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I'm getting angry- I get regularly mails from people who really like my cantina and everyone's asking for the next version to get released- but my stupid compiler tells me to contact 'Rick' or 'John' and I don't know how I "CAN" contact them!! I mean my compiler refused suddenly- without any warning to compile my level, even after reinstalling it there's no difference :(


Anyone has the same problem?

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i saw a string of messages with an answer to it at the quake3world message boards ages ago


its an error with your map i think but i cant remember what it said


if u do a search there you'll probably get it sorted



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Actually, I think this means that you are first-forelimb-joint deep in bantha poodoo. I remember reading somewhere in the FAQ sticky at the top (posted by Hubris) about calling john Carmack, which I know isn't what you got... but it sounds a little like it... check the sticky and do a find function (ctrl+f) for the word contact.


There were a couple mentions of what can cause a crash in radient there.


Hope that helps.

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I think simarilius is right.


I had this exact error and fixed it by removing a faulty texture.


If you've edited any textures lately try replacing them and see if it helps.


When does your error ocur? During BSP or VIS? I had this error in BSP but I've seen other peoples compile abort with this message during VIS. I assume you know how to check in junk.txt.


Do tell how you fix it. Is it the same?

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really installing it agian didn't work...the probs i don't think are in you map theres just sometihng wrong with radaint so unistall and reinstall....agian this time make sure you delet any files left over (if using gtk) before installing again!

(I get this error every once and awhile)

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Reinstalled already, but that didn't solve it (unfortunenately :( )


I am using various textures, but they are all 24-bit JPG's and TGA's, so I think I can rule that one out...


The errors occure while performing either Light or VIS, it depends on the map I'm compiling. I thought it was because of some custom shaders, but I didn't add any after my last compile and this error first occured then.

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  • 4 weeks later...

im sorry for bringing back this old post but im desperate.


tigris did you ever solvethis problem? im having the exact same problem with my map. ive tried reinstalling it as well. also i looked on both quakeworld and quake3world for the answer to the compiling error but i coudnt find it. please help, i havent ben able to get it to work for three weeks:sweating:


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I just got this error at the bottem of my junk.txt file

Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick.


and this one when I tried to run my map



is this what you figured out how to fix

and if so PLEASE what caused it and how do I fix it


I think I'm all most done with my first map but hit this snag.


Thanks so much

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hmmm. . .

well this was my first map too. anyway i got the unspecified error under the BSP section in the junk.txt. this is a problem with your map (so erinstalling wont do a thing). i think its just caused by the fact that your map was too complicated for the compiler to handle. to many brushes or something. there is a way to fix it. first in gtk radiant (i installed jk2radiant and gtk radiant to fix this) go to Brush Cleanup under Plugins\bobtoolz on the top of the screen. then (and this is the hard part) go to jk2 radiant and autocaulk all of your brushes (or at least as many as you can). to autocaulk select brush an then press "shift" and "A." then i went ahead and used the Make Detail option and did that to my map brushes. that is what i did and it worked! im sure there is an easier way to fix this than brush by brush but i did it that way.:)


ps. i really think this error encorporates many DIFFERENT problems so try this and if it works then great if not then reply again and tell me some more specifics about it.:) im not an expert but i will try to find out the answer for you.;)


BTW i have no idea what the whole MAX_PATCH_PLANES is about. sorry.:(

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