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Heavy stance flawed?


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think about it. Fast stance is fast swings but little damage, probably a loose grip and can easily loose it. Medium stance is the standerd, normal gripping. But heavy stance defy's physics. When you switch to it, does the saber get so heavy that you have to take 2 seconds to swing it. If I were putting more force into a strike (as heavy stance should) then I would have an incredibly tight grip and my swings would be fast and powerfull, anough for one powerfull fast swing as I put all my might into it, there would be the same amount of recovery time (if I miss) and I would be open, but the swing should be faster, not slower. It makes the saber look like theres an extra 200lbs added, which frankly, is wrong.

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Yeah, that's right.

Maybe they should make him swing real fast and have a slightly longer recovery period during which he is open, as well as a slightly longer time where he's holding the saber for defence but cannot attack yet, such that the total time taken before another attack can be made is equal to the current time taken. Was that what you meant? :)

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Hey I think it's pretty balanced the way it is now. Look how much damage that stance does. It does a whole crapload of damage when it hits it's mark, but you're so slow that you become a prime target yourself. For every pro should be a con. I think heavy stance is more useful in those group bitch fests where you get like 10 people all in an angry riot in the center of the map hacking away at eachother. There's no avoiding getting hit in that kind of situation, and you're guaranteed to land one. Plus it's so chaotic you can't possibly focus on one single target. Thus heavy stance comes in real handy.

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Originally posted by Soulless

its not about that, its about the fact that people hold the saber in heavy stance as if it has added about 200lbs onto it, thats not right for a weapon thats meant to be lightweight.


If you want realisim, go do things in real life. If you want a fun game, sit down in front of your computer :D


The stances are pretty well balanced. IMO medium is the most deadly, factoring out special moves which I consider stanceless (since you can switch stances execute the move and switch back with relative ease), and considering that I play NF duels (well I used to, JK2 lost it's luster and I stopped playing :(--GTA3 is fun though...)

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From where I see it, heavy stance is flawed as well.


The problem is that you can't rely on your blocking when you are up against a heavy user. Blocking won't do diddely.


What are you going to do if someone comes charging at you with a heavy swing? Hope to strike him and then get away? Most of the time, he'll just block your attack, even though he's in an attack animation himself. And even *if* you do hit him mid-swing, then he'll just hit you, before you get away, for about the double damage.


The heavy stance breaks blocks, and the blocking system allows you to block even when attacking, so it's pretty much tantamount to suicide trying to attack a heavy user while he's swinging. As we all know, no attack can break the block of heavy stance, so that heavy user probably will get his hit in, unless you get the f*ck away in a hurry.


Of course, someone could argue that since it costs more points, it should naturally be more powerful. I disagree; A lot of servers are set to "no force", so you automatically get every stance for free. And the rest of the servers are set to "jedi master", so you can pretty much buy nearly every force power, and d*mn well every stance. The point is: you nearly always have access to all the stances without suffering a penalty because of the choice you made. Set more servers to a vastly lower force level, and we'll see.


And did I mention that it looks completely stupid trying to swing that small lightsaber like it weighed a ton? It doesn't, so it shouldn't look like it. Redo the whole stance and animation, like fossil said.

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I agree in that Heavy stance was not balaced with light and medium very well at all. There is a very big difference in how slow the Heavy stance swings are compared to the difference between the light and medium swings. The heavy stance treats the swings like you are wielding a 7 foot long 16 pound Scotish Claymore instead of a lightsaber. Every swing leaves you open to a counter.


For those with patience and good timing though, it is very deadly.

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Im not complainin about heavy stance.


When i was in the courtyard, almost to the last part with the steps, there was like alot of shadowtroopers and reborns, and all my jedi pals where dead. So, i took one lucky swing with eavy setting, and WHAM! there goes 2 reborns and a shadowtrooper.

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