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tricks and moves

Darth Karam

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hey people im new to this site. ive ahd outcast for a long time but i just started playen online.


i was wondering if u can send me cool moves and tricks to make this gme better. because ive been looken but havent foud much.






also id like to state backstab is stupid unless u only use it when needed.

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hey!....you can try http://www.gamefaqs.com and type in jedi outcast, they should have a moves list, i suggest playing on a server for a while, and somone one will school you. here are some basics


Death From Above

-Red Stance

-Press then hold Attack

*As sabre reaches your back*



Aerial Strike

-Yellow Stance

*Aim your reticle on your opponent until it turns red*

-Press Jump+Attack


Front Kick

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump

-Jump towards Opponent and press Jump 2x


Side Kick

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump

-Strafe left\right+jump


Side Glide

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump

-Press jump+strafe

-Release Strafe


Sabre Shield

-Any Stance

-LvL 3 Throw

-Press\Release Alt Attack


*To keep Sabre shield at bay*

-Press Taunt


360 Strike

-Yellow\Red Stance





-Any Stance

*Opponent must be behind you*



Wall Jump

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump

-Jump 2x against a wall


Side Jump Wall

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump



Wall Walk

-Any Stance

-LvL 2 Jump




-Blue Stance


*May be accomplished in the air to glide with no negative hp 1.00-1.03 Only*


Forward Backflip

-Any Stance






Experiment with those moves and figure your style...

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this page has a lot of tips and tricks of saber and weapon combat




this page has all the moves listed....it's soon going to updated to include strategic information and counters




this page has all the weapons with counters, strategy, tactics, etc...it will soon have a picture of each weapon too!




this page has information about all the force powers...it will soon be updated to contain strategic information and counters (also a picture of the force power in use and the icon)

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Utterly Newbie friendly... as a newb of less than week with the game, this info is just what I was looking for. Perhaps a mod could sticky this, or create a new post with the just links/info and sticky that? Cheers to SDF, ToF for the info.


BTW... any duel servers specializing as newb training grounds? I'd rather not waste the time of the vets 'till i've skill'd up a bit.


--Moe :cool:

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hey peoples thanks for the help but lets keep this goin. kinda share moves and stratagies and stuff.


im tryen to do somethen like a backflip off the wall then while in air, turning and stabben the person thats attacken me. but the laggin jsut ruins it.

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