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Should saber damage be increased?

Dark Begger

Should saber damage be increased?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Should saber damage be increased?

    • Yes, for all stances
    • Yes, for light stance
    • Yes, for medium stance
    • Yes, for heavy stance
    • No, it\'s good how it is

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Should we increase saber damage? I vote yes and I will list my reasons.


1) Increased damage = decrease assfighters

2) Increased damage = faster duels

3) increased damage = more tactics required

4) Increased damage = less mindless hacking and more cautious attacking.



those are my four reasons, and I can't find any 'cons' to this. Please vote on hte poll and post why you chose what you did.


*edit* hehe..if you look, it's ironic how light got a blue line...medium got a yellow/orange line, and heavy got a purple line..hehehe...talk about coincidence.

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I just mentioned this in another forum...

It feels like the saber has been doing less dmg in the last week (that's just me, obviously)...but I mean, I stand there...with absorb on...as some dolt trys to use lightning and I walk up to him and heavy him like 3 times, and he's STILL alive, I mean, come on, my saber goes right down through his head and down the middle of his body and he's not DEAD? And yet, some how, barely knicking someone on the leg when you do a backswing kills them...hmmmm....

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YEs, the saber system is unbalanced, and hence backstab/sweep has become so uber to some people. anyways, to quote a friend of mine who's in game name is Crucible,


"Duels are now nothing more than two people holding gigantic glow sticks trying to hit eachother with them"

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Here's how I think the saber system should be


You get hit with the saber in mid-swing - Uber dmg, no matter WHAT stance, it's lightsaber for Christ's sake, a REGULAR sword could kill you in one swing. They up the dmg alot...less the blocking arc, but beef up the auto blocking in the front. I love playing in SP with g_saberrealisticcombat turned way up so every hit is close to a kill. That's just the way a saber works... if they beef up the blocking in front and make the arc smaller, then it becomes a game of who can catch the other guy with his saber out of place. It'll become alot more strategic, cause if you just swing swing swing like some people do, you're toast, cause a push and a swing later, you're dead. I mean, when someone's lying on the ground, prone, HOW do they NOT end up dead when you're standing above them, hacking away?


-edit- and also...they won't cool looking saber battles? Well, if one hit will kill you, maybe you won't be swining like mad, seeing who can get lucky first and you'll actually TRY to block the other person's swings... when just about any hit can kill you in one hit, then I think the saber battles will be more "realistic" and look more like in the movies and what not

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I thinnk that the combination of decrease in saber damage AND increase in blocking was too much - one or the other would have been just fine.


Having spent a long time getting used to the new blocking system, I think it's just peachy. I can generally land a solid blow through it 9 times out of 10, just by knowing when and where to strike. And this is using red or yellow stances - which many complain are too slow to do anything useful with.


The blocking stops the chicken dance that plagued early JK2 - where new players would spin at you like a top, landing some painful blows. This wasn't a difficult tactic to beat, but it WAS a nuisdance - under 1.03, it's just not going to land unless you do it while they're tying their shoelaces or something.


So bring back 1.02 saber damage! Or just up the damage in general, let those who CAN'T land a blow have a chance, and protect us from the headless chicken dance!

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ya,keep the blocking the way it is,and up the saber damage to something realistic,the blocking system is fine right now imo,ghoul2 might make it better,but right now,i have no trouble landing hits,they just do little or no damage.

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I say put g_saberrealisticcombat 100 as standard in MP, but add the down (head to foot) split animation. g_saberrealisticcombt does sort of give you the feeling that the characters are made out of lego blocks.


To be honest I think the saber should cut, but not kill, everytime it hits. So you might live if someone cuts off your left hand, but your blocks work less well.


A kind of hit system. Where you might los a hand and a foot, but still be able to fight.


Just my 2 cents


I do believe that a saber should cut you as in g_saberrealisticcombat at all times. (maybe with better animations)

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Hell yeah, I think saber damage should be increased, but not for the sake of shorter fights. Never for the sake of shorter fights, but rather, deadlier fights. And someone get rid of the "headless chicken" players, do they really believe that style of playing bears any resemblance to skill? It's utterly pathetic to fight that way.


Blocking shouldn't return to the 1.02 though, IMHO. But you damn well shouldn't be able to block attacks from your rear either.


I think most people are aware of this flaw in the game, and most modders are working on it.

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In the hands of someone skilled, the saber should be the most dominant weapon in the game. Blocking should be increased in MP, more towards the SP system if anything, and saberrealisticcombat should be implemented. If they simply walk into your saber, they should DIE!


Thats the game I want. Make a mod for it, and I'll pay you my hard earned cash ;)

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g_saberrealisticcombat for mutiplay would solve alot of problems here. Fast ffa/ctf matches(src on). Slower more stratgic matches for duels(src off).


Also increasing saber damage would only increase mindless swings. Its alot more dangerous to fight someone swinging randomly who kills you in 2/3 hit rather then 4/5.




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I voted yes, I do find the standard moves to be rather lacking, especially compared to the backstab/sweep. I do have a couple comments however. Be warned, they come from a largely newbie, casual player perspective ... ;)


Decreased Assfighters

I honestly don't see it. The main strength of assfighting comes from the fact that it is both very, very easy, and is fairly effective against the majority of opponents, and most assfighters know this (that's why they do it, after all). What, if anything, can be done about that, I don't know; the second is overcome with experience (usually), but the first is a flaw of the game itself.


At least they aren't as bad as pull-sweepers though; I can actually kill assfighters on a fairly regular basis :p


More Tactical Thinking and Less Mindless Hacking

I hope so, but I'm not so sure. Greater damage, especially on the scale many suggest, could turn battles into a matter of whoever gets the first hit in, which rewards pullers and people who madly dive into battles with sabers flying. Pullers don't need more options at hand, and suicide fighters are already common enough.


Those are just my observations though. I'd have to actually play in such a setting to see how it works, obviously. Overall, I think higher damage is a fairly good idea, so long as it doesn't just become a one-hit slaughter to enter into any fray, and the above points don't come true.

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Personally I think Backstab and back sweeps should do less damage. decrease it by half and I bet the amount of butt fighters would decrease


EDIT: Thought I should add. they should do that with Heavy spins. it gets really irritating seeing someone mindlessly spinning using Heavy stance.

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guys, if you're limiting moves (like nerfing the backstab) you're limiting game play. I do believe assfighting will decrease if saber damage is increased. in 1.02 there was no assfighting...why? If someone turned their back, they were DEAD..no chance at all.


The only reason assfighting came about was because people can go up and not die when they try to a backstab now. raise the damage, people will be more cautious about going up and backstabbing.



Next, Mentler, the game would be MORE imbalanced? no..you would be bringing normal attacks up to the strength of specials. It should be less hits to kill anyways..it's a light saber for god's sake... I think less the DFA bug and small coding issues with 1.02, the saber duels in 1.02 were a LOT more balanced. medium was beating heavy jsut as much as heavy was beating medium. normal attacks were used just as much as DFA was (for most people.) Saber combat was a LOT more balanced with higher saber damage.

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no way. increasing the damage would not be cool.


imagine, the finel duel in episode 1 would have been like this:


Evil looking Darth Maul appears behind a slowly opening door, ready to bring revenge over the jedi...

and then he takes out Qui-gon with just one slash and gets soon after this himself killed by a single sweep of Obi-wan's saber. The movie would have been much shorter, but I think epic duels are much more desirable.



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