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Jedi Acadamy 2

darth dragon

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I was reading around the forums and was wondering, when can you consider yourself a master? for example, i see threads about people wanting to be taught and they ask if any Jedi or Sith Master wants to teach them. we don't have any real trials around here so how do they figure this out?

also, what is the average standard of a player around here and the standard of those who can become trainers? my saber isn't good and i rely on force (and guns) quite often, but i was just wondering how bad i actually am.

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Dont worry Dragon, Kal just makes tons of posts, all less than one sentence making stupid comments equal to his I.Q. to boost his total post count. I hope he does show up, but I know he wont. He can only claim his skill here through written word. I also would be willing to wager in a NF Saber Only Duel server he would not get even one kill.


*clap clap clap clap*:bored:


If my posts are so stupid, then why do you continuously comment them? You must be a true idiot if that is what you believe and then go thread after thread repeating the same thing.


You have no real life and you have to come here and pretend you are something by writing idiotic posts that comment "idiotic" posts. You don't even get the basic principle of the game when you are asking me to duel you. And I like the fact that you are psychic when it comes to the outcome. Seriously, the mental institution is down the block, I suggest you go visit it. You are so blinded with the fact that I have a bigger post count (obvously that is what is bothering you since you didn't miss a chance to comment it) than you, that you TRY to act like an idiot. I should actually feel flattered that you waste your time on me placing these moronic posts one after another (and they are all the same). Seriously, please post something more after this, you are amusing and killing my time just the way I want it killed.

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Originally posted by Fossil25

I was reading around the forums and was wondering, when can you consider yourself a master? for example, i see threads about people wanting to be taught and they ask if any Jedi or Sith Master wants to teach them. we don't have any real trials around here so how do they figure this out?

also, what is the average standard of a player around here and the standard of those who can become trainers? my saber isn't good and i rely on force (and guns) quite often, but i was just wondering how bad i actually am.


The fun thing is.. there's no standard out there.. that I know of. :) Trainers are bieng accepted to the Academy based on mostly their attitude & play style, then (in a close second) if theyre any good or not. Good or not is subjective & determined by duealing around with some of our more "senior" trainers.

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Ok get the logic.....I was the first student accepted on the list.....look at my attitude on teh boards (although seriously when it comes to real stuff in the game I'm not like this), however then you got Kane who is still waiting...




(sorry had to ease that off even though I know it is not really like that :rofl: )

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Originally posted by Captain Anarchy

I know I'm not in the Jedi Academy or anything, but I have a kind of suggestion on how you COULD run this:


1: Instead of having an online application, have scouts or recruiters if you will, go around with a tag along the lines of ]JA-R[ or [JA]NAMEHERE[R1], then, when someone see's one of these people, the can talk to them about it, and then get into contact with this person through ICQ or MSN or something like that, then if they proove themselves worthy, give them the pass to the serv.


2: Interview people, not just ask them their name, ask them some questions (How long have you been playing JKII?, How often do you play it?, What force side do you use?).


3: Have the server private, but just incase someone leaks the pass or something, change the pass bi-weekly or something like that.


4: When in training, don't just show them a few things, show them tricks within the level, have things like on the Bespin streets level, have them go to the top of the white building, and practice jumping down and slashing moving targets (the trainer).


5: Have people take a test when they want to go up in rank, or when proven worthy of going up in rank, much like in any martial art or any form of training for that matter.


Like I said, just a few suggestions.


Scouts are a cool idea, but honestly Doobie and I are way to busy to scout out the pub's. Besides if we have open application (in theory) all the good players will come to us. :)


We give our interviewers & in most cases our students interviews before letting them in.


We will be changing server passwords more or less regularly to prevent any nasties from getting on & doing dumb things.


Most of teaching is communication & we're getting our trainers to remember that. We'll be training on our own custom map that should simulate variuos enviornments out there. If no one objects though a map change for a class shouldn't be a problem. :)


And last but not least I've got a ranks system brewing about in my head. Let us get the system up and running though 1st hehe. :)


Whew! Keep the questions/suggestions coming!

