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Stop newbie bashing already!


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To Lexx for starting this thread and all the people on here who don't bash. I'm new to the game (not a newb:D ) who tries to learn from everyone I play. When I first started this game, I was like "what the..." and I would get killed instantly because I would just run right into someones attack.


Soon I realized there was some strategy to this game (which is why I love this game) not just running around whacking at anything. I have slowly learned from people by watching. I will wach someone who is good and see what style they use. At first I would go to servers and get griped at and cursed and you name it, but then, I found out what servers to go to. I have finally found a few that are cool and I can actually win a few :cool:


So, long story short, thanks to the people who take the time to teach and for everyone else...nevermind.



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ok, the thing is its not really "newbie bashing" its more along the line of tradition. Just like in high school a lot of people makes fun of the freshmen, then the sophmores, and so on. Everyone was once a freshmen (for those who went to high school) see in jkii the chain goes NEWBIE, being called a SPAMMER just cause you win a little, and then being called a HACKER just cause you beat everyone else.


It is newbie bashing for those people who take it too seriously by using racial comments, etc.



now if you are called a spammer cause you are spamming then you deserve it. if you play like a newbie then you deserve to be called a newbie.


also i just like to say i dont make fun of freshmen or newbies. Being called a newbie is something we cant stop and i was using the freshmen thing as an example.

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