it is a server side problem, because *everyone* gets kicked for unpureness. Thats right: the server is always empty when using saber103a, cause noone can join.

I have to say that I'm totally new in running jk2 servers with 'mods'. I start the server with 'jk2ded +set fs_game saber103a +exec server.cfg" so maybe this is wrong, but it actually does start the server, and it does find the jk2sdk103a.pk3 file.

So is the problem the location of the jk2sdk103a.pk3? I tried it either in 'base' or in 'saber103' folders.

Anyone might know what this is? Please, I fell so dumb it MUST be simple... :(


Oh yeah i forgot: When i join it *does* want to download the jk2sdk103a.pk3 file, which is supposed to be a server side mod, so download *should* not be needed... if I'd let the client download it it wuld work of course, but that can't be the sollution, since this is supposed to be server side :/

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The mod SDK source has changes to the cgame (client-side) qvm (a friend speculated that it was probably cleaner entity handling for dismemberment), so if you're going to run a stable 1.03a client-server environment, both the server and the clients will need the new qvm's; thus, for now I'm going to leave them zipped in a pk3 for everyone with JK2 to get.


I'll probably make a higher profile release on my site and others later this week once I've done some more testing and get more feedback.

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Hmm something about the dismemberment? well ok, than my JO wants to download the pk3.. ok.


But i really don't *get* what is wrong with my JO, cause NOONE can enter the server without downloading the pk3.. i get dozens of people beeing kicked for unpureness.


And for the WD Server: Sure. I was there too! (without the pak file) I jsut don't see what might be different between your and my server...


I havent had the chance to test if your server really has the 1.03a physics to me, but since you say its pure it has to be this way....

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Ok, it's getting even stranger.

So I *AM* able to join the WD 1.03a Server, and there i actually *CAN'T* do turning during backsweeps. Note: I don't have the pak file WD is using on the server, but i can join it.


My own server I can ONLY join IF i have the 1.03a pak file that is on it (jk2sdk103a.pk3, the 'saber103a mod'). So allright. If i have the pak everything is as it should be.


But doesn't have anyone a clue why i can get on the WD server without downloading anything and not on mine? My question is *which* pak are you using ´on the WD Server?


And something i noticed: It is *not* the same clientwise if you have the sdk patch that is on the server you're playing installed or not: On the WD Server e.g. *I* (without the WD's pak file) can see the blue lunge animation in mid-air, where it actually isn't executed anymore (it is very jerky.. starts the animation, but gets back to normal/flying/jumping animation too early... which is evidence for that I actually ONLY see the animation, because i don't have the 1.03a on the client, and that it wouldn't do any blue-lunge-damage (at least i guess so).

So it *is* better to have the patch clientwise, but i would have loved to have it server-only. But taking this (the wrong animations) into concern it might actually be best to have autodownloading enabled, and let every cliient that wants to play there get it 8just like it works now for me) ... therefore i would like to know if there are any 'absolete' files within the jk2sdk103a.pk3... there are some 'ui' anythings... what is this (i didn't note any UI differences), do i need it? I mean 599kb isn't *that* much, but it takes some time and nerves for dial ups.

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Why Lucasarts would suddenly refuse to pay Raven to make another

patch (which is needed badly for these messed up saber duels) for one

of Lucasarts' flagship Star Wars games that has just been released and

is selling well is beyond me.


Since when does Lucasarts treat their loyal customers and fans so badly?


About this 1.03a patch. I have dl'ed the 1.03a zip file and unzipped

it into my JKII directory. Is that all I have to do to make the 1.03a

patch work on the client side, or I have to execute one of the files in

some way? Also, which JKII subdirectory do you place the 1.03a files in?


Thanks. :)

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