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Ok get the logic.....I was the first student accepted on the list.....look at my attitude on teh boards (although seriously when it comes to real stuff in the game I'm not like this), however then you got Kane who is still waiting...




(sorry had to ease that off even though I know it is not really like that :rofl: )


I can vouch for that. Kal is a real ass around here, but in game he's cool. :) Oh yeah and you're the 1st student because we wouldnt let ya train ya know.. :p hehe

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I have returned..from a nice trip out to the lake this weekend, I am finally back, and can grace these boards again with my presence..haha yeah right. I'm all ready to be flamed guys...BRING IT ON! lol..


Anyways...I just need to talk to lightningrod about my tryout and I'm all set...so I'm not complaining :D

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This is my forum and i will not have any unpleasentness. Now Kaan and Kal say sorry and you can battle it out amonst yourself on saturday (if you are coming that is.) i will set up a special thing so you can go 1v1 and then we will seeif Kal is bosting or not. Plus i think that all these new ideas are overwelming mass so stop with the ideas until the JA is ready. Now remember this is my forum and for once one of my forums is doing well so i don't want people to stop posting because they are angry with another JK player.

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that won't stop em darth..instead they will just flame you. I don't think they can be stopped...Sometimes threads just go sour because of em. The only thing I can think of doing that may help isss.....


"Next person to flame or yells at another person is gay and wears his mom's panties!!!!"


hmmm...dont' think that would work..but we'll see. hehehe

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I was looking forward to learning from a Master or Trainer at the JA. Someone a lot better and more knowledgable and skilled than me. It sounded like fun and that there would be some great Duels and basically lots of fun in all kinds of gameplay, while Trainers and students interacted, made some friends and had lots of fun. Maybe even some roleplay would develope...


Hmmm, I really dont care if Kal likes me or not. I dont know him, never played against him. He somehow managed to get listed as a trainee, and is the only one. The reason has been explained by Messa, then contradicted by Kal. I misunderstood what was going on I guess, but Whatever.....


I have been training everday by playing and meeting some really cool guys on the servers that are teaching me a lot. So with or without the JA, I WILL learn and have fun. :laughing:


Hopefully when they get it open and going, I will still meet some cool people through the JA and get to be a part of it, but for some reason I think it is going to be political and based on "who knows who" as to who gets a trainer assigned that actually teaches you and doesnt make excuses why they cant make it "again this week."


Maybe I am wrong, I hope I am. But I honestly feel based on the contradictions from what has been said by Kal, Messa and a few others, the JA will only be productive and fun for certain individuals. If there was consistency in what was being said it would at least be believable.


Anyway I really dont care who flames me over this as the JA still isnt up and going and there will be other flames no doubt about something else soon enough.



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People will always find a reason to be angry/flame. These forums are a perfect microcosm of that. :) We're choosing trainers based on their attitude, communication & playing ability. I have no doubt that a political who's who of the community may form around it (IMO it's unavoidable), but I'll try to keep any of that kind of crap to a minimum.

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hey nerfy, how's my attitude?? lol..I must admit I used to flame...but I've taken anger management..and in the past couple of weeks haven't flamed at all..maybe put in a wise crack here and there..but never really went full out and flamed someone. I just let kal el do all the work for me. hahaha

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i'm not gonna flame ya kaan, don't worry... i'm just wondering what i said that contradicted anyone, so thinks can be clear for all... if it's about kal el, i'm not sure what he said, but he was given a tryout for a trainer spot (one of the few tryouts i actually was around to witness, i've been so damn busy) and the two trainers who tried him out both told me he'd be better off as a student right now, so that's how he's on the site. anything else anyone says is wrong :)


anything else anyone needs clarified?



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Originally posted by massadoobie

i'm not gonna flame ya kaan, don't worry... i'm just wondering what i said that contradicted anyone, so thinks can be clear for all... if it's about kal el, i'm not sure what he said, but he was given a tryout for a trainer spot (one of the few tryouts i actually was around to witness, i've been so damn busy) and the two trainers who tried him out both told me he'd be better off as a student right now, so that's how he's on the site. anything else anyone says is wrong :)


anything else anyone needs clarified?




