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Right we can now make models- lets make some new Animations


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Ok bright spark time :D :D


We now have the models, I think its about time we learnt as a editing community on how to create new animations.


We all know that some of us will need SoftImages and 3DMax, so lets start creating a complete list of tutorials, and tips/hints on how to do this.



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lets see now...

1. To make custom animations you MUST have softimage

2. Softimage is really really expensive

3. Anyone who can afford softimage would probably not waste their time on making animations for a game

4. Im guessing doing hundreds (thousands?) of animations would take a very very long time, especially to a noob, and if that person is not a noob, see #3

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I don't think his AOTCTC mod will really work out at all.

You guys promise so much, it's not easy and simple.

Unless you get a pirated version of SoftImage... I don't think you guys are willing to pay $$$ JUST to make a mod for JK2.

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It's not illegal to share programs like that on Kazaa or else Kazaa would be shut down or some measures would be taken, but no one on the Kazaa development has said one word about software pirating or sharing. Anyways, people would be arrested or at least get warnings for types of things like this.

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It really goes beyond illegal...LOL notice your own classifying term

PIRACY...oh man...not illegal...lol


of course...that's not to say i don't think pirates are justified when it comes to rediculously overpriced software like graphics programs...but eh...that's a whole nother topic

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I am so sick and tired of hearing people who haven't posted anything constructive on any of the editing posts whining and complaining about how "You cannot change animations without softimage" and "softimage is too expensive, you'd have to steal it".


Shut the frick up, because I am just about up to my neck in it.


Some people have softimage, and no, they didn't have to steal or pirate it you retards.


When JK first came out, the community had to WRITE PROGRAMS to edit, they weren't given a SDK, they weren't pally wally with any of the programmers, they got up OFF their duffs and did something. Why the mother-pus-bucket do you idiots think the same is not possible now? The editing community will always find a way. Lightsaber hard-coded? Pshaw. Animation editing impossible? My tuchus. It will all be done. And it will all be done by people UNLIKE YOU who rather than trying to destroy other people's vision, continued with their own.


Unless you have something constructive to say, don't say anything at all. God hates naysayers, and he eats their children.

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I completely agree with Rajess.


I am sick of people filling all these animation threads with comments that state you need softimage and it is too expensive, etc...


I wonder if they stop to think about this. It's all well and good to have softimage, but you actually need an exporter for the GLA format to actually use whatever animations you've created.


It does not matter whether you have a copy of every animation package in the world, and your own motion capture studio. You cannot create custom animations without some way of turning them into the GLA format.


This is why the community needs to develop one of these plugins, it is not impossible. I am sure that one could be developed for use with 3DS Max, we are not just limited to softimage, just because the developers used it.

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Um, I don't think this post is for complaining about other people who are complaining about SoftImage. I really don't give a rat's ass how you do it. I'm with Anakin. I'd love to see some new animations. I think the first thing that should be worked on are different saber stances. I'd like to see more "choreographed" (spelling?) fights stuff you see Obi Wan doin in Ep 1. Give me feedback

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Originally posted by JangoFett41

I'd love to see some new animations. I think the first thing that should be worked on are different saber stances. I'd like to see more "choreographed" (spelling?) fights stuff you see Obi Wan doin in Ep 1. Give me feedback


A more choreographed or movie-like saber duel would be spectacular, that´s for sure, but keep in mind that it has to be controlable for the player in battle. I think that saber fights in the game can´t look 100 % like the movies because you don´t know neither what your enemys next move is, nor he knows yours. In the movies they were, as you say choreographed so they can´t really be compared to a JO Saber Fight.

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Well we (my mod team and I) have come up against the same problem with the animations. We don't have the xsi humanoid file and raven says its about 400 megs, so either I'll have to code an exporter or be lazy and wait for one of you guys to do one. Maybe we could make it open source and get everyone on board?!?!


BTW. My mod team has SoftImage XSI (legally!!) and a Motion Capture Studio! Sweet a? :)

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Expanding on my earlier post, I have seen the different styles. They have them in those DK books where they explain everything in detail and they have lots of photos. It's in an Ep II guide. Very cool. You can find it at Barnes & Nobles if anyone feels like making these stances.


I also wanted to talk about the whole choreography thing. It wouldn't be that hard I don't think. Just add more blocking moves. Think about it. In MP you really can't block and the fights pretty much suck for that same reason. If you add blocks it would be a lot more realistic and might force people to fight in a more realistic manner e.g. don't always attack first, wait.


give me feedback.

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Glad to see someone is taking this seriously, unlike most of you laid back 'i dont give a...' people out there, some of us are ablr to put money and time into this project. I have a legit copy of softimage thanks to my days of working in an animation company, so I can do it, Im just not sure how we do the bit in between.


So useful posts are much welcomed.

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Originally posted by JangoFett41

I also wanted to talk about the whole choreography thing. It wouldn't be that hard I don't think. Just add more blocking moves. Think about it. In MP you really can't block and the fights pretty much suck for that same reason. If you add blocks it would be a lot more realistic and might force people to fight in a more realistic manner e.g. don't always attack first, wait.


give me feedback.


For SinglePlayer it is a interesting idea to add more different block animations, but for Multiplayer...

I remember a quite similar discussion on this forum, don´t know which thread. If you want more blocks in Multiplayer, I´m afraid Saberfights would tend to be too long and be finished by one final strike. Reminds me of that 1hitkillbackstabdfawhatever threads. On the other hand if you gonna make the blocking manually not automatic like it is, I can imagine it in only two ways:


1. You press a "Block"-Button with no need for further combinations. Sound pretty boring to me.


2. You press a "Block"-Button in combination with other keys, for a specific block or direction. The bad thing about this way is that beginners on that system would be instantly killed on the first strike. So You are right at the Start again. Frustrated by learning the Ins and Outs of Saber-Combat.


Again, for a SP this Idea is not that bad.

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