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Hunted MOD canceled !!!!!!!!!

Russk Rijann

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Has anyone else been to the Hunted MOD's website? They've had to stop making the MOD due to legal reasons :( .


For those of you who don't know the Hunted MOD was a going to be a new SP Total conversion where the player was Boba Fett. You would baisically go on missions bounty hunting. There was also going to be a new multiplayer mode much like counter strike where you buy your own weapons after colecting enough bounty.

And this has been canceld probably due to LA's upcomming Bounty Hunter game which looks no where near as good:mad: !


Ah well Lucas Art strikes again :(

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they shouldn't stop, some guy that was making a Star Wars mod for UT got a legel warning to stop, but he told lucas arts to shove it and is still going (its been like a year) and is now wroking on a new star wars mod.



[EDIT: or they could just not use the name Boba Fett]

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