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Rogue insanity!!!!!


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Well I remember companies saying a game is an exlusive title before, and then a month or so later come out with it on another system.

If they really do end up making it an exlusive title, then too bad for them! They'll lose money *shugs*

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Okay all the games lucasarts is making are looking pretty good so far EXEPT one. The one with the least press because everyone knows it is a waiste of money...yes that is right. PODRACER REVENGE:mad: PS2 is widly owned and will most likely be the console that has the most systems sold, but does Lucasarts care at all...NO. They just give it a token title...here you go have a snack of POD REVENGE...I'd like to take revenge for them even thinking about making a sequel to a game that pushed the limits of my fandom.:mad:

Sure they gave PS2 Starfighter (LAST YEAR!!!) and Bombad Racing+Demolitions...LAST YEAR!!!!:mad: :mad: ( Bomad raceing pushed the far reaches of my fandom...demolitions was pretty good though)

The year they are doing the most inovation to gaming yet and they give the biggest ticket the shaft.:mad: :mad:

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Guest Gamma732

I've noticed that too. I've noticed a LOT of titles that really made me think 'This is Star Wars?'. I think they(ie:Bombad Racing) pushed everyone's fandom. :rolleyes:

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Guest Master Yoda

I es/public_html/includes/functionike to see RSII on PC so I can use my force feedback joystick when I play it(RS was great with it.),but Im getting the GameCube anyway so if its a GC exclusive title I won't be to disappointed. Though I wish they would make like 20 levels instead of 11 and a whole slew of bonus levels.

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Well I don't see the reasoning behind the move. They could make a ton of money porting the title to PC. I mean they ported everything else didn't they???(Battle for Naboo:rolleyes: )

Plus this game will have better graphics than those other lucasarts games (X-wing series) So it might even be a hit on the PC if they play their cards right.

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Guest Tie Guy

Whoa, calm down ferg. I really like podracer. Why couldn't it happen (except for the whole anikan thing where he was gone, and he sold his pod after the first race) it was perfectly legitimate, and definately starwars. It goes right alongside the movies, so how can it NOT be starwars. Plus, you saw the cover, it says starwars on it, a dead giveaway that it is indeed starwars. IMO, games like JK are much less "starwars" then podracer was.


Anyways, i thought the original was a good game, and i'm definately gonna get racer revenge. I especially looking forward to the new AI they are putting in where "you'll never be out in the open."

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Whoa, calm down ferg. I really like podracer. Why couldn't it happen (except for the whole anikan thing where he was gone, and he sold his pod after the first race) it was perfectly legitimate, and definately starwars. It goes right alongside the movies, so how can it NOT be starwars. Plus, you saw the cover, it says starwars on it, a dead giveaway that it is indeed starwars. IMO, games like JK are much less "starwars" then podracer was.


Anyways, i thought the original was a good game, and i'm definately gonna get racer revenge. I especially looking forward to the new AI they are putting in where "you'll never be out in the open."


Okay the originalk game was pretty good...but why make a remake of the game??? The original got old after I beat it 11 times in rapid succession. Rogue Squadron, Rebellion, X-Wing Vs. TIE, Dark Forces...I played those a million times before they got old. What I want in a game for PS2 is something from the Trilogy or after ROJ...I never really liked before ANH as much as the Trilogy. They are basically taking the old game giving it a slight overhall and sending it back. I think I have probably had enough Podraceing for all eternity. Also as you may have noticed NOBODY IS TALKING MUCH ABOUT THIS GAME!!!! IT IS GETTING ABOUT 3% OF THE PRESS ROGUE SQUADRONII IS GETTING!!!!:mad: EVEN OBI-ONE THE GAME IS MORE TALKED ABOUT THAN THIS GAME!!!! LUCASARTS WON'T BE GETTING A BLOCKBUSTER IN THE PS2 ARENA THIS YEAR AND THAT IS FOR SURE:mad:

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Guest Gamma732

I didn't even bother to get the Podracer game...I was sick of podracing after seeing TPM. The movie's podracing sequence was too drawn out if you ask me, and when I saw a game dedicated to it.....I passed.


So technically....if only on the idea of being sick of podracing, I agree with you, fergie. ;) But, hey, at least its not Bombad Racing 2 :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Gamma732

I didn't even bother to get the Podracer game...I was sick of podracing after seeing TPM. The movie's podracing sequence was too drawn out if you ask me, and when I saw a game dedicated to it.....I passed.


So technically....if only on the idea of being sick of podracing, I agree with you, fergie. ;) But, hey, at least its not Bombad Racing 2 :rolleyes:


Very true but you never know what Lucasarts might do:(

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Guest Gamma732

*gasp* You're right!! I'd better shut up, theres no telling how many game companies might be monitoring my rants for new game ideas! ;) *cough* Yoda Stories 2 *cough*


Wait....I liked Yoda Stories...why did I just say that? hehe ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Rogue15

tie guy, in your opinion, everything that isn't the star wars movies is non-canon.


15, in my opinion, EVERYTHING in the books and movies are connon. the games, however, don't always have the luxery of being cannon. However, if something is a game, and it is out of the movies, how can it not feel starwarsy?


Leo, i'd still port it, they could make alot of money, even if it is slightly inferio......what am i saying. No console will ever be better than the PC's that are available out there. Even if they did lower the requirements and made it slightly worse then i would still buy it, and others would too. they would till make a ton more money off of it and it would still be really good.

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Guest Rogue15

Well, Force Commander is cannon. I don't think jk and mots ae tho. Force Commander is 'cause it follows the storyline, and XWA is too, the viraxo are mentioned in Cloak of Deception.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Leo, i'd still port it, they could make alot of money, even if it is slightly inferio......what am i saying. No console will ever be better than the PC's that are available out there. Even if they did lower the requirements and made it slightly worse then i would still buy it, and others would too. they would till make a ton more money off of it and it would still be really good.



Actually the game isn't even close to inferior to a PC game. The graphics are slightly better than the vast majority of Comp games right now(I'm not talking about Quak IV though:eek: ) Mainly because the consoles don't have to worry about low end systems. They have a unifom system. It would be like making everyone in the PC world buy a certain PC and then make games for it only. They could then push that system to it's max and get some of the best quality games ever. But the PC has hudreds of different models so they have to worry about the little guys out there. GB is worring about the little guys. They could have pushed up it's requirments to a 1.0Ghz processor and 128mb ram and maybe even 3.0Gb of Hard drive space and a 32mb video card...It would have made for some major Eye Candy, but they didn't...because they are watching out for the little guy.

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