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Worst... Bounty Hunter... Ever


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Originally posted by xX-Ender-Xx

In Ep. II when Obi Wan was hanging on to that flying droid and Jango's assistant assassin was going to shoot him, how come she didn't shoot him instead of the droid?


She had him right where she wanted him when he was defenseliss, i dont get why she didn't shoot HIM....


Most of the others seem to be right. Aiming at Obi-wan would set off his Jedi 'spider sense'.

And if you think aiming at the droid instead was a moronic move then Jango is twice the fool. He could've bagged 2 Jedi instead of taking out Zam.


Greedo was an amateur and I don't accept the 'Greedo shot first' business. It was a poorly rejigged scene just to put Solo in the good books.

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Originally posted by Redwing

A Jedi lightsaber can't block something that is BIGGER than it. The superlaser would have been far bigger than the Jedi him/or herself. Obi couldn't have blocked the blasts from Slave I because they were WAY BIGGER THAN HIS LIGHTSABER.


"Deflect the superlaser and destroy the Death Star" indeed :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure they weren't really serious......they were more mocking my silly statement than actually saying something that they actually believed in :D


The lasers from slave 1 were not WAY bigger than his saber.....and when i say he could have POSSIBLY blocked those shots i dont mean he would have in the same fashion as he would block a normal one, i mean he would have put his saber up, the first shot that hit would bounce wildy away, and Obi wan would've gotten thrown backwards from the recoil. I dont know if he could have, but we really dont know for sure, because he didn't have his saber with him! The superlaser is a bad analogy, similar to me saying......okay, i can't think of a good analogy to your analogy....but i'll think..................

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Laugh! Yeah, no way that was serious. *heh* I could see a jedi using precognition to plant his/herself right in the path of the Death Star's laser... then hop into a craft and fly away. (warning people at the same time of course, this is a jedi we're talking about after all). :) Still... someone should make a parody fan movie where a random jedi (Echuu maybe) deflects the blast, destroys the Death Star, and then is forced by George Lucas to apologize to the audience for ruining the rest of the saga.



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Well Obi had a laser beam shot at him, which made him just fly off, not even a scratch. Jedis are good, but no inmortal, if a light saber cuts them a laser blast from a space ship will mutilate them. Jango Fett had no chance, George didn't like him, and he wanted too much pay, so just inoccently plant a real light saber, and off with his head.

That is why he lost so easily, he didn't know it was a real saber, he is just an actor.


Everyone will now always say don't Mess with George, remember Jango, well you know what he did to him.

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Besides, that lets George keep all the royalties on the Jango merchandise.


Seriously though, my bid for worst Bounty Hunter would have to be Boushh (Leia). I mean, come on... she didn't even go through all the trouble of hunting Chewbacca down; she just had him willingly hand himself over to Jabba. Ok, maybe the move with the thermal detonator was daring (or stupid), but if she can't even hunt the bounty down then what good is she... stick to rebelling against the Empire. :)



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as said before the only stuff boba wears that is his fathers is the helmet and jetpack. he reapainted the helmet and got some armoe or possibly his fathers anf repainted it because he is boba not jango and he needs his own looks because (heres where it gets bad) he is a person with feelings an individual who is unique (phew glad thats over) and also the ship again because he is himself. the blaster were destroyed so he chose his own weapons and


he actually survived the pit of carkoon. he was to be digested over 1,000 years and with all the blasters that fell into the pit with their respected holders he managed to repain the jetpack and fly out thus making him a good bounty hunter.


POSSIBILITY: every one has said that jango and boba and others are great except again jedi. get a person who is a jedi outcast or sith like: Kyle katarn or possibly dart maul give them armor their saber and a gun: :fett2: + :yodaball: + :saberg: + :charric:

and Whala the first jedi bounty hunter and yes it is possible because bounty hunting is a proffesion as is pilot, now being a jedi is a "proffesion" but you need the skills to become one. it isnt a race because it flows in every one but more in some people, and i use proffesion loosly because you need to have the force but being a jedi has reqirements and you do stuff, its almost like being in the army because you have ranks and are trained with a weapon.


okay dispense with that and now we have our Bounty hunter who uses the force and he can kill anyone because he is cunning smart has a saber and a flame thrower and missles and guns and other wonderful gadgets you can get for on 9999.95. sorry just kidding :rofl:.

but seriousley think about it

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jedi arent concerned with the money that goes along with bounty hunting

if you think of bounty hunting as similar to police work, turning in the bad guys, then jedis can do that

but a light jedi would NEVER turn someone in for money

they are very unmaterialistic

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Im only saying IF!!


also i never refed to Light jedi i mean oucasts the only problem is that most of them turn to the dark side. or some are outcasts because they turned dark then came back. so they would be perfect but.

Im only saying IF!!

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