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Twins of Doom

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Well, ArtifeX wrote a lot of guides for this game, and I'm working on some for Jedi Headquarters (The clan I am building)


As I finish each of them I will share them with members of this forum. Right now Weapons and Force Powers are almost completed.



This guide features counters for each weapon, and what they can be used for. Soon it will also have a picture of the weapon and about how much damage it does with one mouse click.





Force Powers:

This guide features counters and tactics for each force power. Its not totally done yet, but I figure I will share it too!:)






Right now I'm still working on this one. I have it written down (about half of it) and the other half is yet to come. I have not uploaded it yet, so in the mean time this page only includes the information from the game manual. I will not post this yet though because it is not done. I am guessing you can probably find it pretty easily when you look at the other guides.


Tips and Tricks:

This page contains a few tips and tricks that can help people with the game. Some of them are just silly tricks, but some of them are worth the effort and can help you out a lot.





Note: These guides are not gauranteed to make you win every match and may contain errors. If you see an error please feel free to tell me. If you have a guide you would like in the Strategy Section email me information on the strategies page.


Also, these guides are still under construction I will notify the community when they are totally completed.


While they may not work for you, they seem to have done pretty good for me:)


Please do not all criticize without anything positive, just be glad I am sharing some of my knowledge with you. Feel free to post suggestions, but please don't try to destroy all my hard work or new guides will not come. If this happens and new ones are made they will not be shared with this community.


Some of you may notice that their is a "Contact Us" page, right now it is just an email address...but soon you can give me suggestions from their too with a form to fill in



Thank You,


[JHQ]Twins of Doom

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I think these are excellent primers and deserve attention!!! For helping those of us somewhat technically minded, it would be hugely helpful if you could give us some stats on each (like how much force power they use, range of damage they do, for example)... I think this will help take players to the edge of knowing the game and the info helps in battles and stuff too, like if they can guess about how many force points and hit points the enemy has quite accurately...


I saw Artifex's ones, they contained info something like that, so while i know it might be tedious, i think it'd be really helpful!!!



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Howdy Twins!


Great site you've got going there. As karismatik said, it would be invaluable if you could give us numbers showing damage and force energy usage and such.


Anyways, a few things to add:


Force sight level 3 does indeed let you dodge all shots from the disruptor rifle. If you are running with sight on and someone shoots you, you will stop and do the dodging animation, which slows you up. Wouldn't it be cool if force sight would let you dodge ALL weapon fire?


I don't think that you mentioned that force push can be used to push ALL blaster fire coming at you. Try it. What works really well (and makes people extremely angry) is if someone is far away and sending a stream of repeater bolts at you, just push the bolts back at them. People never expect that. I am NOT making this up. The fact that you can push blaster shots back at people violates all the laws of physics, but you can do it.



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Originally posted by karismatik



I think these are excellent primers and deserve attention!!! For helping those of us somewhat technically minded, it would be hugely helpful if you could give us some stats on each (like how much force power they use, range of damage they do, for example)... I think this will help take players to the edge of knowing the game and the info helps in battles and stuff too, like if they can guess about how many force points and hit points the enemy has quite accurately...


I saw Artifex's ones, they contained info something like that, so while i know it might be tedious, i think it'd be really helpful!!!




i'm working on it;)



you can push all weapon fire?

sweet, i thought it was just the ones that were metallic bolts and stuff


but for the E 11 blaster rifle, its probably just more convenient to block it with your saber and rush the person;)

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Great site Twins, looking forward to your saber guide!




any suggestions?


i almost have saber guide done, i changed how i was doing it so that it wouldn't take me as long AND would be easier on the eyes to read (not as long) but will still hold just as much, if not more, information:)

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Hey Twins, after posting on a high trafffic board like this with your website you might have to upgrade you site as when I tried to post to your message board I couldnt becuasue you exceded your CGI quota for the day. Nice site tho, everytime I go youve added something new and it looks great. ;):atat:

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Hey Twins, after posting on a high trafffic board like this with your website you might have to upgrade you site as when I tried to post to your message board I couldnt becuasue you exceded your CGI quota for the day. Nice site tho, everytime I go youve added something new and it looks great.


ya, i know...i'm working on putting it on the server the rest of the site is on (unlimmited bandwidth) but i get a server side error....i'm working on it though;)

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