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Legacy of darkness


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*Reletha, still backpedaling, turns and hurls her lightsaber. Deac grabs it, and chases. She drops and begins to fire from a Golan Arms Fletchette gun, the shards bouncing everywhere. However, Deac can block it*


Syrnl's darkness dies with you, filth!


*Deac hurls his lightsaber, and slices off Reletha's arm.She falls to the ground, gaspin as the Republic Police move in*

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*The Midnight VanGuard activates his jetpack and flies down towards Deac, landing behind him.* Greetings, Deac Starkiller. *the VanGuard touches him, and Deac sees a flash of blurry green and suddenly he is in the middle of a vast, wasted landscape on top of a large plateau. Canyons surround him. He is not alone...Koralis, Caolin, and a mercenary-type person that Deac does not recognize are standing facing him. The VanGuards are nowhere to be seen*

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"SHUT UP YOU FOOL." Koralis answered. I have no idea what is going on. I was on my ship....and now.....Im here....."Koralis looked at deac as if suddenly recognizing him. "wait. You....."



*Koralis' saber ignites with a sharp hiss*

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

*Caolin then tries to support his friend Koralis by shooting blindly between them fighting. Somewhere in the fight, one of them reflect it back at Caolin. He barely escapes his own shot.


Caolin:That was too close for comfort.


*He proceeds to do it again, only this time he hits wall next to the jedi. The wall explodes forcing the jedi to fly back while Koralis and Caolin get away while the other jedi lay on the floor.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Koralis slashed right and left, blocking every carefully planned blow by Deac. "You are nothing. This is a waste of my time." He twirled and blasted lightning at Deac. Deac raised his saber and absorbed the lightning. Koralis hurled his saber, cutting Deac's hand off. Deac stood still, second saber in his left hand, gasping. Caolin saw his chance and began firing at Deac. Suddenly Koralis was hurled through the air. About 3 blaster bolts singed his legs, arms and stomach. He fell to the ground. Caolin stared. The blasters were ripped from his hands and he was hurled through the air. He smashed to the ground with a sickening crunch about 100 feet away. A dart hit Deac. He fell slowly to the ground.




"My name is Darth Koralis. I....I... can't feel my legs.....or my arms....the searing pain.......is tearing through my body like acid....I...I don't know how much longer I will live...Deac lies here next to me....I do not remember...what..happened...Caolin is gone.......did I kill Deac "..........


* A small dart hit Koralis' arm*






The End

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errrr please post that in the planning topic or delete it. No one died. Its a mystery. You used me as a sheild, who knows if I live Who knows if the darts are poison or sleep.....etc. Wait untill part 2. I didn't kill anyone off now please delete you post and post it in the planning topic or something so this is just an rpg. Thanx:)

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