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will there be mandalorian armor plz say yes!~! :)


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yep, botha Jedi is right, I think thats what I read to, somehting aobut it not having all the weapons and (bells) whistles. yeah, I still support the Boba lives, and Irember that story to, something about han saying. "i know its boba"

"How" hes asked

"see that burn mark on his chest?"


"I made that"


I think its somehting about that, thoguh Ill be very surrprised if thats right, but I thinks thats the general drift

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Lets just say that finding a suit of Mandalorian Armor will be one of the tasks in the next to impossible category.


Oh, and thanks Sckitzo, and also even though EVERYONE sees Han accidentally activate Boba's jet pack and you see him pulled into the Sarlac Pit, The Pit of Carcun, he DOES live and lets just say that he tricks Bossk out of his ship, The Hound's Tooth and takes off leaving Bossk stranded on Tatooine.:cool: That is why he is the best and most feared bounty hunter.

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Originally posted by Sckitzo

Now now, dont tell to much. we dont ant to give veryhting away. Thoguh I was partial to IG-88 and that one Hybrid machine guy dude in the second BHW book. he was awsome.


and now in english plz? :confused: i don't fully understand ur post /me thinks

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Excuse me, but I am trying to overcome my phobia against welcoming new members. In some weeks, you might receive a welcome letter in your inbox. And you might not.


Cortosis Armor, eh? Haven't heard any mention of it at all, neither in a 'hell no!' or 'sure thang!' fashion.

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Originally posted by Sith Inquisitor

Well, I am new here, so. . .HELLO ALL!:)



I'm wondering if you will be able to buy Cortosis Armor, as well?:D



Welcome to SWGalaxies.net


here, have small, chocolate covered gnorts. :D


now.. to answer your question..... uhm.... what was it again? Cortosis? whats that? have i missed something? could you explain it?


c ya around


-Wraith 8-

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Just a refinement of that point - cortosis armour has been around for a long time...


In JK2 they created a cortosis based alloy that didn't shut sabres off, it just reduced their effectiveness. The use of an alloy also meant that the cortosis lost it's fragility (cortosis can be destroyed by a blaster or chipped apart by a vibroweapon) so that the ShadowTrooper armour could take hits from normal weapons too...


and yes I need to get out mopre and stop reading Starwars books...

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Actually, duDehead, though not in the movie, during the time in EPI, I don't know who trusts the information in the games, there were pirates that were supplying the Trade Federation with Cortosis weapons AND aromor, so actually according to that in fomation the Cortosis concept was conceived before even the time period of EPI.

The game is Star Wars: Obi-wan.

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Well the Cortosis armor u meant was the one they used in JK2, the one that was actually worth something and imbedded with the force crystals so that one is only invented ten years after



and royalguard don't even think about getting out, now get back to ur books and read (as i should, but don't know a good place to buy sw books, if anyone can give me an URL perhaps?)

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