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Beam me up!

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This is one of the areas where I think Enterprise got it right.


The first transporters are designed for cargo transfer, and only approved for organic material, but the technology is still "primitive."


No biofilters, minimal annular confinment, no "beam-down" sensors to speak of (so you can only beam to the transporter, lest you end up inside a wall or in mid-air).


Remember the transporter accident that turned a poor crewman into swamp thing (though he probably made a full recovery by season's end)?

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Yeo, I saw that in Euronews yesterday.

But they can't even teleport an atom yet. Hope something significant happens on that research before I die, I'm in interested in witnessing it.


Anyways they said that thanks to this technology computers wil be able to calculate 1 000 000 or even 1 000 000 000 times faster.


I want my Supa' Computa' now!

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Well, I presume he means that he would never allow himself to be transported unless he has complete and utter confidence in the tech (or there is absolutely no other available option).


This isn't something like a plane crash, where you stand a (slim, admittedly) chance of surviving if something/some one screws up.


IOW, if I was on Archer's Enterprise I'd avoid the transporters like the death trap they are. If, on the other claw, I was on, say, Janeway's Voyager, I'd probably be safer in the transporter than I would be on a shuttlecraft (especially if Tuvok was piloting ;) )

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Quantum computing still has a ways to go. I'm not entirely sure it will become mainstream technology in my lifetime. So far, they've managed to factor some really small number (6 or something - I don't remember exactly), but they were able to accomplish it using only a few atoms. We will need to work with it a lot before we're able to build the kind of things everyone is dreaming about. There's a lot of money to be made and a lot of fame to secure in that area, so I'm sure there will be no shortage of people trying to get it done when it looks like we are getting close.

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I wouldn't use Teleports for one good reason: Too much bad memories on being Telefragged while playing Doom. I still make nightmares about that and wake up screaming in the middle of the night with cold sweat on my forehead and the word "Telefragged" echoing in my thoughts.

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Indeed the fly thing is scarier. At least with Telefragging you bearly have time to notice it happened that you're already dead...

Unless you end up stuck with the other guy, that happened to me only once in Doom...scary stuff... imagine ending up being stuck forever with someone like Nute :eek:

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