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Yuuzhan Vong soldier (wip)


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hey all,

i know there is atleast 2-3 other people working on Yuuzhan Vongs but just wanted to post mine of a soldier based off the RPG/card game picture (i think).


concept art(not mine) :



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model texture wip:




if you dont know about the Yuuzhan Vong you can read up at the SW database:

http://www.starwars.com/databank/species/yuuzhanvong/eu.html (yea chewbacca killer)



model: it comes in at a hefty 3580 (un segmented) but i coudl lower it to 3000 without too much loss of detail if needed but i am thinking of keeping it at 3.5k+ and then just definately have LOD support.


skin: the screenshot skin may look a bit bluury but that is mostly because i had to shrink it down to 256x256 bmp indexed color for milkshape, in game the texture files will be mostly 512x512 jpgs so it will be more precise.

the pale skin of the YV on the texture is just a color place holder, and a lot more detail is to be added to the armor and all other parts of it.



i also plan on making an amphi staff if one isnt made before i finish the soldier.



well let me know what you think , crits, comment , etc.


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sorry guys but i did plan to make the face like the one off of the rpg/card. i kinda liked the vampire/bat look but i havent read any of the books so dont know if it is neccesarily true to their description.


any pics or links to rapruung?


i might add an extra head/facial skin that coudl be alphaed out , not sure though cause then the pcount would be even bigger but im pretty sure it woudl work (just make it a child of the original head for the heirarchy , and figure out HOW to get the aplha channles working correctly in game)


thanks for the comments :)


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I hate that Yuuzhan Vong picture. I've read all of the New Jedi Order books and I loved them, but when I saw that picture I nearly threw up. It is not what I imagined the Yuuzhan Vong to look like. He looks more like Count Dracula in his battle armor then a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. If anybody is making a Yuuzhan Vong model please don't use that picture as a base. Read the books and us your imagination.


To help you with that imagination thing here are the books "Edge of Victory I: Conquest" and "Star by Star". These are what the Yuuzhan Vong are meant to look like. The one on the cover of Conquest (not the chick, the little guy in the corner) is Vua Rapuung, one groovy fella and the second is of Tsavong Lah (I think), another groovy fella.


Edge of Victory I: Conquest - http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0345428641.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


Star by Star -http://images.amazon.com/images/P/034542848X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg



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keto's making a yuuzhan vong?! i was looking forward to one of your anti-jedi monk guys, but i guess this'll do. :rolleyes:


seriously, man, he's looking *BLEEP* awesome! and how could he not, your kronar kicked @$$ too.


keep up the great work!

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BTW... I was thinking, maybe you could replace the stormies in single player with the yuuzhan vong soldiers, then you or some other dude could figure out how to change the thermal detenators into thud bugs :) hehe...


Anyway, great model, hope to see more updates soon.

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well, i sure don't know what they are, but if they killed chewie, they must be cool. (in the skilled sort of way)


and looking at some of that art, they looked alot like infested kerrign from starcraft.



P.S., dont kill me for mentioning starcraft or killing chewie being cool.

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alright skin update


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chest close up:



face front close up:



face side close up:



chest flats:



still working on the face but mostly little coloration things, and messing with the positions of the eys cause they look off to me. as well as the extrutions they have on the sides of their heads look a little cartoonish to me.


again these shots were taken in milkshape so the texture are 256x256indexedbmp to show how the detail will be alittle better i included the chest flat at higher res, which i am thinking of making it 1024x1024 even... but that may slow down systems too much.


the side of the face i really like how it turned out but i still havent corrected the 2 faces under its nose/nasal hole.



Pnut_Master: that is a very cool idea, i had forgotten about the thud bugs, i woudl also like to model them .what might be really cool is if they crawl around after the opponent kinda like sarks.

though if a New Jedi Order Mod comes out i dont think that they would use this model in particular because as mentioned before the concept doesnt portray what seems to be the masses idea of what the Yuuzhan Vong look like. and i know of atleast 2 other modelrs doing the YV, 1 of which is doing them based off the books description.


adillon: yea antijedi soon, i showed it to some people at a lan and it was laughed at so it need some more work :p mostly i wanted to get in on making an SW uni character before the all the morbid and sick ones were gone :)


so let me know what you think and ill begin working on the other possible head/ getting it ready for the 3dsmax conversion.




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Very cool, Keto! It may not look like the typical Yuuzhan Vong, but all the Vong look different, depending on their personal preferences. They all mutilate themselves in different ways, and often add parts from other creatures. It's almost like a contest, where the weirder and more mutilated you are, the more points you get. I think this model fits into the Vong society just fine :) One thing to note about the armor is that it should look organic plating, I always imagined it to be lobster-like, it's actually called Vonduun Crab armor. Make sure it doesn't look like it's manufactured. On the chest, it looks like it has two rivet-like objects, and while those are on the concept art, I would recommend shying away from them or at least doing them in a way that looks a bit more natural.

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Thanks for the comments guys :)


finished segmentation and imported into max .. everything seems to be ok for now, moving onto heirarchy and weighting.


BradFu: yea the art isnt very true to concept of them but for this model i wanted to be as true to the art as possible. i plan to do atleats 1 other skin (besides ctf) that is a little more true to the Vong description , pale blueish skin, crab-like armor, differnet face etc. and about the rivets i see what you mean i shoudl have given them a few more polys to have more a curve , for the more true variation i think i will alpha out most of the red tube/backthings/mouthtourturer device.


thanks again,


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Maybe I missed something huge, but last I checked you cannot model player models in Milkshape because of skelaton problems... you can't export the skelaton as an MD3 then make it into a GLM.


Sorry to tell you, but to my knowledge, if you're making this in Milkshape, you're wasting your time. :(


If I'm wrong and you CAN make GLMs with Milkshape and have them work in game, disregaurd this message. :)


It does, however, look great.

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