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Jedi Problem Fixed

Lord Helmet

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We all know what gene therapy is right?


Well if you don't ill clerify it for you. They inject a virus but take away the harmful aspect of it into your body with the right gene to correctly fix a genetic dissorder.


Well if having medi-chlorians is a trait why don't we use gene therapy to change the trait you have in your DNA from dominant to recessive...i tihnk its recessive more people aren't force sensitive (makes sense)


More people could be force sensitive and all the those continuty abiding citizens would be content!

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Well, seeing as midi-chlorians are actually symbitotic organisms rather than actually part of a person's DNA, gene therapy in its purest sense wouldn't work - a person doesn't create their own midi-chlorians - they come from some external source.


I see no reason why they couldn't be harnessed in some other way and introduced to someone with a low midi-chlorian count for the same effect. I wonder if Palpatine and Vader have considered creating a midi-chlorian treatment for their most gifted soldiers, to give them force abilities in addition to years of combat experience...


But, as it never seems to have happened in SW history I would imagine that the process would be very hard to do and fraught with danger.

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well then why do they say you can be born with the medi-chlorians or you dont got em..its in your blood..so even if it is a symbiotic relationship it hink the same principle would work ...its a germ right? Let the infection BEGIN! so if they hnad introduced the virus with medi-chloreans in it then it may do what it has to anyway, right?

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"the jedi dialysis"?


Drain your blood, exhange it for blood from a jedi. Poof! Instant midichlorian count! Though, you'd have to find a jedi to drain...


But seriously. Midichlorians are the worst story device invented. Ever. By far the worst part of Ep1. Some days, I forget Lucas invented it, and then I live in a slightly happier world.


setsuko, at the Smålands Pub, at 2 am:

-"Damn you Lucas. Damn you! Stubid mibiclorions... The Fours Flows in eve-everything! The Rocks! The Trees! The Rocks! The Beer! Yoda told us! He did! Yoda..." *breaks down and cries*

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Taken from www.stardestroyer.net


...midi-chlorians are a subject of intense speculation and in many cases, derision and outrage among Star Wars fans. Qui-Gon had the following to say about the midi-chlorians: "Midi-chlorians are microscopic life forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force."



"Symbiants. Life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force." Midi-chlorians are not, as some have suggested, something that can give anyone Force skills. You cannot "inject someone with midi-chlorians and turn him into a Jedi" as some illogical thinkers have claimed. Why do I say this? Two reasons:


Qui-Gon clearly states that midi-chlorians are already in the cells of all living things- not just Jedi Knights.

If they exist inside your cells rather than as foreign cells in your bloodstream, then you would have to inject them into every single cell in your body, assuming that they can be isolated at all.

Could the existence of midi-chlorians be a mere religious belief? Unlikely, since they are able to measure it. But what do they do? This is the part where one must question the validity of Qui-Gon's explanation. How does he know this is what they do? It seems to be a quasi-religious belief structure, couched in the language of religion with phrases like "if you quiet your mind, you can hear them speaking to you."



In the end analysis, we know that there is a correlation between midi-chlorian counts and Force skills. But is a correlation the same thing as a cause? If you answered "yes", then you should slap yourself on the side of the head and go back to school for lessons in elementary logic. High midi-chlorian counts may cause Force attunement, or they may be caused by it. They may not be directly related at all- perhaps it is indirect. Perhaps they have something to do with the so-called "life energy" of a person, and it is the strength of a person's "life force" that determines his ability to use the Force (remember that Yoda created unexpectedly massive life-form readings on Luke's scanners as he plunged toward Dagobah in TESB, and a swamp cannot be such an unusual phenomenon in the SW galaxy that Luke is surprised by life-form readings from indigenous life). In any case, I reiterate: the only meaningful conclusion from the film is that there is some sort of correlation. Anything else is unfounded supposition, or worse.


The similarity between "midichlorians" and real-life mitichondria is too great to ignore. Midichlorians are described as microscopic life forms which exist inside our cells in a symbiant relationship with us. Mitichondria are microscopic life forms which exist inside our cells in a symbiant relationship with us. Without midichlorians, Qui-Gon said that life could not exist. Without mitichondria, humans and most other multi-cellular organisms could not survive in real life. Midichlorians may be a measure of Force ability, or perhaps simply the strength of a being's "life energy." Mitichondria help our bodies generate the bio-chemical energy that we need to function. If midichlorians are indeed the Republic term for mitichondria, then the theory about midichlorians being a measure of "life energy" rather than a direct measurement of Force abilities may have some weight. In any case, as previously stated, the similarities are far too strong to ignore.




If only more people would pay attention...



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Yes, redwing, I know elementary logic, and my only escape is, as you said, believing that the midiclorian count is caused by a person with strong force, not the other way around. It feels better.


But that's not why I don't like 'midiclorians'. It is because it is a silly idea, and it was one of the things that crippled a kneeling movie. It's because it is such a cheap trick to tie together a lacking plot. When it comes to movies, I hate plot device and I hate constructions that doesn't make sence (scrip constructions, not buildings). That goes for all movies. So my bias against midiclorians comes from my cineastic taste, not because it lacks in logic.

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The biggest problem I have with midi-chlorians is that they detract from the mystery of the force - suddenly it's a quantifiable resource and you can't go beyond your limitations.


I'm just happy that the knowledge is lost by the time SWG happens... (to all but a select few anyway, who know better than to start spouting stuff about midi-chlorians to all and sundry...)

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

The biggest problem I have with midi-chlorians is that they detract from the mystery of the force - suddenly it's a quantifiable resource and you can't go beyond your limitations.


EXACTLY! Why didn't Qui-Gon just say "hmm.. the force is very strong in this one". It would have been so much more Star Wars.

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Heh, sure, you've been off the bounty list for a long time, Royal ;).


Oh, and if I happen to sound like I'm in a bad mood in this week and a bit forward, it's because I borrowed JK2 from a friend. And I am the worlds worst at FPS. And it is SO DAMN HARD!


setsuko: hmm... oooh, a bowcaster! Now I can kill some imps!


imperial probe droid: bzzzt, target is approaching, intercept!


setsuko: take this, and this, and THIS! *fires bowcaster wildly*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt...whatta? I'm supposed to be dead by now. This is only the third level.


setsuko: I know, I know... *fires even more desperately*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt... hmm... hey, is it true that you are playing on the padawan level, designed for kids ages 5 and down?


setsuko: *sigh*, I know, I know... *out of shots, throws thermal detonators at probe droid*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt.... that's your thirteenth gaming hour, right?


setsuko: *grumble* yes... now come here, you #"¤%! droid! *wails across the entire room with the stun baton*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt... dammit, you really suck!


setsuko: I KNOW!

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setsuko: hmm... oooh, a bowcaster! Now I can kill some imps!


imperial probe droid: bzzzt, target is approaching, intercept!


setsuko: take this, and this, and THIS! *fires bowcaster wildly*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt...whatta? I'm supposed to be dead by now. This is only the third level.


setsuko: I know, I know... *fires even more desperately*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt... hmm... hey, is it true that you are playing on the padawan level, designed for kids ages 5 and down?


setsuko: *sigh*, I know, I know... *out of shots, throws thermal detonators at probe droid*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt.... that's your thirteenth gaming hour, right?


setsuko: *grumble* yes... now come here, you #"¤%! droid! *wails across the entire room with the stun baton*


imperial probe droid: bzzzt... dammit, you really suck!


setsuko: I KNOW!


LOL, try using secondary fire on the blaster rifle until you get a decent weapon, secondary fire thermal detonators are also useful for rooms full of stormies. They game gets a lot easier when you get your lightsabre!

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