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Right we can now make models- lets make some new Animations


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Originally posted by Heide


If you want more blocks in Multiplayer, I´m afraid Saberfights would tend to be too long and be finished by one final strike.



I think that would be cool to have long saber battles because that's the way it really is. It should suspenseful and take talent. It shouldn't just be running around and slashing blindly at your opponents. I hate the running around s***. Completely unrealistic.


hey, that came out pretty good.

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Hey, this is an interesting thread.



What i'd like to see with block is add something like a timing function or something similar to what Heide said. The have something like that in Soulcalibur. When you time it correctly you can parry or counter an attack, by pressing back or forward and block. The timing is crucial in this. Something like this would be cool. The only problem is that this might not work in Mp because of the lag issue.


Hey i would love to see some of those styles you guys were talking about. I remember Nick Gillard (stunt coordinator on Ep I/II) talk about saber styles and how he used different styles of swordfighting like Kendo and fencing to create the lightsaber style. Maybe it would be a good idea to look at these styles also and not stick too much to what you already have. That way you are more flexible.


I think i remember somebody posting something about saberfight choreograpy on Theforce.net. I think he posted a whole tutorial on it there for fanfilms and such. If i can find the link i'll post it here.

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I want to thank Anakin for this evolutionary thread. I'm glad that we finally turned from the "it's too expensive and too complex" phase. Of course we don’t have to forget that creating new animations is in fact very complicated and will take a lot time and creative thinking. I like how Rajess MoDuron stated that when jk first came out, the custom editors had to write their own programs in order to alter the game. Needless to say, jk2 is far more difficult to edit than jk and its density will obscure beginners. However, as long as we keep helping each other and work together as a community, I’m sure that one day we will be able to edit the animations. What we can do now is to keep reading those tutorials and beg for the single player sdk’s.


The :evil1: FallenAngel_NYC :evil1:

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Yeah but we have no real replies for Anakins Original Topic of this Thread. Maybe we should think about the the "How we can do it" before we talk about the "What we want to do". Problem is: I can´t animate, so I´m no help at this point.

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Well, I'll throw my hat into the ring. Unfortunatly, while I can't program (just html) I do have access to a copy of softimage (Yes, a legal copy, he works in the industry) through a good friend. I'll admit i'm still rather new at modeling, but I'm a quick study.


I'll send an e-mail to somebody at Raven too, perhaps they would be willing to give a little direction to creating custom animations


CT :lightning

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Rajess MoDuron is right. The community will also figure out a way to decompile the single player source code from a DYNAMICALLY LINKED LIBRARY, somehow managing to get the game's source code from a bunch of hexidecimal numbers and garblygook. :rolleyes:


[/huge sarcasm]

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Rajess MoDuron, also, you're partially wrong about JK1. Nearly every file format for JK1 is in ASCII. This means animations, 3DOs (3D models), MATs (textures), COGs (scripts), everything. The only thing that isn't are the font files, I think. So this made creating editing programs A LOT easier. It's one thing to make a program which lets you change, add and remove verticies and such from a 3DO or a JKL (level file), it's a COMPLETE other to make a program that has the same power as something as Softimage (used to animate EP1 and EP2 stuff), and be free at the same time.

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i dont think we should look to somone to make a new program specifically for making animations in jk2, how hard would it be to make a importer or exporter. next question is how hard would it be without Raven's assistance? i dont think ID released the exporter/importer for md3's did they? somone else had to write them. why cant somone do that for this? btw i dont know jack about getting animations in-game for any game, ive never done animations with any of my models, but if it is possible for other games like Quake3, or half-life, why is it not possible for JK2, especially when its based off of q3?

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Originally posted by FeurGrissa

i dont think we should look to somone to make a new program specifically for making animations in jk2, how hard would it be to make a importer or exporter. next question is how hard would it be without Raven's assistance? i dont think ID released the exporter/importer for md3's did they? somone else had to write them. why cant somone do that for this? btw i dont know jack about getting animations in-game for any game, ive never done animations with any of my models, but if it is possible for other games like Quake3, or half-life, why is it not possible for JK2, especially when its based off of q3?


Because the animation system for JO is insanely more complex than Q3's or HL's.


I'm not saying it won't happen, but I'm saying it's going to be very difficult, and if it ever happens, your animations made in MilkShape will never be remotly as good as the ones in JO.

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well, i have never used milkshape first of all, i am prettyy good with 3DS MAx, and i now have softimage too, and i intend to get better with both, but thats not the point. point is, if raven got the animations in there, then we can make our own too. especially if raven releases the tools. the only thing i have seen more complex about JO animations than Q3 ones, is that there is more of them/more keyframes. that and the object collision system taht lets sabers hurt people and stuff like that. that is probably hard coded, so we dont need to worry about it. and i beleive in time we will ba able to make costom animations too. i dont really know if we will get any help from Raven on that, but they helped with everyhting else, why would they stop now?


personally it is my opinion that pessimists never get themselves, or anyone else, anywhere. so why not STFU? if we want to figure out a way to do animations, then why cant you just think in youre head "ohhh thes guys are idiots and that will never happen" and then go away?

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