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WIP: Battle Droid


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Here is my new reference shot, its only fair I share it with anyone else who want's to do a battledroid and doesn't have the Visual Dictionary. I'll cross post this to the other BD thread.





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He's back!





I don't know exactly what you have to do to get it in game, but I could learn.

Don't send it too me, I'd rather see if I can do it first(pretty sure I could, I'd just like to test it).

If it's skinned, with the .skin file and shaders, etc.

I could probably figure it out.

*goes and checks the pk3's*





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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The model is looking great, and hopefully will be in SP soon, (could we have a date, when it may be ready?, im not tryin to be cocky, or anything, just would like and aprox date) :bdroid2:


Also, what about a Droid Decar ,as there called in Ep 1, in SP, gettin to shoot those bullets back it fires, gettin to hack them up. God, that sounds so sweet. Maybe some of them wud be able to have shields, but just able to block a few attacks, if any one thinks they could make one, if not already one is being made, could i be informed please. :D

Keep up the nice work,


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i think it would be cool to make a destroyer droid moddeled after Galak_mech......for SP.....so you can like...make invisible legs beneath it.....and have it LOOK like the feet are moving,when they arent....also.....galak has the repeater and a shield.....so it would be a good idea

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