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Fett models fix?


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bloodriot and absath did the models right?...


ok ... bloodriot.. are you the modeler?

i just wanted to know if youre going to fix the saber problem

i know i know... the fetts prefer guns anyway... but still

the saber points slightly into the wrong direction.. looks like a bone problem.. now if you do the red forward+attack thingy.. then the saber points slightly upwards... lowering the range and giving you a disadvantage in saber fights...

looks like you just assigned the hand vertices to te wrist bones or sumthin like that


plz try to fix that and release an updated version..

model is great.. i wanna use it but i'm a saber dueler and i'd prefer not to have any disadvantages :)

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no gonk, you are gravely mistaken. He's just tired of people whining and complaining, about bugs that are


A.) not a skinning problem which is his area of expertise


B.) they are both already aware of


or totally unrelated posts asking how to make a new model and skin, while having none of the programs or tools for doing either. Or people who say "When will this be fixed can i get this now thank you much. my e-mail jfladjfl@jfasfda.com Send to me now, okay I am fine bye now.


I mean after all, if these bugs are such a big deal, no one is stopping you from making your own more perfect models, in fact, im sure everyone will support you.

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well i was working on a replacement for the rather average skin. But then stopped due to the fact that i just couldn't be arsed to do it. You guys still might see a new skin for him tho. I agree about the saber problem bloodriot should fix that.



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Originally posted by MessiahErebus

no gonk, you are gravely mistaken. He's just tired of people whining and complaining, about bugs that are


A.) not a skinning problem which is his area of expertise


B.) they are both already aware of


or totally unrelated posts asking how to make a new model and skin, while having none of the programs or tools for doing either. Or people who say "When will this be fixed can i get this now thank you much. my e-mail jfladjfl@jfasfda.com Send to me now, okay I am fine bye now.


I mean after all, if these bugs are such a big deal, no one is stopping you from making your own more perfect models, in fact, im sure everyone will support you.


i hope youre not referring to me...

i didnt whine, i didnt post my email and i asked them kindly...

and i AM working on my own models :D


well anyways.. i hope he'll see this post and fix it..

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yeah i agree, dont create a competition between skinners (this isnt even a skinning problem). we're all here to give the community some kick arse models to play with. I think the problems should be fixed in the fetts, its a simple tag issue. the D.F.A move and back stab shouldnt be messed up, which is something that should be resolved. this isn't whining, this is... "beta" testing, cause obviously someone forgot to test 2 very commonly used moves. we're not asking the world of them, just that they re-release a great model with everything working correctly.


and hell, while they're at it, maybe they could find a coder to have it so when they jump, their rockets turn on. I dont think bloodriot and absath know how to do it (or they would have done it in the first place) so they could find someone who does. I'm sure there is a coder out there who would love to see the packs work when jumping.


just my 2 cents.

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I retract my poll, but who can argue that the janjo fett skin and the tyrion skins are just no more than average. Lets not fall into this touchy feely attutide of not giving real critizism, and tell the way it is. The same thing happened for the default aalya secura skin, it was "average" but no one said that more, but called it "great".

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nowhere did i say there was not a problem with the sabers...there clearly is. However it's a problem that has been known about since the day they were released. If blood decides to fix them, then you will get re-released ones, and if he doesn't well that is his choice. People bringing this up continually will not in any way speed up the process is all that i am saying. And the skins on both those models are good...so i don't know what exactly you are talking about.

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Well, right now it's a pretty sad waste...they're great models and they would have been classics, but hardly anyone uses them anymore because of the obvious errors with the saber animations.


I've heard this sort of "we'll make our stuff as broken as we like so STFU or make your own" business all too many times elsewhere (i.e. XWA Upgrade deliberaty leaving out the missile slots from their TIE fighter models, which singlehandedly screws up an official mission AND way too many custom missions for them to even consider doing it, for the sake of "continuity"). I know what to expect from this, which is nothing.


I'm doubting they'll get fixed, but the creators could and should do the community a huge favor and go the extra 1% to fix this bug.

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Originally posted by JangoFett41

who gives a f***? they look fine to me. And I don't give a s*** if the lightsabers don't look right. It works fine for me.


Besides, Jango Fett kicks ass. nuff said.


that all you got to say?


and its

Don't **** with the Jedi Master's Son

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Ummm why does Boba Fett and Jango need lightsabers? Aren't they like uhhh Bounty Hunters? And hasn't people ever told you if you complain and whine you don't get nothing =]



Now children please leave Absath and Bloodriot alone they have enough to work on

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I agree, they're pretty goos models that could have been great had the artists been willing to dedicate more time to their completion. As is, they're simply unfinished. You can get buy with saying Jango & Fett don't use guns, to a certain extent, but it's a bit of a stretch to use it to rationaize one's shortcomings in the modeling department. The Caps are a real problem--and one that just screams half-assed fan-made mod when they're cut in half.


