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Binding kick


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I don't think it's possible since the kick uses 2 jumps. I think there is another way to kick though.

You can't bind a key to do the combination of the "death from above" stunt. Neither can you bind it such that you will automatically turn 180 degrees and do a backswing or backstab. Therefore I think that you can't bind keys for the kick.

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You CAN bind keys to DFA and to backstab using scripts.


I tried to make a kick script for you. Its not perfect ,after pressing the key there's a short delay before your character kicks . Maybe somebody has an idea on this.


Just open notepad and paste this in :

seta KICK "+moveup;wait;-moveup;wait;+moveup;wait;-moveup"


bind x "vstr KICK"


(you can use any key instead of x )

Then save the file as kick.cfg in your GameData\base folder.

When you are in game open the console (shift + key left to 1 ) and enter exec kick.cfg or add this line to your autoexec.cfg.



you have to hold down the x key

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Can't get the kick?


Man, I just learned it last night, and I can hit it almost every time now ;)


Guy tried to grip me on NS-Streets and throw me off a ledge, I hit absorb and then gave him 4 kicks in a row to knock HIM off into oblivion...lol...that had to be the best one yet.


Just practice it for a while. Run around in a match doing nothing but trying to kick. Don't go in trying to win, or score kills, or pull, or backstab, etc. Just practice your kicking.


One way to do it, probably the easiest, is when someone is running at you swinging or something, just run right at them, then double-tap jump just before you run into each other.


Again, it takes practice, but once you get the timing down, it's almost second nature...you don't even have to think about it to do it ;)


Also, if someone pulls you down, and runs in to backstab...


As soon as you see you are going down, you need to react...hold down the jump button, usually you will jump up as they reach you, or are turning, etc. While in the air, tap jump again. Not only will you jump over the person's saber and not get hit, you'll kick them as well, probably knocking them over. Another one that takes practice, and I myself haven't mastered it yet, but a friend of mine has ;)

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I can't believe this...this thread deserves a lot more flaming.


Listen; use your script as much as you want against BOTS, but don't come playing against PEOPLE with that kind of lame CHEATING bull****! :swear:


"I don't have the skill to execute a move, so I'm forced to use a script" ...is that it, Mud?


Jesus! :mad:

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There is a big point in that post.


Scripting is baisically hacking so this thread should of been deleted anyway!

Scripting is for morons that can't learn how to mature out of noobism! Scripting and hacking debases the game it is used on so Luc Solar had every right to flame that noob! And why are you guys beeing so nice to him? He is the sort of person who ruins good matches online!!!!





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Hmm this fantastic game is going to be ruined by those damn CS n00bs who don't know how to handle a saber (they use weapons all the time :D ). They need scripts for everything otherwise they couldn't get at least one kill. And why do u need a script to bind the kick ? If u can't do it (it's the easiest thing except jumping) u should deinstall jk2 cause u are not worth to play this game. Kicking itself is lame cause u can nothing do against it except kicking. Also it does too much damage. I've see a few times ppl running around with saber lowered doing kickspam. This sux. So if u have a little bit of honor use kicks wisely.

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cs ppl complaints about q3 players and jk2 players complaint about them. hhmmm... ppl who can use a lightsaber... ehehe... imagine that you are master windu... running and charging at a gun-whore carrying a puny 9mm handgun. *slice* there goes its head :D

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I'm...not seeing what's wrong with scripting kick...everyone was whining about having to tap twice to kick, and so now word's being spread on how to do it with one key...and...suddenly...evil... so was it evil when it was just one tap?


Maybe that's why Raven REALLY changed it...

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why are all the powerful moves so lame?


i hardly get kicked and never bothered to try it, didn't know it was so effective...but from what i read, kicking is unblockable except by kicking and kicking 4 times in a row, that sounds pretty bad...also i really hate that overused backswing where people run to you, turn their back towards you and slash you...totally unrealistic. I know it's just a game but still to use these in a star wars game intended to revolve around the lightasber combat just doesn't seem right. :( i don't consider using guns cheating though, since without it, it might get boring without anything to fire like most FPS games and besides, not all but a lot of shots can be deflected and yet the lightsaber doesn't rule all as there are still types of projectiles you can't escape easily. Compared to moves like DFA and stuff, these backswing (maybe one of these days even kicking if not already) is the cause of most melee kills.

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i totatally agree with Luc Solar scripts sucks, practise goddamn it. Play first with bots and you will get it eventually.

Also Raven should released a patch to make those freaking back moves blockable or at least they should make them not as powerful as they are.

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Guys, kick is EASY to defend!


A. Don't f*king stand there

B. Don't keep running at them


Seriously, move around! Strafe! Most people who I kick repeatedly, I do so because they just keep running straight at me. I mean, seriously, kick 'em in the face ONCE and you'd think they'd learn...


If you can't block a move, don't complain, just get out of the way. :D

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