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Double bladed lightsaber: (the server must have cheats enabled or GHOUL2 to play against others with it!)


turn off lightsaber

turn on console

type devmap (mapname)

eg. devmap ffa_yavin


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Ghoul2 is a server variable that is supposed to make saber fighting a little bit more like single player. Check out the forums (Valley of the Jedi) if you want to learn more about it.


BTW lexx: Ghoul2 has nothing to do with double bladed sabers


There's two ways for double bladed sabers:


1: Cheat

When cheats are enabled on the server, do as lexx said:

turn off lightsaber

turn on console

type devmap (mapname)

eg. devmap ffa_yavin



since cheats are rarely enabled on servers:


2: Mod

Some servers run a mod that is supposed to enhance saber fighting or implement other fun stuff (like double bladed lightsabers..). On these servers you can activate the double bladed saber by bringing down the console and type /dualsaber. It is no cheat here and anyone can enable it.

The problem here is to find servers that are running this mod. The game browser doesn't explicitely show them.


lexx: Most servers that have such a mod running also enable Ghoul2. Maybe that's why you thought that Ghoul2 had to do with the double bladed saber.

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