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I win so I must...cheat??WTF?


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Hey all TpS_PSiBlaDe here , some of you might know me abit from the zone if you play there at all.


Anyways I'm a no force saber only duelist, been at it for awhile now and I've become a flashy fighter.


Spinning my moves, jumping backstabs , jumping blue lunge etc etc...


Well anyways I get challenged by some guys in a clan called TruJedi... and they think they are all elite players and they will walk over me...


I fought the first one, outcome 10/0 , fought 2nd one 5/0


I almost died tons of times, they each had a teacher type watching the fights as a spectator and everything, and they couldn't believe I won every fight.


They started saying my spinning is a cheat or a mod or im a hacker(they thought of that one because my name was multiple colors..)


Anyhow I'm now on their hall of shame list on their site, and they are emailing different JK2 fansites about me lol.


All this because they refuse to believe they arnt the greatest..


Hell I get beat down all the time, I'd rather blame lag or luck, or actually congradulate the guy , but accuse them of cheating??? thats pathetic, it wasn't even on my hosts lol. And I thought when you cheated a message was sent to the rest of players?



Anyhow any retard can spin their moves why am i called a cheater for it?!?!

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Originally posted by Psiblade

Hey all TpS_PSiBlaDe here , some of you might know me abit from the zone if you play there at all.


Anyways I'm a no force saber only duelist, been at it for awhile now and I've become a flashy fighter.


Spinning my moves, jumping backstabs , jumping blue lunge etc etc...


Well anyways I get challenged by some guys in a clan called TruJedi... and they think they are all elite players and they will walk over me...


I fought the first one, outcome 10/0 , fought 2nd one 5/0


I almost died tons of times, they each had a teacher type watching the fights as a spectator and everything, and they couldn't believe I won every fight.


They started saying my spinning is a cheat or a mod or im a hacker(they thought of that one because my name was multiple colors..)


Anyhow I'm now on their hall of shame list on their site, and they are emailing different JK2 fansites about me lol.


All this because they refuse to believe they arnt the greatest..


Hell I get beat down all the time, I'd rather blame lag or luck, or actually congradulate the guy , but accuse them of cheating??? thats pathetic, it wasn't even on my hosts lol. And I thought when you cheated a message was sent to the rest of players?



Anyhow any retard can spin their moves why am i called a cheater for it?!?!



Psiblade, you are a victim of what I call the "Preston Tucker Syndrome" you are so good, people think you are a fraud. Just continue playing, and ignore the "sour grapes".:D

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Woot i cleared my name , and I was on their site, made some big posts totheir leaders etc.


I was the ONLY person on their hall of shame.. now it's empty again thankfully.


I'd never claim to be the best, I get my own handed to be alot and well unless someone is well... surviving direct hits from rockets and killing me with a stun baton(especially in a sbaer only duel lol)


Then I'm not going to cry cheat.



They are a good group of guys, just over worried about the game turning into cheating contests like many have before it.

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