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The Reborn Academy

Darth Ball

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the reborn acadmey is something that i just made up where people and come and other people will teach about the game on servers

if any people are interested i will make a website and we will get started

it is like the jedi accadmey with less people and i think it would be fun

i would need some students and some masters

anyone interested

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Darth this is VERY MUCH like the Jedi Academy, but i like the idea. Ill be happy to be a Master or Sith Lord, i am currently under training by the Academy to become a Sith Lord but still have skill,

the reason i like this because it is a Smaller clanof jedi and sith to the academy and doesnt seem so crowded...

anyway Darth Ball and dark pheonix give me you Aim name, so we can work this out :D

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Hmmm... The JA (Jedi Academy) is Training both some disavowing the Laws of the Jedi and training in the Arts of the Darkside, i could persaud all Darksiders to Train in the Reborn Academy,also i got the Jedi CoucilLevel that should be ourTraining Room, I MAY EDIYT IT A LITTLE to make it unique

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Somehow the word Reborn just doesn't sound nice...

I personally won't wanna be from a Reborn Academy if I could be from the Jedi Academy. Just sounds nicer.

Anyway, I don't see much to learn when it comes to the force. For example, if you are using lightning, and in MP you will usually go for level 3, then there isn't much to train. Just lock onto the guy as long as you can or until you feel the need to stop like if he does absorb or whatever. Grip training just requires practice to quickly grip and fling him off or use him as a shield in team games or something. Absorb, just switch it on when you want or need it.

Push people off cliffs or on the ground. Push projectiles before they blast you. Pull people. But these, unless throwing them off, need to be followed by the lightsaber or some other weapon.

So actually once you learn the lightsaber, it's ok and that means Dark or Light side doesn't make much of a difference. As for training of other weapons, i don't think the academy would wanna train that but even then it'll just be like many other shootings as long as you adjust to the weapons.

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You may have a point there Fossil, but its for the Fun of it and gives experienced people to help others not too good at using a lightsaber and teach'[s the basic and advanced use's of the Force, your right though Rebown Academy soudns wierd

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Kal i also am a student at the JA, but think about it. Abig academy training lots of people, then there is the little one training to the TOP standards ofa Sith or a Jedi to launch an attack on tha JA Jedis and Sith, or persaude them into joining the Dark side into the Reborn Academy

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Like minds should train together to share ideas and knowledge. An Academy for the Sith is a good idea. Some around here are convinced the darkside sucks. Allbeit a lot more challenging to play and do so succesfully with force powers, many are voicing their intention to do so. Saber only NF duels are the most fun since no one can whine about spammed force powers.


I am just wondering when any "Academy" is going to actually get started and training can begin?



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Kaan, you and I are both Determened to get one started arent we?

So you and I should start one together, our Sith Academy, i mean it would be a Good Idea and we wont Waist time and SAY it will be up and never bring it up WE WILL start it up wadda ya say?

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But Kal, ALOT OF PEOPLE are NOT training. NerfYoda HIMSELf said it was not fully up... we wont sokmething people can come to SIGN UP and get Training not just the odd few ppl. Dont get me wrong JA is still a Large and Resocsful and Helpful place and Wellorganisedbut they aint training everyone and they need more trainers

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Bobo Fart,


I would indeed like to get something started to promote interaction and training/playing amoung those wanting to learn the Darkside.


Must be who you know as It's apparent some are indeed getting special concideration when it comes to training. Kal is already doing so, and interestingly enough is the only Trainee listed on the page. Yet the JA Site says they are not taking trainee apps yet as they are sorting through choosing trainers....


Valek and I are training with Dragon. You are more than welcome to join in with us and have some fun while learning a lot. I will send you a pm with the specifics.



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I am interested in learning the ways of the darkside I currently play against bots because i am tryin to get my skill levels up simply because when iplay online i get my ass wooped to hell and back and it's really starting to get borin so if any one is willing to help me i would be extremely greatfull :evil2::newbie::slsaber:

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