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Scout Trooper/ Biker Scout?

Mandalorian iTi

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Master Chief

Plo Koon

Scout Trooper


those are me 3 ALL time fav guys...master chief will be brought into T2 by me..Plo Koon by Kinja's friend...and what about The scout Trooper!??!? someone HAS to make it!!! plz!!! he frickin r0x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Many people are complaining about my lack of updates. The reason is: I don't spent all my time in front of a computer. I just do models for fun, when I have time. If you take a look at my Boba Fett or Jango Fett, already posted to download in the Models section, you will se what to expect from me. For those unfaithful you can email me at cortomaltes@arnet.com.ar and I'' send you couple of screens from the model mesh made in 3d studio max.

For now, that will be it. I don't have time.

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