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1.03 Server admins


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I'm finding that the ghoul2 on and sabertrace stuff off, 1.03 saber fighting is much better than 1.02.


But you need to put it in the name of the server whether or not you are using those options - simply put in (ghoul 2) or something.


Are there any specific servers running ghoul 2 right now?\


If so, anyone have an IP?

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**||ROCKY MOUNTAIN JK2 1.03x||** is using the GHOUL 2 as a regular option and is NF SABER DUEL.. Just be warned that excessive kicking (more than 5 kicks a match DEF of MATCH: the entire series of battles played out against one opponenet ) and and excessive BACKSTABBING (more than 3 a match) will be grounds for banishment... that might seem like a lot, but the server is VERY enjoyable and is very fun to go to...

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The backstab and backspin need to be vastly altered, that's

the biggest problem right now in saber duels. Both are far too easy

to do.


You know something is very very wrong in saber duels

when people deliberately turn their backs on you so they can

get these cheap backstab and backspin kills. In a real duel,

turning your back like that would get you killed very quickly.

Turning your back on your opponent should get you swiftly killed,

not give you some cheap way to kill a player who has superior skills.


Also, those kicks are way too easy to do, as well. That

gets abused all the time.


And if there is any way to make script attacks not work, get rid of

that in the next patch, too. If you don't have the skill to execute the

maneuvers manually (no computer assistance), then you don't deserve

to win a duel.

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