Oh, and as for the wonderfull "If you don't like it, do it yourself" bit. Please. Stephen King writes a disapointing book, does he accuse the reading public with such a line? "What, you didn't like Black House? Well, look, there's paper and pencil out there--go out and write your own if you want better!"


Such an excuse is lame, really ****ing lame. If you create a work of art and sign your name to it, be it a novel or a JK2 model, stand by it and know that it's strengths are yours--as are it's failures.


- DT

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dude... i thought i might take a step into this one. Now i'm not sure about what kind of background some of you have in modeling for jedi knight 2, but honestly, it is not an easy prospect. Bloodriot and i, workign together, had to figure out how to import models. As some of the models out there will show, making caps for these things is not necessarily an easy task, as sometimes you end up with wierd errors even though everything looks correct on your model. The weighting of the bolt_r_hand part to the r_hand_tag bone was not something well known at the time, hell i even released vader with unworking caps, an improperly working saber, and such. I was fortunate to have the time and desire to update it, and i'd like to think it worked out for the best. On top of this, Arco made up a cool skin, for which i am grateful. However, with bloodriot and abs, they had been working on the model for every bit as long as i had vader, as well as honestly had put more effort into the skin than i had ever had. I don't like it when people attempt to discredit their work, because you know, you say having no caps screams half-assed fan-made work. Well, i don't know about half-assed but theyre definitely Fan Made, and Amateur, which also means we are doing this simply for fun. In saying this you also discredit Aayla Secura, the lady Brena model, and various other amateur productions released.

This is not a matter of shortcomings in the modeling department, more of an oversight in the final touches, that i admit i had missed on vader as well. Give them some credit, between spacermonkey, bloodriot and myself, we were the first ones to put models into the game, and it was a learning process. I do understand your point is "why haven't they gone back to fix it" but from my take of it they were simply sick of dealing with jango fett, especially with all the episode II hype at the time. Cut them some slack and relax a bit, you will live longer




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Well, I assue you I'm not one of those who has in the past or will in the future spend all my time hastling Model-builders on these boards--be it "when is this getting fixed?" or the ultra-annoying "I NEED THIS MODEL NOW!"


And I certainly admire the work that has been done by you and others--the Mandy models are, on the outside, quite lovely to behold. But I also don't beleive in unfair praise. The mandy models came out, I made sure to point out their faults along with saying they looked nice. The same thing with Aaula--I gave fair and honest feedback, the same feedback I desire in my won creative ventures. It was a great effort, near-perfect in many regards, but lacking. That said, my comments in this last post about bad caps looking half-assed and fan-made... those were ill-advised and I retract them. I've said before and I'll say now, the models look damn good on the whole.


And I can certainly see where one might wish or need to step away from a project for a week or two, even a month, before coming back to fine-tune it. Certainly, and I have absolutly no problem with that at all. Let them take their time. The "Do it and do it now!" posts that everyone likes to make annoy *me* and I'm sure they must annoy the moderlers.


What I strongly disagree with, and what stirred me to post again on the issue deal with two key points:


* The Idea that an artist doesn't have to improve his work.

* The Idea that an person who is not an artist himself or herself does not quite have the right to criticize or critique a work of art.


Now, I've seen enither idea put forth by you or one of the modelers in question, but I've seen posters express them. The first point is the artist's choice. Certainly, it's "finished" when they say it is--at least their hand in it. But as I've aid before, this doesn't give room for their model to be "compelte" or "perfect."


The second idea is the kind of BS one encounters in eveyr medium of art--I have seriously seen the opinion expressed by pro-wrestlers about their in-ring performances. The idea that one somehow can't judge a product unless they themselves have produced as well. Certainly, one cannot have quite the same appreciation for the work that goes into the creation of a wrestling match, paiting, novel, or JK2 model if they have not done the work themselves, but it in no way prevents them from passing fair judgment on the finished product.


But one again, these are things I've heard not from you or the other modelers in question, but just from the board in general. But let me be fair and say again the at models are largly great with just a few annoying small points.


Good luck with them and future ventures,


- DT

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hi there

glad you're not one of those people who takes this kind of stuff for granted and insist others do all the work for you. i do appreciate good constructive criticism and points like that saying "Not having the fully working caps detracts from the model's overall look and presentation" work alot more than "OH GOD THIS MODEL SUX FIX TEH SABER HE SUCKS LOL"

i do understand the points you make, and honestly to me those things do stand out in my mind as well, missing caps, incorrect tag assignment - that is why i released the vader update, no?


having them as complete as possible including caps, etc, and proper deformation makes the models look as close to the original models done by Raven as possible, and every bit counts towards this.

and to me it is the *DO IT NOW* posts that bother me as well. i haven't received any like that so far, and with vader i did realize the errors, acknowledge them and fix them within several days.

The more posts i see of people saying "DO IT NOW", the less likely they are to do it. If the requests are civil and polite i'd like to think that they will help the situation more, and make the guys more likely to update their mandalorian pack, if they choose to.



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