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We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun!!!


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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

The point here wasn't that it was inhereited in family bloodlines, but that at birth, a person's worth was decided by midi-chlorian count, and that there was nothing someone with a low count could do to become a Jedi - hence the Jedi are an elitist society.


Also, going purely on the film, there is no concrete evidence that Alderaan is a peaceful world.


Of course the EU blows the article out of the water quite happily, by providing insights into character motivation and back-story to the planets and so forth, but as some SW fans still refuse to accept what is published in the books the article could be said to be true - from a certain point of view :D


The opening crawl, as I recall. And Moff Tarkin didn't contradict Leia when she said that Alderaan was peaceful, and they had no weapons.


@ Jek: I'm sure we're all very sorry :D


The guy said the Force was an inherited, genetic trait. It can be inherited, yes, but it is FAR more common for Force-sensitivity to pop up randomly within a species. Thus, they are NOT a "royalist Swiss Guard" thing or whatever. It's COMPLETELY random who is Force-sensitive! There's no Jedi bloodline...it should be pretty obvious.


That guy insists that the Empire is good, glossing over their brutal methods of keeping order. Killing people like that is never "good".

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WOW, so to break down your little statement,killing isnt good?..WHOA thanks genius for enlighting us cave dwellers with this astounding and shocking new information. Unfortunatly the emporor cant be everywhere at one time Moff tarkin took it apon him self to blow up alderan we would have had a hearing about it but :) the unfortunate dismise of the deathsstar shortly there after prevented us from doing so. Every other life taken has been that of those who sought to bring out empire down vicious lies have been brought about saying our stormtroops has fired at unarmed or surrenderd parties while infact in the example of owan lars and varook once the local imperial forces arived the two suspects became very hostile and tryed to threan the troops with a thermal detonator the result was unfortunate. The rebel alliance used that to spin lines from saying we brutaly slaughterd the two suspects. the empire will not allow rebelious factions to break down the blocks of peace that the empire has built o so long ago..

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:rolleyes: I wasn't in character, since that article doesn't exist in the SW universe. And I had no idea you were a cave dweller---wow, we've got alot of diversity in these forums! :D


Oh btw, gr, you're wrong IC, since the Imperials didn't have hearings after the Senate was dissolved...and OOC, Vader was Palpatine's rein on Tarkin :D

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Killing people like that is never "good".


and the large number of people on the Death star, killing them was alright was it?


Luke Skywalker was almost as much a murderer as Tarkin. Tarkin is now dead and Luke's a hero. Truly the victor writes the history...


. And Moff Tarkin didn't contradict Leia when she said that Alderaan was peaceful, and they had no weapons


The lie was so blatant it insulted his intelligence, and so he ignored it.


There's no Jedi bloodline...it should be pretty obvious


That wasn't the author's point, and it wasn't mine either! My point is that you either have the force at birth or you don't. If you are not born with it, then there's nothing you can do (JKO storyline excepted) to gain it. So the Jedi split the galaxy into the haves and have-nots - which is not a good foundation for a democratic society. The EU then adds bloodlines onto this whole mess... (Children of Leia being strong in the force, Child of Mara and Luke being strong in the force etc...) later down the road, causing more social strife. In short the galaxy would be better off without the Jedi!

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Tarkin ignored it? Huh? Are you mixing in character and out of character...if you were an Imperial you would know that Leia was telling the truth...and out of character it doesn't fit his personality...he likes to state the obvious :D


Did I say it was? No. But they weren't innocent. They were casualties of war. Tarkin clearly said he was destroying Alderaan as a demonstration of the Death Star's power...


((in character))


If the Death Star had not been destroyed, billions more innocents would have died by its power, destroyed along with the guilty few. Thus, on a plain moral scale, the Death Star's destruction was a lesser evil to prevent a greater!


So what are you going to do about the "split"...kill off the Jedi? Oh wait, that's exactly what you DID. If I have an extra finger and you don't, doesn't that split the galaxy into the haves and the have-nots? Should all Wookies be eliminated because of their natural great strength? Or Wraiths for their hiding abilities? Nogrhi for their special abilities? No wonder Imperials have such a harsh policy against nonhumans. Shouldn't you kill all the rich or those born into great political power (like, say, your Emperor Palpatine?) And remember, the Jedi were a minority---numbering only in the THOUSANDS in a galaxy of trillions. You can't make everyone equal. Nature itself is anti-equality. Misguided beliefs like yours won't change that. And since when does the Empire want democracy??


((back ooc :D))


Actually, it's just the fact that Luke and Leia are descendants of the Chosen One that makes so many of their children Force-sensitive...genetic traits like that aren't passed from the father anywayz

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My posts have so far been OOC for this thread (seeing as the article in question is OOC).


and yes, now that I think about, Tarkin asking Leia to 'name another target, a military target' does suggest that Alderaan is peaceful...


and I'm glad that you realise that killing that many people is necessary in this case, and does more good than it does harm.


As for the Jedi, the EU refers to Corellian Jedi families (i.e. the Halcyon family mentioned in I, Jedi) as well as randomly occuring ones (Dorsk 81, Kyp, Gantoris etc.) indicating that it is possible for the force to pass through families like any other inheireted trait.


Also, on splitting the galaxy, the Jedi's power with the force isn't earned in that you are born with it. Also the force has far more potential than an extra finger, or a wookie's increased strength, or a wraith's ability to blend in with it's surroundings as a force-user can do all this and more. This sort of power disparity breeds fear and paranoia, as people fear that which they don't understand. The Jedi didn't help matters by closing themselves off from the people (Anakin demonstrates this counter-productive attitude when he says 'Jedi business' to the people in the bar, as if that's all the explanation they need!). By the time of TPM, it is clear that the Jedi order is beginning to stagnate as much as the senate, and while the New Order wasn't perfect by any means, until the prejudice and martialism occured, it was better (if it was obviously worse, the rebellion would have been much mire widespread and a lot shorter.)

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IC, I think you're a dumb fascist Imperial nitwit with grand delusions and an incredible inabiliy to see the light. :D


OOC, I agree with you. Even Yoda agrees with you. Listen to him in AotC---from his words, he is the only one to have an inkling of the fact that there is something terribly wrong with the Jedi Order. They were heading for their own fall at hyperspeed. hey were arrogant to the point of delusion; even Obi-Wan, one of the FEW Jedi to associate with "common folk" (example: Dex), still needs a kid to point out that a Jedi deleted Kamino from the archive. Obi simply doesn't see it until it's pointed out to him. The Jedi Order in the last days of the Old Republic were losing their brains along with their clouding connection to the Force. Think about it---of the "leader" Jedi, only Yoda and to some extent, Obi-Wan, are the only ones not drowning in their own supreme arrogance. Ironic that they were among the few to survive the purge...

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I fart in your general direction rebel scum! Now off with you or I will taunt you a second time! :)



It's "resent"..."resemble" means "to be similar to"


That was the point, it was a joke - I know Nikarn is a blind imperial servant but he doesn't, bah! nevermind it's too early in the morning!



d'oh! beaten to the punch by Wraith, I'll have to resort to asking people what their favourite colour is...

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Yeah well, I had the misfortune of being part of that 'crack' legion on the forest moon of Endor. Still at least after we were captured the Ewoks only wanted to use my helmet as a percussion instrument, not eat me - I escaped soon after being made to worship their strange god...

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