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will there be mandalorian armor plz say yes!~! :)


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Neither Boba or jodo were mandalorians, they just wore the armour of a dead race, that is superior to current personal armour technology...


and unless Lucas specifically stated that Boba died in the sarlacc sometime after the bounty hunter trilogy was released, then the remark has little meaning as:


1.) If asked now he may give a different answer.

2.) He may be refering to Boba's death later on (he retires shortly before the NJO and no more has been heard of him to date...)


so without context I'm not buying the whole "Lucas said so..." thing...

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Jango Fett is considered the last of the Mandalorian supercommandoes. And even he was only raised by them


Where did you read that? From the novelisation of the film I got the impression that he was a human who worked his way to the top, and aquired a Mandalorian suit of armour on the way...


I think the Mandalorians died out a long time ago...

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nope he (boba or Jangofor that matter) wasnt Mandolirain, but theres alot of condrdictions, if i rember right the Bounty hunter books starts off him in jail or some such thing a chil awaiting exacution, err not a child more like young adult, but we all know theres alotf of contradictions is the SW universe. Yeah as far as I know Boba doesnt die before NJO, he even fights hand once when there both old, but when so many authors are righting books theres gonna be mess ups, but i prefer to htink he lives, wasa cool guy.

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My source: The Star Wars Visual Dictionary for Episode Two. Lucas does care about the accuracy of that book...there was a whole fiasco about one erronous sentence in the Visual Dictionary for Episode One...


Oh yeah, and they show Holocrons. Take that, EU bashers. :D

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Originally posted by Sckitzo

nope he (boba or Jangofor that matter) wasnt Mandolirain, but theres alot of condrdictions, if i rember right the Bounty hunter books starts off him in jail or some such thing a chil awaiting exacution, err not a child more like young adult, but we all know theres alotf of contradictions is the SW universe. Yeah as far as I know Boba doesnt die before NJO, he even fights hand once when there both old, but when so many authors are righting books theres gonna be mess ups, but i prefer to htink he lives, wasa cool guy.


yeah, i believe that's when he does his last hunt (hunted for all those years and still didn't have any money :D)

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The Starwars visual dictionary is your source? Well I'll take the graphic novels and plain old novels over the visual dictionary...


Boba's last hunt wasn't for money, it was for revenge...


and it appears in the chronology at least a year before the NJO starts (Jacen and Jaina were still young) and nothing was heard of Boba since...


Doesn't mean that he's dead, just that he's retired (he did finish up with a lot of money I believe, but he couldn't fight old age)

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

The Starwars visual dictionary is your source? Well I'll take the graphic novels and plain old novels over the visual dictionary...


Boba's last hunt wasn't for money, it was for revenge...


and it appears in the chronology at least a year before the NJO starts (Jacen and Jaina were still young) and nothing was heard of Boba since...


Doesn't mean that he's dead, just that he's retired (he did finish up with a lot of money I believe, but he couldn't fight old age)


my source is the boba fett trilogy and his last hunt was for money (5 mill creds i believe), which he did with crappy kneecaps and such... was kinda nice... and i believe he made his bounty ...

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@Royal: You'll take "implications" over straight stated fact?


Well, when I say implications, I'm really just covering myself :)


In the EP2 novelisation, Jango appears to be an orphan, surviving on the outer rim, learning in the school of hard-knocks so to speak. There is no mention of super commando training, in fact one of his goals is to give Boba the training and support that he never had, so that Boba will surpass him...


and I'd have to read the comic again but I'm sure that the Mandalorians were a dieing race 1000 years before TPM...


and yes I'll take these sources over a visual dictionary any day...


(excuse the SW knowledge snobbery there....) :)


my source is the boba fett trilogy and his last hunt was for money (5 mill creds i believe), which he did with crappy kneecaps and such... was kinda nice... and i believe he made his bounty


I read that too, the hunt I was refering to appeared in a short story and is set after this trilogy. In the story Boba realises that Han Solo is the only prey he has had to elude him - on at least two occaisions - and to feel that he can retire he has to bring him down.


He lures Han to a world from both of their pasts, and engages in a cat and mouse game that ends with them both pointing blasters at each other. Han points out that they can both die or they can both live to be old. Boba walks away and is never heard from again...

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Well, here's what the Visual Dictionary said:


"After the murder of his parents, Jango Fett was adopted and raised by the legendary Mandalorian warrior army, a mercenary group who earned a reputation as the most formidable supercommandoes in the galaxy. The Jedi destroyed this dangerous force, but Fett survived and continues to wear the armored, weapon-filled uniform that helped make the Mandalorians a dreaded name. (...)


[later note on "Walking Armor"]


Mandalorians who could afford it commissioned backup suits of their armor. Fett has replacement armor for much of his suit, with additional items that can be fitted for particular mission profiles. (...)


["Data File" note]


  • Jango's Mandalorian amor is one of the only surviving sets of this feared and elusive panoply.


[note on "Professional"]


Raised in a brutal frontier environment on Concord Dawn, Fett is tough and self-reliant. He has worked out his own sense of morality which is honorable by his standards. He keeps his bargains and earns his pay. As a bounty hunter, Fett has become so professionally formidable that planetary governments are known to hire him.


["Jango and Boba Fett"]


The Mandalorian way lives on in the bond between Jango Fett and his son Boba. Growing up at his father's side, Boba has learned the value of superior training, judgement, and weaponry. (...)


["Like Father, Like Son"]


In Mandalorian tradition, fathers were responsible for training their sons in combat skills. (...)"


*shrugs* :D

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard


I read that too, the hunt I was refering to appeared in a short story and is set after this trilogy. In the story Boba realises that Han Solo is the only prey he has had to elude him - on at least two occaisions - and to feel that he can retire he has to bring him down.


He lures Han to a world from both of their pasts, and engages in a cat and mouse game that ends with them both pointing blasters at each other. Han points out that they can both die or they can both live to be old. Boba walks away and is never heard from again...


Hmmm, now that u mension it, I kinda remember that passage too, with the blasters pointed at eachother....

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Originally posted by Jango_Fett91

If you do make your own M A N D O R L I A N Armor , I would choose...... *Starts to think of Black And Blood Red*:p:fett:


Well...if it wasn't colored like Boba's or Jengo's I suppose I could stand it...:D


in other words, yes, that does sound cool ;)

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Ehhhh, actually I think Boba Fett has a couple suits of it, because after the Sarlac dies from Jabba's barge exploding and Dengar finds him almost dead on the vast desert that is Tatooine, they take off his armor. After he heals, the book says that he puts on a new suit from his hidden cache on the planet... as Redwing stated, thenk very much for that information Red, but I really think that Fett acutally had more than one full suit of armor.:cool:


Sorry i read the books alot, anyways that would be VERY EXPENSIVE, like more than a ImpII would cost IF you could find some.

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