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How I Stopped Myself From @ss-Fighting

Owen Yu

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Jedi Outcast is the first FPS I have devotedly played online since I got bored of Jedi Knight in 1999. When I first went into FFA games, I tried to get most of my kills with the lightsaber, because it's what makes this game unique from other FPSs. It was really fun. Gradually, I discovered the many fun ways you can get kills with the other weapons. For example, when I first learned that you can vapourize an enemy with the secondary-fire of the sniper rifle, I thought, "Whoa!" Another example is making a guy follow you around a corner then do a DFA so that you land it right when he turns the corner. That was back in 1.02a, though, so it was easier to time.


My gun-game was pretty slow back then. That was the point when I started to see these "gun experts" whose style I call "cheap-fighting." They could rack-up 25 kills in a matter of minutes (this was still before the backstab/swipe was exploited). I began to dislike FFA games, because well...for me, it wasn't fun to die every 20 seconds.


Everytime I joined an FFA game, I felt this fear of going around the next corner and facing a barrage of secondary-fire from the repeater and flechette. That's when my style changed. I guess you can say I was infected by the cheap-fighter virus. Everytime I spawned I would rush to arm myself with the repeater or flechette, and make sure I had 300 ammo for each confrontation.


I started dominating the FFA games I joined. My friend stopped playing with me, because he described my methods as cheap and disgusting.It got even worse when I read on these forums about the backstab/swipe method that ensured easy kills. I added it to my cheap-fighting arsenal. "Now no one can ever keep me from the top part of that list at the end of matches," I thought to myself.


I quickly got bored of the cheap-fighting style. People would drop-out of the servers I played in after one match with me, much like the way I used to disconnect during my first encounters with cheap-fighters. I spent a lot of time on these forums reading the complaints. I realized that I had become what many who play Jedi Outcast hate.


I searched for answers to make my games enjoyable, again. In my case, the solution was hosting games where the flechette and repeater aren't available. That removes the fear of those weapons that had led me to abuse others with them. To make the chances of a kill using the backstab/swipe less, I activated the Ghoul2 collision system, as recommended by some threads here. Also, to increase the value of Force Heal for those who actually invest in it (I'm not one of these people, though), I disabled bacta tanks. The results have been amazing so far. At first, people wonder and complain that the repeater and flechette are gone. Howerver, I think they too realize how "evil" those weapons had made them. They start enjoying the new pace of the game, revelling in "more skillful" kills. Because it IS, a slower-paced game than the run-n-gun of old, I keep the fraglimit under 20.


These settings solved my qualms with the game. They seem to please the people who join my games, because none of them leave abruptly or say bad things about the settings. I don't think this will work for the majority of you, but I just thought I'd "put my ten cents in, because my two cents is free." :)

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first of all, I'm glad you're having fun.


But ass fighting is not fighting like an ass..although I guses you could see it that way. What people mean by assfighting on here is running around backwards with sabers only doing backstab/sweep, and it was a weak way to win...it rarely worked on skilled players.


As for ghoul2 collision, I like it also, as it makes the game FASTER paced once you turn sabertrace 0 on. which is what it should be like. Backstab/sweep is still the way to go (although not with ghoul collision..but read on) on competitive ladders, I think anyways. There is a certain skill to it that you have to learn to conquer. You know, the skill that makes you better than other backstab/sweep users, so they die and you don't. Anyways, it may get boring, but for competition, that's the way it goes right now. I still use it, and it's fine iwth me...but I'd rather see a change back to 1.02, where I used a variety of moves between heavy and medium stance to destroy my opponents.

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Thanks for informing that "ass-fighter" is a term coined specifically for the backstab/swipe spammers who run around backwards in games. That IS an accurate term; I just thought since someone was being an "ass" with guns that he should be called an ass. :) I guess you people would call those people <insert weapon name here>-whores, right? Well, I edited my post to reflect that.


With reference to gameplay pace with the settings I have on my games, it does not play FASTER (except in saber-only games which I am NOT talking about). In a regular FFA game, I could get 25 frags in 3 minutes. This is NOT true without the flechette and repeater.

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Very good idea!


But in my humble opinion, ass-fighting is simply using backstabs at every conceivable oppurtunity, be it when his enemy's defenses are down or not. Though an idiot is still an idiot in my book: spam a move, and i will spamkick you to death.


I usually try just to tell backstabbers that there are other ways to win.

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I love what I did today...CTF game...my opponent holding the flag and myself who was after the flag were on their team flag point (bespin pipes or something is the name of the map). So we went into a little duel because no one was there. Naturally a big hole around us, so we both use absorb. And you know how CTF games are. The only move used is pull/slash, if you do any other move, you are a fOO (thats how it is usually). So he takes his yellow stance I take my red stance, and he tries to backstab me but I just evade and fry him on the back with my red stance. Then of course since he was low on health he tries something desperate like pushing me. But he just gave me some more force, so pushed him, and nearly knocked him off the platform. However he recoveres and goes for one more backstab (and this time a serious assfight, he turns his back to me 4 meters away and goes backwards), where I hurle "into" him and cut him in half (well not on the screen but if the chopoffarmslegs command was on it would look that way). I get the flag and my team scores 7-1 O.o



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I think there are two main types of ass-fighters. There are those who do the pull-swipe combination and those who just plainly run around backwards. The latter annoys me WAY more than the first group.


I find that the back-walkers even resort to it during duels! Ha ha ha. Now, THAT is a joke! I used to use the pull-swipe combo, but I never ran around levels backwards in the hopes of executing the backswipe on someone.

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I don't like the repeater or the flechette so much. They don't add to the Star Wars atmosphere to much. My favorite weapon other than the lightsaber is the blaster. It's so much fun to kill with, especially against a lightsaber-armed opponent, because if you can beat them, they can't whine because the lightsaber deflects blaster bolts quite easily.

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I wish more people would read this post and realize there are other ways to win than spamming a move. I ran into one player who consistently ran into a room and tried the pull/slash EVERY SINGLE TIME. Switched to medium style and chopped his head off every time. He finally left realized the overhead chop is an effective way to counter the pull/sweep. I hope he learned anyway.:D

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