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Here is .....No1 Assfighter WOW


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Wow this is amazing....there is a dude on the Darkside servers called RoZwel who's a PURE assfighter. Almost all he does is the RED backsweep and in the most unlikely places without ppl even being CLOSE to him *LOL* Would love to get my hands on that sweet script....only to fool around on my local server of course .-) I would never be so lame as to use a script in a duel....this I promise!

Facing him takes all the fun out of JO and to top it he claims that I and other are assfighters for avoiding his constant backsweep........LOL he cracks me up...silly bugger :)

Anyone here seen this character?

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um, i was under the impression that the backsweep and the backstab _cannot_ be done without someone being in the vicinity, behind you?



oh, and please, what are these "gotta-be-a-script" comments i see everywhere? hello? all a script can do is to execute a chain of events on the push of a button. that is it.

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hello? this is the quake3 engine? i know very DAMN well what the scripting possibilities of the quake3 engine are.


and, the fact of the matter STILL is that you cannot perform a backsweep or a backstab without anyone being near you.


furthermore, if you dont want anyone commenting on your posts, what the hell are you posting here for?

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now now, settle down young fella. How do you perform a backsweep when 2 players are facing each other at a slight distance.....without a script? And please cut the "holier than thou" crap....this has no use here....


sry this was for jevesus not you BigMexican ;)


Just wish U guys could have seen it...that's all ;)

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These aren't to be found in the standard options in JO are they?

I'm just curious....thanx for the input BigMexican ;)

Yes he was good......at backsweep *LOL*


Originally posted by BigMexican

possibly changed yawspeed/sensitivity. either that or he was good.

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druid: i dont know how to, in fact, i think you cant on a pure server. the only reasonable explanation i can think of is that the server wasnt pure.


and, as if i didnt make that point perfectly clear in my last post: if you cant do it, a script cant do it.


repeat: a script is nothing but a series of events tied together.

jesus christ, why do people think scripts have uncanny properties like that?

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wanna know how he does backsweep with no one seeming to be around him. there was someone using mindtrick behind him and when he went to slash him the person using mindtrick jumped out of the way or ran out of the way or it was an unpure server. these are the only two options that it could have been if he was doing a sweep or backstab in a location without seeable players. how that for insight (pun intended)

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interesting enough, when is started playing jkii on v 1.02... there was a guy sitting on a corner with the wall facing him. everytime i tried to attack him, he killed me with a backslash... soooooo i started experimenting, and its interesting enough there was a bug that allowed you to do a backslash while nobody was in front of you. I was able to reproduce this on 1.02, but not on 1.03. To get the exact key combinations and to develop a bind for it is a bit tidious and took me a long time. For anybody hoping to do this on 1.03, it doesnt work. What version were you playing?

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