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Could a [Raven] Member please give last word on these comments please!


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There has been a argument/debate going on over 3 main points!


1-There is a saber Throw *what i call Cheat others say Technique* where u can throw the saber, and on it comin back, some how lock it so it spins almost twice as fast around u non stop, till u release a button, or even worse, u can make the saber stay in one spot and do the same spin while you watch from a distance everyone run into it!

What do you say about this?

i believe it too be a bug/glitch that peeps are abusing!


2-Float Move, This is where the player falling off a ledge, does one certain more, and when repeated it makes them glide across the map instead of just falling, yet again, i do believe this too be cheating, as it can stop u die'n at certain times, and it can help u get across certain distances that shouldnt be able too be done!


3-This one is not a high issue cause it can be done acidently

Where it turns your Backstab into a 1 touch kill type thing, i dont have alot of info on this one, but basically your character locks in a position where anyone run into u die's i have done it a few times my self, but on pure mistake, but aparantly there is aways to repeat it


PLEASE this needs to come from a Raven member too help sort this out



i read about the Goul 2 thing on the JKii.net, if that does what it says, and u could block a BS, then why dont u release it on a patch? not telling you too do it, or telling you your job btw, just a question, cause it would stop a hell of alot of arguments, i know my self running the Wireplay side, lots off peeps quit/or dont play as much, cause they didnt like the BS/pull technique that is so much used


anyways, if the main points could be answered i would be ever so greatfull



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=SSC=Kal-El keep your comments too your self lamer


tournaments and compo's that we run need this settling as at the moment this can result in disqualification


also it is a debate that i have come across as a Mod u f00l try reading it before commenting it, this is not somthing i have brought up

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The lightsaber thing isn't cheating. Raven wouldn't be able to fix that anyways. I mean, you are not protected by your back so it is right that you should be vulnerable. I think that should stay. I admit to doing the move where you glide down. I also admit to it's cheapness. That should get taken care of. The backstab usually is a one-hit kill move I thought... :confused:



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The saber toss is NOT a bug or glitch, it is intentional, I can't believe people have not read the game manual to know that this is an actual move.


I don't know much on this glide thing as I've never seen it done, so I can't comment on it.


As for the back-stab and or back-slash, these are also not bugs or glitches, however they are a lame form of winning because anyone can learn how to do it effectively and do it all the time. It becomes pure luck at that point when two people know how to do it in a duel for example, of who can get the move off first. Most people use force pull to knock the oppenent down first and then proceed with the back-stab or slash.


This is definitely something Raven has to fix in the next patch. I emailed Raven Tech support not long ago when the master servers for JK2 went down. I asked what the problem was and I also asked if there is going to be another patch for JK2.


I got a reply from a Raven Administrator named Kenn. I was told what the problem was and also that there will be another patch for JK2. I assume most of the REAL glitches will be fixed and I hope they change the back stab/slash from a one hit kill to a move that simply takes only half health. Example health at 100, if someone back slashes or stabs you, you will be down to 50 health instead of instant death.


I find that to be more than fair because it will give people a chance to heal from it and fights will last much longer for those cheap noobs who have perfected this move and don't know any other moves. If someone can pull of two back stabs/slashes before someone can heal then that would be considered a skill, as healing is easy to do on the darkside and even on the lightside.


There are a number of things I would like to see in the new patch, unfortunatly I am not in control of these things. I just hope they change some things in the game as opposed to just fixing current bugs and or glitches.

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SIth i dont know if u know what i mean, i dont mean the saber throw

it is changed, it aint a normal throw


and u are u supposed to be able too lock it in on position and run off and watch it spin non stop?

i mean it rotatoes around the character, like 3 times the speed a normal saber throw would work...

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I really don't see the problem with that saber-trick. I mean...it's suicide! You can't (?) use your force powers when doing it and your saber is spinning on the other side of the map leaving you quite vulnerable..?!

If I recall correctly, you can't run either. Besides, the saber won't do that much damage. You need to walk through a dozen times to get killed. (In 1.02 it might have been different?)


And it is not too tough to avoid either --> a saber spinning madly in the air in one spot is imho just plain fun. It does not give an "unfair advantage" to anyone. It's just cool and funny. :D


If you walk around with the saber spinning around you, you are defenseless against f.ex saber throw. It's quite cool, though suicidal. :p


Stopping your fall with the special move is a bug. Exploiting a bug is lame. But I don't see this as a major problem. Not by a long shot --> When was the last time any of you died from a fall? (And I don't mean falling into "the bottomless void")


As for the backstab, I'm not sure what you mean. It is a one-hit-kill move. Well, the blue stab does not kill you at 100/200, but the red sweep will. It is too powerful and spammed to no end.


Damn you backstab, damn you to hell!! :swear: :swear:

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Yeah.. I've seen a few peeps doing the saber spinning thingie, but it is really useless, as you can't do sh*t with the saber spinning madly in front of you :p . Anyway it wouldn't hurt if they removed that from the game, it is most probably a bug.


As for the exploit for avoiding falling with special moves, that's a reason as good as any to release another patch (and hopefully to adress other more pressing issues too *hint*). There are a few more glitches too that you haven't talked about BTW, like the wallwalk on Yavin that lets you reach a point where you can stand in midair :confused: , or the occasional bug when you recover from knockdown and after standing again you are paralyzed for a couple seconds..


Still, the one thing I (and many people) think that it's more important to fix is the infamous pull/backslash combo exploit.. For all the **autocensored** that flame people that talk against this (cheap) move, let me tell you something.. what do you think makes a game better.. spamming a single move/combo ad nauseum, or having a whole set of effective moves that wouldn't eclipse each other, that would make saber fights fun again? (same goes for absorb vs. all other force powers BTW)


P.S.: hey =SSC=Kal-El, nice post record you have. Although if all of your posts are as useless as ^^^ ....

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What is wrong with that spinning it is just a move and if you wait it wil stop because he moves slowly and it stops after a while. I use it sometimes for the fun of it but you actually can't attack with it except if some dumb people ran into it :D

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