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Sifa-Dias ?


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Remember what Obi Wan said when the Prime Minister of Kamino asked him about Sifa Dias? Obi-Wan said that he had been killed nearly ten years before, thereby acknowledging that he really did exist. I think Dooku, being a former Jedi, assumed his identity, but, Sifa Dias was not an alias, he must have really existed. Since it was after Darth Maul's death, Dooku would have already been Palpatine's apprentice.:D

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i think sifadias and sidius are similar enough (and theres one time when obi wan's on the transmitter where mysterious static makes it "si*chh*adius") that that would be the "clever twist"


sort of how the "clever twist" in episode 1 was that padme and amidala were the same person.


of course by "clever twist" i mean thing which makes no sense and doesn't read properly until you've seen the movie twice but is apparently some big breakthrough story point.

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He really existed, but for the sake of what happened in the movie, ordering the clone army, I think it was Dooku impersonated Dias - here's why (more guesses from Mr. Dallas)


Dias died around the time Dooku left the Jedi order. If it was the real Syphos Dias then the Jedi would know, yes? So it was someone impersonating Dias. Why Dooku and not Sidious? Cuzz the existance of the planet was wiped from the central library and Yoda (or someone) said only Jedi could have done that.


Dooku placed the order, wiped the planet from the library, let the Clone Army build to the time of Episode II when the Emperor would need it to squash the separtist (whose flame Dooku was fanning).

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