Yes I think we already clarified that...Again, basic summary of that event = When Lightning started testing me I sucked too much (Final score was 15-4 I think) that he offered me to perfect my skills and then for me to become a trainer. In my defense the ping was high (274 minimum, about 350 max) and I really didn't expect that kind of testing (I actually expected the opposite, but later it made sense lol), however that really doesn't excuse the fact that me and my skills were BELOW average completely.


However just for the note, I WILL be requesting that my final test for the trainer position be done in a less lag environment, which will probably occur on another server which is in Europe or on my host.


Originally posted by darth dragon

This is my forum and i will not have any unpleasentness. Now Kaan and Kal say sorry and you can battle it out amonst yourself on saturday (if you are coming that is.) i will set up a special thing so you can go 1v1 and then we will seeif Kal is bosting or not. Plus i think that all these new ideas are overwelming mass so stop with the ideas until the JA is ready. Now remember this is my forum and for once one of my forums is doing well so i don't want people to stop posting because they are angry with another JK player.


Even if I was going to fight, you DO know what kind of a ping I get there (hint; try 400ms that I had today as a constant)? Even if I would fight and beat him, it would be because his keyboard/mouse/ didn't work. Also I don't see how battling it out in the game solves anything. This isn't a matter of skill...We'll talk about that later, you and I...




Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Hmmm, I really dont care if Kal likes me or not. I dont know him, never played against him. He somehow managed to get listed as a trainee, and is the only one. The reason has been explained by Messa, then contradicted by Kal. I misunderstood what was going on I guess, but Whatever.....


Maybe I am wrong, I hope I am. But I honestly feel based on the contradictions from what has been said by Kal, Messa and a few others, the JA will only be productive and fun for certain individuals. If there was consistency in what was being said it would at least be believable.


You don't quite get it, do you? This isn't a matter of like/dislike. I don't care enough about you to like or dislike you. Besides, given the fact that I don't care about you, that would mean I am not flaming you. Basically what I am doing is just playing with you because I get to have you as my own personal toy that goes off whenever I feel like it. You help me a lot in that by automatically commenting my actions which makes things easier for me. I truly have nothing against you, because, well for one obvious reason, I don't care much about you at this point, and I don't even know you really. You (and many people on this forum) take things too personal. It is you who chooses to fight with me. I never make the first punch (I do tease a lot :evil2: but never do anything seriously that goes towards offence). So you basically fall into your own little trap.


Secondly, you seem to have distort vision on things when you think that we can settle our differences by fighting in a game. For one you fail to realise what the game is all about, which is to play for fun, not some thirsty bloodsucking instinct that you might have in yourself to win. I was already taught that anger shouldn't drive me in anything, but I guess you never recieved such a lession. So my viewpoint stands that I will not fight you over some differences you may have with me. You or anyone else can assume I'm chickening out, however I really don't give a damn what anyone assumes. You can basically take it as you want.


If you wish never to speak to me, I can respect and honor that, and I won't speak to you either, however it seems that you are the one always badmouthing me first. Do try not to make a mistake on that last word. Although this could be a beggining of a wonderful friendship (:rofl: ).


And the JA will be productive for the people that can behave when it matters.


I'm done here...for now...

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Look I am Happy with mild flaming but any thing over te top and you r in deep ****. I can swear this is my thread but you lot can keep it down.

Anyway now that is over i have set the server up for the fight. It will Be this saturday at 8:00. Now if one contestant can't show up for some reason then we shall reschedule but if he chickens out he will be deemed the loser and will most likly get taken this piss out of, if both don't turn up then they are both the losers and weel are crap. the winner will take me on for a laugh (as i know i will win) so be there or be a four sided thing.

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Originally posted by darth dragon

Look I am Happy with mild flaming but any thing over te top and you r in deep ****. I can swear this is my thread but you lot can keep it down.

Anyway now that is over i have set the server up for the fight. It will Be this saturday at 8:00. Now if one contestant can't show up for some reason then we shall reschedule but if he chickens out he will be deemed the loser and will most likly get taken this piss out of, if both don't turn up then they are both the losers and weel are crap. the winner will take me on for a laugh (as i know i will win) so be there or be a four sided thing.


I already said I won't do it....

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