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Whats your fps?

Daver Hacker

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I got an athlon 1.3 ghz with 256 megs of pc133 ram and a gf4 ti4600... here's what I get in frame rates in single player, since I haven't played multi yet...


In general play with 85-110 fps, though it goes down to 55-70 in large ouside areas with lots of action (though it's not noticable to the eyes).


Jk2 rocks !

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ive got a 1ghz thunderbird 256mg pc133 ram and a Ge3Ti200

and in a JKII timedemo using the default demo i get about 38fps average

i would recommend (depending on ur budget...)

A Asus Mboro with a VIA chipset

256/512/1024mg DDR ram @ either 266/333

an athlon XP

a ge4ti or a ge3ti500

and a SB audigy if u have the money



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We should not forget to mention on what display settings we play this game for fps comparison... See my post above, well, I run this with all settings to max, but no EAX since I don't have an Audigy yet and shadows are not volumetric since they are ugly (heard it slows fps too). Resolution is 1024X768, 32 bit.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Uh huh...500 bucks for a card isn't expencive...besides if it's not that expencive why don't you buy it?

you must really not know your computer parts.... A GeForce4 Ti4600 is only 320-400$ depending on the manufactoring company ex. - MSI, Visiontek,ELSA...... Check newegg.com since your a retard and probably don't believe me. And I never said I didnt have the parts.......I have enough money to buy 15 MSI GeForce4 Ti4600 but I am looking at buying a car now.... Don't talk when you know nothing about computers and speak....



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If you really want to test your FPS, try this:


"Comanche 4 DirectX™ 8.1 Benchmark Demo"




Read more about it here:




This is what I got:


System Specs:


P4 2.4 gig (1.6 oc'ed to 2.4), Asus P4B266, 1 gig DDR Mushkin (2-2-2), SB Audigy, Linksys Network card, Ricoh CD-Writer, 3 IBM HD's (200+ gigs).


Programs running in background:



ZoneAlarm Pro


It's very important you turn off ALL non-essential background programs - even a simple messenger program such as ICQ or Trillian can slow down your system a lot with this benchmark/game.


I skipped over FSAA = 2.


Notice - I turned off audio and compression:


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1024x768x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 46.72 avg

Tris per second: 9,303,569 avg


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1024x768x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 38.13 avg

Tris per second: 7,592,742 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1280x1024x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 45.20 avg

Tris per second: 9,001,106 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1280x1024x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 25.08 avg

Tris per second: 4,994,797 avg


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1600x1200x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 41.44 avg

Tris per second: 8,252,148 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1600x1200x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 15.86 avg

Tris per second: 3,159,514 avg

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Originally posted by QuietSith

If you really want to test your FPS, try this:


"Comanche 4 DirectX™ 8.1 Benchmark Demo"




Read more about it here:




This is what I got:


System Specs:


P4 2.4 gig (1.6 oc'ed to 2.4), Asus P4B266, 1 gig DDR Mushkin (2-2-2), SB Audigy, Linksys Network card, Ricoh CD-Writer, 3 IBM HD's (200+ gigs).


Programs running in background:



ZoneAlarm Pro


It's very important you turn off ALL non-essential background programs - even a simple messenger program such as ICQ or Trillian can slow down your system a lot with this benchmark/game.


I skipped over FSAA = 2.


Notice - I turned off audio and compression:


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1024x768x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 46.72 avg

Tris per second: 9,303,569 avg


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1024x768x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 38.13 avg

Tris per second: 7,592,742 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1280x1024x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 45.20 avg

Tris per second: 9,001,106 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1280x1024x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 25.08 avg

Tris per second: 4,994,797 avg


Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1600x1200x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 41.44 avg

Tris per second: 8,252,148 avg



Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1600x1200x32 FSAA=4 VSync=OFF DXTC=DISABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=ENABLED


Frames per second: 15.86 avg

Tris per second: 3,159,514 avg


3DMark2002SE is the best and most widely used benchmarking utility. its much better than Comanche 4 DirectX™ 8.1 Benchmark Demo. Just IMHO

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I have a P IV, 1.8 GHz with 768 RAM with a 64 MB GeForce 2 MX400 and get about 100-110 fps on SP with everything maxed out - except AA - At 800 x 600 resolution (OpenGL extentions disabled eventhough I have OpenGL drivers; Raven says it is best to disable GL for JK II).


For MP I get about 60-70 fps and then it drops to like 40-50 depending on the complexity of the map -- I am a duelist only so maps like "Duel_Hangar" with the reflective floor are the only kind of maps that really lag my fps along with other high quality "eye candy" custom maps like "Republic Duel Temple" with the volumetric haze and advanced textures.

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I have a T-Bird 1266MHz w/ 256 SDRAM and a Radeon 32MB DDR LE card. I get anywhere from 100+ to 4 fps. It depends on the map and what's in my view. That video card is so cheap, but it's still got mad skills. :) I run the game at 1152 by 864 w/ 16-bit color.

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I've got a P4 1.4 ghz, 256 megs RDRAM and a GeForce3 Ti 200. But it NEVER goes higher then 90 fps :confused:

Sometimes it just sits there at 90, never going lower. Even if I look at a pitch black area, still 90 fps.


It's like capped or something, dunno. It does go lower though depending on the area I'm in.

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With a PIII 800mhz, GeForce 2 mx400 64mb, and 256mb sdr ram, I get round 20-30fps, and around 60 in a small room.


To the man above me- 90FPS is good. Think about it this way- 30FPS is fullmotion video. When you watch cable TV, it's going at around 30FPS. Three times what is thought to be full-motion video isn't bad at all.

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Ah Boon


You can max out FPS to be whatever you want using this command in either your SP or MP config in your base directory:


seta com_maxfps "100"


However, whether your video card will actually give you that frame rate depends on a lot of other factors other than just the card.


Your CPU is one, your RAM is another -- Raven also suggests using a command that I can't think of right now that allocates how much RAM will be used for JO when it runs.


I have mine at 512 -- Yeah, it's a lot, but it's worth it given the performance enhancements to play (whether this effects FPS either directly or indirectly I don't know, but I use it).


In addition, Nvidia cards have a Nvidia Refresh Rate patch you can download (search this forum; there is a specific thread) that allows you set your refresh rates above the Windows XP 60 FPS limit to anything your monitor can handle (I have mine set at 800x600 at 120 FPS) -- However, always have Vertical Sync set to OFF in the setup menu for video in JK II... Especially, for MP.


MP fps is more or less determined by packet loss (lag) and other things like the complexity of the map (reflective surfaces; dynamic lighting; lens flares) and the speed of your connection.


If I am wrong in any of these aspects, please someone else correct me.

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