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JK2: The Fans Version


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Has anyone tried this mod? I think its a fine piece of work. It makes the light staff togglable, as well as defaults the sabertrace and ghoul 2 commands as on. Further more, it adds some moves such as evade (which is a drop tot he ground to dodge what you'd like). Finally, it includes dismemberment and some other tweaks. If you haven't tried it, head over to http://www.jk2files.com and check it out or read the readme.

Note: I had no part int he creation of this mod, I just think its really cool and enhances the current game nicely.

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I wish the author had taken the time to write a more descriptive README file. It doesn't really describe how to access all of the new features very well. I would have appreciated being told that all of the new features needed keybinds programmed to access.



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The README looks very clear cut to me.


I have been playing this mod at an internet cafe and I am really enjoying it. Can't wait till I get home from work to d/l it.








(It isn't that difficult to read the file!)

If you're lost...check the config file that comes with the zip file.

(Check the fanmod folder, it's in there)


I have enjoyed the TraceSaber off and Ghoul2 on, and at times I want to have fun with dual saber.

Now I can have all this but more!

I am still getting used to the evade command but it's brought a new dimension to the game. It has definitely become more difficult to play which makes it more interesting simultaneously!


I haven't really looked at the cg_gripeffect or g_shield just as yet but will look more in to it soon.

The g_headexplodey (headexplodey - cvar) doesn't interest me at all but I guess its an interesting way to suicide.

The teal coloured lightsaber looks nifty but the mod needs some tweaking. I find when I use my dualblade at times, it gets stuck and I can't attack until I throw it (or something similar).


In conclusion, I really like this mod. As it is mentioned in the file, - Made by a fan for the fans!


I hope to see some updates to it soon because I'll be running this mod whenever I can!



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wow...i'm not really sure if people realize how cool this actually is.


this mod is honestly precisely what i'd like 1.04 to be...


increased saber damage ala 1.02


saber physics still brought to accord with 1.03 patch.


g_saberghoul2collision set to 1 and g_sabertracesaberfirst set to 0 (i'm finding setting it to 0 seems to make it more fun, honestly). as discussed, this makes saber combat feel a lot more 'right.'


a functioning, fun-to-use dual saber...(clips through the model but really not a problem at all)


i'm completely impressed. people need to make their servers run this...immediately.

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For those who like ghoul2collision tracesaber and all the other goodies,


You HAVE to download this MOD and give it a go.

It's a fantastic MOD to play around with and very challenging. Start configuring your server to your liking because this MOD is quite flexible and is not difficult to set up!



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in console, try these commands:


dualblade (yep, dual blade lightsaber)

evade (bind it to a key and hold down that bind)


color1 6 (teal colored lightsaber)


g_shield 0 (no shields)


there are other commands


your dismemberment should already be on, just do a few backswings, a few jump attacks and i get decapitations all the time



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This mod only works if you bind the dualblad evade and headexplody to a key.Then it works.If you join a game and it say unknow cmd that means that server you are at does not support the mod you are using or does not support any mods at the time.I finally got it to work and now SWEEEET!Headexplody doesn't really make your head go BOOOOOOOOOOM!It just kills you.example your standing there then presses the key you binded.you just fall to the ground on your back and die.Not much excitement there!Dualblade is...is...CHEAP!Its cheap because if someone joins your game and doesnt have the mod and starts fighting you,you win easily.evade is just falling on you back and doing nothing.you just fall then get back up as soon as you fall.same thing like when you get pushed and get back up.Its really cool but I only see the only three i am talking about in my reply.and the one guy that can't wait till he gets home from work and starts playing jk2 with the mod, what is so addicting?I dont see andything worth getting addicted with.Well, Eradicator jones should make a better mod this time with CHEAPO VISION!just kidding.But he should REALLY make a lightsaber shaped like a boomerang or a 4 bladed or 3 bladed saber.If your a :newbie: you should wait like five days then start using it.ive only been playing jk2 maybe 20 days and already can beat the best ppl there are on jk2.That is without this mod.Well I hate typing alot in one hole message so BYE!



Note:Your mama was homed by a n00b!

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Let's analyse the message...


Originally posted by Supers

Dualblade is...is...CHEAP!Its cheap because if someone joins your game and doesnt have the mod and starts fighting you,you win easily.


ummm...if someone joins the server, they download the MOD so how can one person play a mod and one can not? The server should specify if they are running 'FanMod' so they should expect differences.


I've noticed a few glitches with dual saber and it has been posted to Eradicator. 2 People duelling with a dual blade really eats my frame rate...





evade is just falling on you back and doing nothing.you just fall then get back up as soon as you fall.same thing like when you get pushed and get back up.Its really cool but I only see the only three i am talking about in my reply.and the one guy that can't wait till he gets home from work and starts playing jk2 with the mod, what is so addicting?I dont see andything worth getting addicted with.


Have you actually played this MOD on a LAN? Narrow minded I say!

You can't perform that floating 'glitch' like the original servers do, you can no longer do the back swing on a player and move around while performing the attack.


With the EVADE command, try holding it down, I can think of many reasons to use it. Think of acting dead until someone comes near by for a kick to the face or a surprise saber attack.

Have you got someone to shoot a rocket at you? You can evade that! (try in a hallway where you no longer have force powers and can't jump or crouch away from it).

Evade command is able to lie down so try and test it before you make some comment about falling and getting back up.

I reckon you tested 5 mins of it, I played this at so many LANs, I can guess over 60 hours of it has been played already.


I've also seen a few sneak previews of the 1.1 version movie files and they are very impressive.


http://www.ModsRUs.com to keep up to date for the new patch coming out!


So I suggest re-trying this MOD because obviously you don't know much about it.


Yes, bind the commands, play against real people not bots.

Try evade commands in different areas, try your backslashes, test the damages it makes, test the saber fighting, find glitches and report.


If you still think there's nothing fancy, I suggest you go back to playing solitaire.


My 2 cents

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From http://www.ModsRUs.com



Version 1.1 Released !


Version 1.1 of JK2: The Fan's Version has been released! Check the help section for documentation on the changes in the new patch.

The official ModsRus server is now online. Check the ModsRus Sever tab on the menu at the left. The server is running the new version 1.1.



Go get it now!

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