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yea ive already started on LOD's, they arent as hard as i thought, its just that being a noob modeler making your first model takes a long time, but after that first model you get the hang of it and can do it again in half the time.


but im wondering, what exactly are the distances that a player model turns into the next LOD?

and if you have low quality models turned on will it switch the highest LOD model with the next one?

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Aside from some minor touchups(like fixing the hands), final color choice, and the tubes, default maw is finished.





If you have any opinions/suggestions on anything about the skin please post them right away, because after tomorrow I'm wrapping it up and moving on to the red and blue skins. PLEASE let me know what you think of the flesh color. As far as I'm concerned it looks a hell of a lot better than orange and I'd leave it as it is, but if everyone who downloads the model thinks "hey, maw is the wrong color," then that kind of defeats the purpose of making a maw skin.

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Actually I like the color. If someone doesn't, well, they can make their own skin for the model, since that's pretty much anyone's right to do. Of course, whether or not they can distribute it is another story. Personally, this skin here is the one I'm going to use when I play him.

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The skin is good, but the back of the head looks, uhh...well...like a arse. maybe bring down some contrast there. and add a few more lines. as for the flesh color, it looks good, but i think it needs to be more darker.



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I do agree with the model looking a little too airbrushed, and that's something I've had a LOT of difficulty with because there are so many seams in spots where the skin is bright. I'd like to texturize it a bit, but the resolution of the different portions of skin just varies too much, and there'd be noticable lines around the shoulders and at the neck that couldn't be fixed without it looking really sloppy. It's no fault of madjai's, you are inherently going to want the head to be a higher resolution than say, the torso, to show more detail. If anyone with experience in photoshop has any suggestions(aside from texturizing, cuz it just ain't gonna work) lmk.

This is what I meant when I said it would be my first and last shirtless skin :(

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those skins look flat!!!.

sorry dude but im really not satisfied with the skin skinning depth is hard i can't do it but maybe someone else. at least dont continue doing the skin yourselve or go on learning skinning for a few months and then finish this skin but i gues that aint kewl aye :)

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Ok, let me get this straight: You can't skin because "is hard," but after carefully examining the two 2D jpegs with those expert skinning eyes of yours, you are not "satisfied," because you of course should be since you are a paying client. Oh wait, I'm being sarcastic, I'm really doing all of this for free in the limited spare time I have, how about that.

I hate to sound like an ass, but you have no idea how frickin hard it is to skin an anatomically correct musculature completely from scratch. Maybe you should give it a shot yourself before condemning me to two months of "Skinning Camp."

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Madjai, first off great model! i always love any monsterous models being added and you did an awesome job. about the problem you were having with body parts flying off, i am having the same problem with my model and was wondering if you could clue me in on to what you did to fix the problem. been browsing for the specified sithlordII thread about it but havent found it yet. it would be a real help,



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im assuming your talking about when the arms and a hand was floating somewhere else.


its actually pretty simple to fix, but can be a pain because you have to reweight the problem parts.

just select any part of your model that looks right then attach a part that is screwed up. now detach it and name it again, weight it again and set up the heirarchy again.

thats what fixed it for me.


sithlordii also said something about selecting your model and clicking reset pivot or something, but that didnt do anything for me.


hope that helps.

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I am sorry for the late post. I hope this will help you in your skins.


Just to state something that is a positive, before I get to the nitty gritty, I love the skin tone. I think that skin tone will work for Maw perfectly. Awesome job thus far.


Now to my peeves.


1. The cloth looks great, for a base. I think a little more detail, maybe add dirt and rip marks, would make this look more Maw-ish. I mean Maw is a mean, crule Sith who wants to look dirty and wretched. Some more little creases and cut offs in the cloth might make it look more realistic.


2. The metal looks utterly fantastic. All I can ask for is a few bits of scratches. Just because metal just doesn't corrode like that. It needs a few bumps and scratches. Maybe a bit of texture.


3. The skin. The colours are perfect. I guess you could go to a more orange fade, but it makes no difference. The back of his head, as stated before, needs something. I am not sure what, maybe an extra wrinkle or something. It looks kind of bland. But id the back of his head looks like that, then leave be.


I hope I got this in on time. Just because I wouldn't mind being apart of this models creation. Oh well if I don't.


I must applaud you Mr. Inbred. YOu have made a fantastic skin for a fantastic model! I hope you and Madjai work on more pieces to come!

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just gotta say i love your avatar Stitches.


now onto a question for everyone:


Since is seems to be impossible to change the sounds shared by all player models im either going to have to let Maw have footsteps and landing sounds or change it so that none of the models have them or have them but sound like a repulsor lift would. Which shall it be?

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Thanks for the comments, and I think I probably will be throwing in a little more "battle damage". I originally had planned to go for a straight jk1 to jk2 conversion, but I think it would add a lot to the quality of the skin. Maybe a little blood and mud soaked in those bandages. As for the lift, I looked at pictures of objects that were plated in a chrome finish and made of something else, like wrought iron, where the nice looking outer shell was starting to break down and fall apart, hence the deep wear on the edges. I've decided to tone down and simplify the back of the head a lot more, simply because I've discovered it looks quite ridiculous in game to skin all those deep dark ridges on a perfectly rounded head.


Madjai, maybe someone on the coding forum would be able to help with the sound problem. From what I can tell there are just 3 sounds that are out of place, footstep, landing sound, and hard landing sound. It would blow big time if you had to leave in the footsteps, I know that much. I'd say if the no footsteps thing were in effect for all models only while actually using the maw model, it wouldn't be bad at all. But if it permanently got rid of them, it might deter people from downloading him.

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Heh, Thanks Madjai!

I edited a MM sprite and did a little work on it to make it look like Maul. :)


As for the footstep problem. That is a big problem. If worse comes to worst, might I suggest just leaving the footstep sounds, but allow us to have the option of a taking out the othe footsteps.



I can't wait to see what you have planned for us! This model is going to rock. I think the worn/beaten look will add a more serious look to Maw. It will show him as the "Butt-Kicker", if you will.


I have waited so long to play as Maw. I am quite amazed that a poor Sith that made me so mad while playing JK1 would make me want to salivate all over my keyboard.

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Originally posted by StitcheS

I am quite amazed that a poor Sith that made me so mad while playing JK1 would make me want to salivate all over my keyboard.


im pretty sure hes a dark jedi, just had to point that out :)


ill probably release two versions, one with sounds and one without.

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good job everyone! o about the foot steps why can't you change only only one im sry if u answeared this a few pages back i just didn't have the time to read all of it, anyway why would you have to replace a sound can't you just rename a sound, or make a script or something that will change the sound? not sure how it works so sry if i sound weird

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the problem is that the sounds are used by all player models, so if you change them it affects all of them. there is a file that points to these sounds but ive tried changing it and nothing happens, it doesnt seem to affect it at all.

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definitely do *not* monkey around with any options that would remove other characters' sounds- that would be a huge deterrant for me to download Maw. Isn't there someone in the Coding forum who can help with this? I mean, for crying out loud, they got Yoda to be 60% his size in MP; surely someone can figure this problem out.

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