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Yuuzhan Vong soldier (wip)


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HOLY #### THAT KICKS @$$!!!! When are you going to be able to release this thing?


Emon, I've never heard anything about that. But this guy definitely has experience, which means he probably already did a character model in milkshape, so he would know.

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Epimetheus: bwahaha die pathetic wookie! j/k yea i didnt even think of that i guess that woudl be pretty fun :)


Emon: yes you are correct MilkShape cannot export to glm, i model in MS just because it is what i am used to and am a lot faster at it. i then set everything up and import it (3ds) into 3dsmax. and thanks :)



alright little update finished heirarchy and did vertex weighting, wnet a lot faster this time compared to the 11 days it took just to figure out how to do it with kronar :p loaded it up in modview and it looked kinda messed up but alright, upon pressing the play button all hell broke loose and his arms started flailing around 3 times long then they should be... then went the knees right off the calves ... man how i despise this vertex weighting :p


alright so now going back and attempting to fix things


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even smaller update but one that i like:

i got the legs working 1 of them (the left one) works almost perfectly (no clipping, just a little ugly deformation because i didnt model it correctly/give it enough verts there) but what it may mean is that i can and know how to fix kronars legs , but again it is a maybe.


also through more examination the thing with the arms gets weirder at the begging of the animation its arms are off to the sides horizontal , perpindicular to the model and lower around its pelvis off to the side. i have no clue why they are doing this as i used the same bones that i did for kronars arms and they worked... well better than these :p


the quest continues,


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alright well frustrated with it not working i decided to just reimport the whole thing into max , going very slowly and redo everything to the best of my ability,


i checked in modview where the bones were and if it could possibly be a skeleton problem but they are all in the right spot. then i rotated the arms in max 90degrees the other directio and in mod view they were up the right way but still flung around like crazy. when i first imported to max i had to rotate and move the arms as a whole and now it is these specifically that are having problem. i tried moving and rotating the legs a little bit to see if they woudl freak out but they worked fine after the move.


i was thinking it might be a heirarchy problem like maybe they didnt get the right parents or they have no parents at all but i unlinked them and relinked them to the torso and still no go.


so it may take some extra time but im going in for another try :)


thanks all for the support :)


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Originally posted by KOP_+GOD'sLion+

Even thought i don't like the guy he should turn out as an intresting skin/model, an idea for the CTF version your should make him wear the mask seen in this pic that remark posted




doesn't he look sexy ;)


so many damn problems keto, maybe next time try modeling in max and see what comes up of it

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KOP_+GOD'sLion+ : thats a pretty good idea, it woudl use the secondary head/backthing setup, ill have to try it thanks :)


remark 666 : aw i wouldnt abandon my beautiful milkshape, i dont think that that is causeing to much of the problems i think it is mostly my inexperiance with max that is causig them. for next model going to dload the milkshape glm importer , cause one thing that might be messing up in max is that i have to motate and move parts of the body around before vertex weighting. so ill import kyle into ms and rotate, zoom, and move everything around in milkshape so when i import to max the model will be ready to go.


maybe some progress later today, working on some map ideas right now...


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alright fixed a few little things in milkshape then reimported to 3dsmax. did the heirarchy and re-weighting the vertecies. the arms work now :) although soem small things need to be modified so that they look a little better. but now i have a new major bug plagueing the vong. it is that one of legs(right leg) shoots off to the side (still connected) but then doesn'r tun like th other one, hopefully i made some silly weighting error and it can be fixed easily cause im tired of errors i cant explain :p.


back to work :p


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if you have them as .txt then no one can save the image. like for the space monkey tut all of the images were itxt so the only way to save them was taking screenshots of the page and cropping them. then when the downloadable one came out i still couldnt see the pistures because of microsoft word compatability issues. ive got the pictures now but back then it was a pain trying to work around the .txt thing.


updtae on the "god hates keto error" (any error i cant explain) since i had 1 leg working correctly i tried to mirror it to the other side re-heirarchy and re-weight it. upon entering modview the leg shot up upsidedown behind the player and continued to move from there. i still have no idea what is causing the problem. i have 2x checked if i named everythign correclty and if tags had some thing to do with it but i have them all in the positions of the working leg. sorry for the lack of updates but just been really frustrated with it.


hopefully ill get this thing working soon,


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*An Corp*


woo hoo, Madjai, who was informed by sithlordii, just told me how to fix the error. so now his body parts are staying together yay.


going to make the ctf skins, then the alternate more true to the book skin/model adjustment.


soon the vong invasion shall began, mwahahahaaa ....

em well im just a little excited to see it working :)


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probably release today with the basic one (ctf and default) working on bot file now, reading up on their language , the bot yells cuss words and insults in its own language but also "can speak the language of the infidels" even if it "tastses like the droppings of an ill animal" on their tongue


some of the quotes are from the more famous of the vong but i thought they were fitting: "ill sacrifice you to the gods and then rip your heart out" etc. etc. :p


just need to modify the legs a little and its ready to go.

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