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The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar


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IC: A young character walks into the bar, he looks around at first and then sits down at one of the nearest tables. After awhile he starts to get worried.. He walks over to the Bartender.


"I'm looking for someone" "Aren't we all?" "Hes name is Cliff Zem Brony" "Sorry... Can't help you" "I was meant to meet him here about a week ago..." "Hmmmm... Maybe he was here... There was a big brawl about then... Maybe he was apart of that... Who knows, maybe he'll come back... On second thoughts, they busted of the club pretty bad and the bouncers off hunting them down at this instance. So I'd say that theres a GOOD chance of them returning" "Ok thanks. I'll wait back here then"


The guy walks over to a seat and sits down.

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