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WIP: Battle Droid


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You (prophet) should use a picture of a droids head flying through the air after being sliced off for the icon.

There was a few of those in ep1 I think.


In the second droid-fight Obi-Wan spins his saber with two hands and slices two droids heads off, you could use that.


Samuel: Do you mean the icon?

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I absolutely love the sound the Battledroid makes in TPM, where Qui Gon and Obi Wan jump down trying to rescue the Queen and Qui uses force push to knock them over.


Sounds like an electronic scream, lol. Wish I had the DVD so I could pull all those sounds off it.. :p

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I have a question. When you make the bot for the model, will you program like the current stormtrooperbot? So that it teams up with other battledroids etc. and opens up the chance for cooperative play?


Other than that superb model and very impressive work. Keep it up!

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I was fooling around with my VCR, taping sounds off movies, etc.. I decided to try getting some off my TPM tape.


I dunno if these are what you want, they're pretty crappy I know. Thought maybe you can clean them up or whatever..







If you decide that you like them and want me to try to get any others, just ask! :)

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ah, just another BUMP!


oh, and if anyones interested, i'm updating the sandarena.

a little more details (but maby this is not a good idea then? fps?)

some indoor areas with elevators, more weapons, better botsupport, new textures, and original music.


it's comming along nicely :)



hurry up with the droid! :)

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The old sandarena was great the only things that were differnt than the movie were


1. the poles at the bottom of the arena were to skinny the poles from the movie were wide.


2. the balcony and the exit are to far apart mace only walked a

few feet to get to dooku.


other than that it was perfect

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Originally posted by SAMUEL

The old sandarena was great the only things that were differnt than the movie were


1. the poles at the bottom of the arena were to skinny the poles from the movie were wide.


2. the balcony and the exit are to far apart mace only walked a

few feet to get to dooku.


other than that it was perfect

is this a map different than ffa_sandarena?

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I dont know this is all he said

Originally posted by pakmannen


i'm updating the sandarena.

a little more details (but maby this is not a good idea then? fps?)

some indoor areas with elevators, more weapons, better botsupport, new textures, and original music.


it's comming along nicely :)



hurry up with the droid! :)

I just gave suggestions
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Prohet hasent posted anything for a while we haven't even seen in game screen shot yet Its been i think a few months since he started this model at this rate yoda will be done firsts. it looked amazing in basic shaders form so its got to look umbelivable by now so hurry and realese or ill go crazy :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin::spin: :spin: :spin:

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